This work is fiction. The work has no relationship with any person existing at any time anywhere whether real or imaginary or copywritten. Everything in this work is mea culpa.
This work is the property of Kerrik Wolf (saethwyr@ (SPAM) hotmail.com). Please remove (SPAM) to contact me.
You should not read this work if you are under the age of legal consent wherever you reside. This work may or may not contain any and/or all of the following: death, dismemberment, violent acts, implied sex, explicit sex, violent sex, rape, cannibalism, blasphemy (depending on your religion), BDSM, torture, mimes, and just about anything unwholesome that you could consider.
The pokegirl universe was first documented by Metroanime and to him all of us who reside or visit there owe a debt of thanks.
Feedback is encouraged. I enjoy hearing from people. Positive feedback will be appreciated, cherished and flaunted in front of people. Negative feedback will be appreciated, cherished and listened to, that I might continue to grow. Flames will give me a good laugh. Feedback may be delivered to: saethwyr@(SPAM) hotmail.com. Please remove (SPAM) to contact me.
(08/06/06 0800 Falmouth, Tropic League)
“What about in here, sir?” Veronica pointed at a dingy building that was missing a third of its roof and all of its windows. The valkyrie’s ash blonde braid flopped over her shoulder as she looked back at him. “We haven’t been in there yet, unless you did so before you found me.”
“No, we haven’t investigated that place yet. We’re blocking the doors after we visit to keep ferals out or at least let us know if they break in behind us. We’re also putting notes on the wall to let us know if there’s anything in there we want to get later or not to bother going back inside if there’s not.” Caradoc reached up and clapped her on the shoulder. “Good job. Let’s go see what’s in there.”
Veronica blushed at his words. “Yes, sir.” She was wearing a crop top and matching shorts of unbleached cotton and he could admire the way the flush went below the collar of the shirt. She was still unused to his praise, but he’d found with Naomi and Shima that it was a powerful motivator. That it also seemed to be true with his newest harem member was good to remember.
The door of the building was jammed. Veronica summoned her sword and paused. “Would it be better if I tried to pull it open first instead of cutting it down?” Without waiting for his answer, she drove the point of the sword into the jamb. Metal shrieked as she used her enhanced strength to pry the recalcitrant door open.
“Isn’t that hard on your sword?”
Veronica gave him a surprised look. “It can be, but every time I create my sword it becomes new again. It’s the same with my armor and shield.”
He chuckled. “That’s very nice. It’s a pity you can’t create the tools I need.”
She broke into an honest grin that made her face soften from its usual harsh tones. She wasn’t unattractive to him, but the structure of her face was flat and angular, with nothing to soften the hard lines. Even her blue eyes were agate cold. They only seemed to warm up when they were having sex. “Yes, sir, that would make all of this unnecessary.” She spun the sword in her hand and it vanished, only to reappear along with her shield. “I need to clear the building before you can enter, sir.” The fact that she hadn’t summoned her armor suggested she considered it unlikely that she’d encounter anyone.
That was the same pride that had gotten her captured in the first place and Caradoc was determined to stop that behavior. “Armor too.” When she started to protest, he firmly overrode her. “That’s an order. I don’t want you to get injured if we can avoid it.”
She dismissed her shield and touched her necklace. Instantly, heavy plate armor covered her body and head. “Yes, sir.” Bishop noted with satisfaction that she sounded pleased over his concern. Her shield reappeared in her left hand and she shouldered the door open as she stepped into the building. A handful of crows screamed a warning and dashed out of the front window.
He cocked his head and listened. Bishop had handled her shield and sword and found them to be as heavy as he’d expected. That, along with the bulk of her armor, made her agility with them all the more surprising. She made little noise and the best he could do to track her was to listen to the sounds of the floor complaining as she crossed it.
A few minutes later she reappeared and gave him a shy smile as she dismissed her gear, keeping only the sword and the scabbard she wore. The sword slid home with a steely noise. “I think you’re going to be pleased, sir.”
“With you? So far, I am.”
She blinked and turned red again. “I mean with this place, sir. There’s some glass on the floor so you may need to watch your footing.” She gestured him inside.
