The Graveyard: Where plot bunnies come to die
The Graveyard
Where plot bunnies come to die
Forward: This is to be a file containing half-baked plot bunnies and odd ideas which may or may not be continued at any point. If you like something, please let me know, and maybe it will be continued (not likely). If you think it is stupid, rest assured that it will probably never be finished. Some will be set in Prime, some AU, and eventually some NEXT. If it appears to be non-canon, just pretend the author meant it to be AU and totally did not overlook some minutiae about Prime.
Disclaimer: One may or may not encounter ideas held or actions taken by characters which are either, upsetting, amoral, immoral, sickeningly goody-two-shoes, annoying, bizarre, abnormal, or simply insane. Although, if the idea is insane, the character might have a disorder. E.g., there may be a dictator or racist in a story. This does not mean the author agrees with them, rather it means the author felt like writing about it.