Politics And Pokegirls
323 AS... Around the world Pokegirl sympathizers have made their presence and feelings known with increasing numbers and steady decline of the "Pure" humans as Bloodgifts and Pokegirl traits become commonplace. Pokegirls are enjoying more freedom and rights than ever before while Threshold becomes less of a life-changing event. Some of the most hopeful even claim that Parity might even be within reach.
...Except in a few notable Leagues that try their best to stop the tides of change...
Crescent League is one of those places.
Dropped off by what most assume was a G-Splice, the only clue to his heritage is the name "Zadimus" and his draconic traits. Will he and his brothers manage to overcome the prejudice on an entire League to allow him and his childhood sweetheart to live their lives in peace?