Caradoc paused inside the building and whistled softly. The place had apparently sold farming supplies. The back of the room had been for seed and torn open bags of it were strewn around haphazardly. The size of some of the feathers indicated that some flying pokegirls had accessed the building at one time.
However, they hadn’t been interested in the racks of farming implements in the front of the shop and those had been relatively undisturbed since the owner had barred the door to prevent looting. While bird droppings covered some of them, there wasn’t any damage that couldn’t be easily fixed. “This is perfect. I think I’ll be able to replace all of the tools the Henry’s took and still have more for the elves.”
“Do they use human tools, sir?”
“Sometimes.” Caradoc spied something against one wall. “Wow, if we had gasoline I might be able to get that chainsaw working. Pity we don’t.”
Veronica gave him a curious look. “Sir, the elves can fell trees far faster than that could and all it would do is be loud and smell bad. What would you use it for, to attract ferals? The sugarcane will do that.”
“When you put it that way, it’ll stay right where it is.” Caradoc looked over rest of the tools and started laughing. When Veronica looked at him quizzically, he sobered. “I was suddenly amused that the sight of rust free hoes, shovels and axes could bring me joy. I don’t have to clean them all.”
“You could teach us how to restore them, sir.”
He nodded. “I could and I will. It’s just that the last time I had to do this I didn’t have all the help. Shima was busy with Winona and Naomi needed to stand guard while I worked.” He looked around critically. “Now that we have the Henry house available for storage, we’ll take them all.”
(08/07/06 0945 Bishop Farm, Tropic League)
“Master Caradoc! Master Caradoc!” The elf pounded to a halt and looked around frantically. “I need to report to Master Caradoc!”
Veronica grabbed her by the shoulders. “Are we under attack?”
“Then take a deep breath and calm down.” She looked over her shoulder. “Sir, you have a visitor.”
Bishop chuckled as he put the headphones down and hit the power button on the shortwave. “I hadn’t noticed.” He spun around in the chair. “Ivy, what is it?”
The elf looked pleased that he recognized her. They were sometimes hard to tell apart but he’d found the result worth the effort. “Sir, Cloud reports that a group of humans and pokegirls are coming up the road towards the farm, sir. She’s got them under surveillance and sent me to report. They’re probably a half hour away, sir.”
Cloud was one of the avariel and easily the brighter of the two. Caradoc looked at Veronica. “Get up there where you can see Cloud and keep her under observation in case she’s attacked by the humans. If you can’t find her or she’s attacked, get back here so we know to go to a war footing.”
Veronica swept past the elf as Caradoc turned his attention to her. “Good job. Find Naomi and send her to me immediately.” He turned back to the radio as she ran off.
When Naomi and Shima arrived he was standing outside the radio building they’d converted from a shed. The elfqueen looked him over. “You have good news about our visitor and we’re not about to be attacked by the Black Rivers?”
“Montego just deigned to let me know that an expedition from Kingston was somewhere between Bog Walk and us. They’re pretty much on schedule, so it’s probably them. Cloud is monitoring their progress and Veronica is monitoring Cloud. As usual, I’m not sure where Sky is.”
Shima smirked. “Sky is digging ditches since she gets distracted in the air. I just came from there.”
“I’m glad we’re getting some use from her.” He looked at Naomi. “I wouldn’t mind so much if she didn’t expect to loaf all the time and get fed from our stores.”
The elfqueen ran her fingers through her emerald hair. “When I have her get pregnant, I’m hoping her offspring turn out better than she is. Otherwise her usefulness is going to go way down.”
“I’m still working to understand how elf courts work in general and what you’re building here specifically, so that’s up to you.” He glanced upwards. “Naomi, have Veronica see if she can get an approximate count of our visitors. If there aren’t too many of them we’ll put them up in the Henry house.”
“What about me?”
“Shima, you get to keep an eye on me since it never hurts to be cautious. In the same spirit of being prepared, Naomi, once you talk to Veronica I want you to get the elves into the woods and ready to fight. You stay out there and command them. You’ll also have Winona.”
“Yes, sir.” The elfqueen headed off at a trot.
Forty minutes later, a rumbling sound was heard and soon afterward a wagon hove into view. It was pulled by a tremendous centaur pokegirl with dark gray skin and black hair. A thick horn curved out of her forehead.
That’s a rhynodame. They’re very powerful, completely vegetarian and slow. Rhynodames are rock types and weak to plant pokegirls.
The driver waved and yelled something lost in the distance. An outrider riding a pokegirl that vaguely resembled an ostrich raced past the wagon and headed their way.
He’s riding a chocoboob. There was a feeling of amusement from his twee. The names these things have. The green feathers indicate that this one has become a plant type and is very effective in jungles and forests. That makes perfect sense here.
Shima put herself between Bishop and the newcomer as the rider pulled his chocoboob up in front of them.
The rider eyed Shima disdainfully. “Out of my way.”
“Until I know who you are, she’s just fine right there.” Bishop nodded to the man as he frowned. “I’m Caradoc Bishop and I’m the administrator of the Falmouth region. Who are you?”
Surprise flickered across the man’s face. “Administrator Bishop, I am Felix Hernandez, from Kingston. We’ll need a place to stay for the night and we’ve got some injured.”
“What are your numbers?”
“There are seven of us. Two are hurt. We had an encounter with some ferals during the night.”
Caradoc gave him a puzzled look. “We’ve been told there were sixteen of you.”
Felix shrugged. “If you count the pokegirls we do, but who counts them?”
Bishop swallowed his next words and instead pointed at the Henry house. “You’ll be staying there. When you’re settled, I’ll come by and look at your wounded. I’ve got some great grapes, so you might as well let me see any injured pokegirls too.”
“We’ll need food.”
“I’ll make the arrangements. They’ll be at the going rate and I don’t want you to let your rhynodame or other grazing pokegirls in the fields. We’ll bring them some food along with everyone else.”
Felix twisted around in the saddle to look across the fields. “Is that sugarcane?”
“It is and some will be provided with your meal. How far away did you encounter these ferals and what were they?”
“Some kind of cat pokegirl hit us at our last camp. We had to leave and travel through the night, so I’m not sure how far it was.”
“Shima, let Naomi know that our guests will need hot baths and ask her to detail a hunting party to backtrack a little way and make sure the ferals didn’t follow them.”
The nightmare glanced over her shoulder. “What about the others?”
“Keep them busy where they are for the time being.”
Shima nodded to show she understood he wanted them kept on alert until the visitors left. “I’ll take care of it, sir.”
“Thank you. Mr. Hernandez, if you’ll come with me I’ll show you where you’ll be spending the night.” He smiled mirthlessly. “While we head over there I’ll let you know the ground rules for your stay. Please don’t break any of the rules.”
(08/07/06 1730 Bishop Farm, Tropic League)
They were sitting in the living room of the house. Overhead, an oil lamp was turned down low in preparation for the coming darkness. They didn’t have furniture, but some of the elves had stitched together floor pillows for them to sit on and they lay scattered around the room. On one of them, Winona giggled and struggled in her mother’s arms as Shima tickled her daughter. Veronica watched the play with a faint look of amusement before she looked over at Bishop, who was sitting on the hardwood floor wearing a patient expression as Naomi used a pair of scissors to try and even up his hair. The valkyrie looked down at her hands. “I understand that there some unattached human women over at the Henry house. Will you be going over to there tonight, sir, to have some human company?”
Naomi paused in her snipping as Shima looked up. Caradoc lifted his head to look up at his elfqueen and when he was sure she wasn’t getting ready to cut more hair, shook his head. “I’m fine right here. I’m with the women I choose to be with.” He gave the valkyrie a direct look. “I’m with my family. Besides, contrary to rumor, the pussy of a human woman isn’t all that different from that of a pokegirl, at least not most of the time.”
Naomi pushed his head back down and readied her shears again. “Their company might be different from ours.”
“Is this some kind of pokegirl thing that you keep encouraging me go off and be with other females? First it was Nancy and now it’s some strange woman from Kingston. If I were one of my pokegirls, I think I’d be more jealous and try to keep me from looking at other women.”
Naomi chuckled as Veronica looked surprised. The elfqueen pursed her lips and answered his question with another question. “And with you, as a pokegirl of yours, just how would you go about making sure that your virile, sexually active tamer didn’t go after other women? Remember, you’ve seen him trying to get other women in his bed.”
“I did?” He grimaced. “I mean, you did? When?”
“I distinctly remember you flirting with Nina.”
“Commander Jordan’s secretary? Wolf’s blood, I wasn’t trying to bed her. She’s his secretary and everyone knows that secretaries have the real power. They know all of their boss’s secrets. You keep them happy and your life is a lot easier.”
Shima looked up. “You let her handle our daughter. What did you intend with her?”
“I needed to get that tradesman paperwork. She lit up when she heard there was a child downstairs and I told her to go down and see you and Winona to make her happy. If she never touches Winona again, I’ll be perfectly fine with it. I had to become a tradesman because, as a tradesman, it’s much less likely that someone will try to take one of you from me.” He smiled. “And on a personal note, it makes it much less likely I’ll have to murder someone, which is what will happen if anyone tries to take any of you from here unless she wants to go. That’s why I threatened Felix and his people with horrible things if they so much as looked at the elves.”
Veronica snorted. “They can take Sky.” Shima and Naomi looked at her and began laughing.
Even Caradoc chuckled. “I don’t know what Sky’s reasoning is about her obligations to us in regards to our obligations to her, but she’s under my care too. Now, if she wants to go with someone, or even strike off on her own, I’ll be more than happy to put my blessing on the event. Until and unless that happens, she’s one of us.”
Veronica pulled on her braid. “I think she was decanted early and her brains didn’t finish developing.”
Bishop glanced at the door. “While I agree she’s not like the others, I don’t want you insulting her. Especially not where she might hear and get her feelings hurt. Yes, she’s lazy. Yes, she’s not the smartest person here. But to be honest, there are a lot of people in Montego who are just like that. We just need to figure out how to motivate her.”
“Yes sir, I’ll try not to insult her anymore. As for motivation, that may prove difficult. She likes to fly.” Veronica reached for a pitcher of water and poured herself a glass. “That’s all she likes to do.”
“Well, we do need an aerial survey of the area. Think she’s up to that?”
“I don’t know, sir. We can try.”
Shima gave him a curious look. “If you’re not going to bed one of the visitors, who are you going to bed tonight?”
All three pokegirls came alert and looked at him expectantly.
Caught off guard, Bishop played for time. “Suddenly, I have decision anxiety.”
Naomi chuckled and leaned her warmth against his back. “Choose Veronica,” she whispered into his ear. “And if you’ll give me a few minutes, I’ll put the restraints on the bed for you two.”
Shima was watching the elfqueen with narrowed eyes. “I don’t think that’s fair to influence him that way.”
“Tough.” Naomi slid to her feet. “You need to decide, Caradoc.”
He made a show of thinking. “What you were doing was very nice, but I think I’d like to spend the night with Veronica, if she’ll have me.”
Naomi tossed the scissors down next to him. “I don’t have to put up with this.” She swept from the room as Shima stared in shock.
Veronica recovered from her surprise first. “Thank you, sir. I’d like that.”
Caradoc looked at Shima. “Problem?”
The nightmare snorted. “As long as Naomi hanging all over you didn’t make you choose her, no.”
Caradoc slid to his feet. “I need to make a last tour around the farm. Veronica, would you walk with me?”
She rose and shook her head. “I must guard you, sir, if it’s just us, but I’d still be honored.”
The walk around the property was uneventful and, once back at the house, he led her into his bedroom. Her eyes flickered when she saw the restraints had already been fitted to the bed. “You intended to pick me all along,” she said with a note of surprise in her voice. “I thought you just wanted to put Naomi in her place.”
“You thought wrong,” he murmured as he pulled her in for a gentle kiss. It gradually deepened and her arms went around his neck. His hands slid down her back and up under her blouse and she shivered at the feel of his skin against hers. She jerked when he cupped her breasts and then leaned forward to press them into his hands.
He rolled her nipples between his forefinger and thumb and she moaned deeply. Her arms tightened until he gasped for breath. “Easy,” he murmured against her lips.
“Sorry,” she whispered and tried to step away from them to give him room. He moved with her and pressed her against the side of the bed as he lifted her blouse up her body, breaking the kiss just long enough to slide the blouse over her head and toss it to the side. Then his mouth was on hers again as his arms slid around her body.
Veronica’s eyes slid closed and she sighed as he slid around to nibble her earlobe. She tilted her head and he took advantage of the moment to kiss his way down the line of her throat. His fingers fumbled at the drawstring of her skirt and then it slid over her hips to pool on the floor.
She pushed him gently away long enough to grab the bottom of his shirt and drag it up and over, tossing it behind her as she kissed her way down his throat and sucked a nipple in her mouth. He hissed in pleasure and gathered her head in his hands.
She slid her fingers through the line of hair that ran over his stomach and undid his pants. She pushed them over his hips and down his body as she knelt, her eyes looking up into his as she urged him to step out of them one leg at a time. “Veronica,” he started to say, when she shook her head to silence him.
“I have to do this now because I won’t be able to when I’m in the restraints, sir.” She leaned forward and blew along his hardness, the warmth making it jump uncontrollably. Her tongue made a slow circle around the tip and then she leaned forward, taking him into her mouth. Her hands gripped his thighs as she sucked him until his breathing became ragged and he pulled her head away.
He lifted and pulled her to her feet, only to pick her up and lay her on the bed. His eyes were bright as he kissed her hungrily, stealing the breath from her lungs. “Grab the hand restraints.”
She took them in her hands and her body arched when his lips closed around her nipple. He sucked, drawing it into his mouth and she arched upwards to push it against his mouth. He pulled away, maintaining the suction so the nipple came out with a popping noise and quickly inhaled her other nipple.
As he suckled, she was dimly aware of him fastening her wrists into the restraints, but it didn’t really register until he sat up and she jerked her arms against them to try and keep him from stopping. He slid onto the bed and kissed the valley between her breasts before his tongue drew a line of fire down her stomach. He slid down the bed as he kissed her navel and she trembled when he pressed his lips to the juncture between her thighs.
Then he sat up and lifted her right leg to kiss his way from her ankle to her knee. He winked at her and she smiled as he fitted her leg into the restraint. When he put her left leg into the restraint he gave her a wicked smile and licked her toes. She jumped. “It tickles.”
He went back to her stomach and lapped his way down it and between her legs. Veronica cried out and jerked in the restraints when found her liquid heat with his mouth and began laving it with long powerful strokes of his tongue. Metal creaked as he brought her higher and her moans became a scream when she came. “Please,” she gasped as she fought for breath.
Caradoc pressed his body against hers and slithered up to kiss her hungrily as he nudged himself against her wetness. She raised her hips in invitation and he slid his length inside in one smooth motion that ripped a cry of pleasure from her throat. His hands gripped her hips and lifted her to allow him to drive into her as deeply as possible. He stroked into her powerfully and she raised her hips as much as she could to meet each thrust. Each time he buried himself in her, her cries grew louder and louder until her body went into convulsions beneath his as he drove her over the edge.
Bishop gradually moved faster and faster as he felt his orgasm building. He managed to bring her over again before he buried himself as deeply as he could and spilled his seed into her, his face pressed into her chest as they both panted for air.
He slowly pushed himself upright and released her from the restraints. Veronica immediately pulled him against her and almost wrapped her body around his as she burrowed against his skin. She rolled him underneath her and smiled down at him before proceeding to lick the sweat from his neck and chest, savoring the taste of him.
He chuckled as she moved lower and stopped her with a gentle pressure. “If you do that, you’ll have to go back into restraints.”
She gave him an impish look and licked his stomach, making it jump. “I’d like it if I didn’t have to, but if that’s what it takes, then so be it, sir.” Then she continued down his body.
(08/08/06 0800 Bishop Farm, Tropic League)
Felix looked up from where he was brushing his chocoboob as Caradoc strode up. “Don’t worry, Bishop, we’ll be getting on the road in about half an hour.” Teeth glittered whitely against his dark skin as he grinned. “We’d have been gone earlier, but your elfqueen’s lure of a hot bath for everyone proved irresistible.”
Caradoc noted that the chocoboob was still damp and returned the smile. “We remember what a luxury it is when you’re on the road.” He held out a piece of paper. “If you’ll please sign this before you leave.”
“What is that?”
“It’s the chit I’ll present to Commander Jordan for reimbursement for your upkeep.”
Felix blinked in surprise. “You’re charging him for this?”
“I am indeed. He doesn’t provide any of the food or supplies you received. It all comes out my pocket and if I don’t bill him, he’ll eventually try to station someone here to explore Falmouth or patrol the area and I’ll end up giving them provisions for free. That’s not going to happen.” Bishop shrugged. “Besides, he agreed that was fair since I don’t draw a league paycheck.”
“Let me get this straight, you’re the administrator and you don’t get paid?”
“I’m the only person around for dozens of kilometers. I’m the administrator by default. Still, since he doesn’t pay me, he’ll be hard placed to justify replacing me with someone else.” Caradoc grinned. “My farm is my income and since I’m not paid, I can argue that it needs to come first, unless of course there’s a dire emergency.”
“Of course,” Felix echoed. Then he gave a toss of his shoulders and signed the paper. “I hope you’re not billing him too extravagantly.”
“I’m not. It’s the going rate for supplies. He’s actually happy with the arrangement since I want to be paid in gold and he’s got a bunch of that.”
“I’m not. It’s the going rate for supplies. He’s actually happy with the arrangement since I want to be paid in gold and he’s got a bunch of that.”
Felix made a rude face. “Everyone does. It’s worthless.”
Not in Haven.
Caradoc ignored his twee. “I’m speculating for the future. I think that someday gold will become valuable once again and therefore I’m willing to take a chance on it.” He handed the paper to Naomi, who rolled it up and put it into her belt. “Should I expect you back anytime soon?”
Felix ran the brush over his chocoboob one last time and put it away. “If things go according to schedule, we’ll be heading back to Kingston in about a week. Oh, I’ve got some news you might be interested in.”
“What’s that?”
“The Kingston police tangled with the Black Rivers the day before we left. They lost a couple of officers and pokegirls, but they claim to have inflicted major losses on the Rivers.”
“How accurate do you think that report is?”
Felix shrugged. “I figure they killed a couple and lost a couple before the Black Rivers broke off contact with them. The police didn’t bother to pursue them. They don’t have a lot of pokegirls yet.”
“Which way were they headed?”
“Nobody knows. It’s rumored that they have a base somewhere in the far western portion of the island, but nobody has ever found it.”
“Or they did and didn’t report back,” Naomi muttered.
Felix heard her and nodded. “Or that.”
She looked at the ground. “Sorry, sir, I didn’t mean to speak out of turn.”
“It’s ok. I’m not one of the hardasses and obviously your tamer isn’t either.” He patted his pokegirl on the shoulder and she transformed into her travel form and knelt for him to climb onto her back. “I’ve got to go get the others ready and then we’ll see you in a week or so. Stay safe.”
“Good hunting.” Caradoc watched Felix ride toward the Henry house before turning to Naomi. “What do you say we send out another call for elves and set ours to actively patrolling the area? I don’t want to get surprised if the Black Rivers come here.”
The elfqueen looked thoughtful. “I can have teams make sweeps in a ten kilometer radius. It’ll stretch us thin and will definitely cut back on the progress here.”
“If the Black Rivers kill us all, it won’t matter how much progress we’ve made at that point.”
“That’s an excellent point, sir. How many teams should I send out?”
“Are you thinking two elves or three per team?”
“All of them have living bows and quivers. Two per team should be sufficient for them to deal with any single feral or break contact and get back here without loss if they run across anything more powerful.” She cocked her head. “Should I give them pokeballs for capturing?”
“I think so. We can use the ferals for trade and that’ll allow them to stay out on a regular patrol even if they catch one. Give each team one of the radios we bought, too.”
She nodded. “With two elves in a team, I’ll have two teams out at a time and rotate them out. I’ll issue instructions for them to avoid contact with humans and report back here if they find any. We’ll still have four elves plus ourselves to aid them or defend the farm if something slips through.”
“That should work.”
“Then, sir, I’ll send out the first two teams in the morning.”
Caradoc Bishop - Tirsuli human
Naomi - elfqueen
Shima - nightmare
Veronica - valkyrie
Winona - nightmare pokekit