Author's note: This chapter presumes that you are familiar with Kerrik Wolf's story, Into the Fire and uses characters and situations from it with his permission. If you have not read it, you should.
Pokemon is a copyright of Nintendo. Pokègirls and Pokèwomen come from the Pokewomon Forum at
"Wild Horses and Pokègirls" is the creation of Metroanime.
C&C, MSTs are welcome E-mail:
"This is a drill. This is a drill. Fire on the boat deck. All hands lend assistance," came from the 1-MC, "Fire on the boat deck. All hands lend assistance. This is a drill, this is a drill."
Janus looked up from where Roxanne was snuggled up against him. 'All hands' and a drill means just the ship's company. 'All personnel means everybody, he remembered the instructions from the Captain, 'The drills have to be real, and we have to let the newcomers make all the mistakes.'
Roxanne snuggled in and drifted back to sleep. Kelvin read over notes to a story he was writing. Weird, writing got me into this mess, so I haven't picked up a pen and paper to write creatively in months, he thought as he went over the scene. Shook his head. Thought so, where did that character enter? Four walked in, five are talking, he added a note that the fifth character was in the now-not empty room, when the four entered. The Doctors, Kay and 'The Spanish Inquisition' had declared a day of rest, for Kelvin and his Harem. Imagine, no one trying to kill me, the Megami have strict orders to leave me alone . . . and I'm bored, he thought ruefully, I should go down to my cabin and enjoy Roxanne's company more actively, but I don't feel like it and if she and Aurora want to sunbathe, along with Acer, then I guess I'll live with it. A bevy of beautiful, willing ladies, and I'm bored. Because they want to rest rest, and I want to do something. He stretched, enjoyed the happy noise Roxanne made in reply, and went back to thinking, I guess this is like the last Sunday afternoon of a vacation, you want to get done all the 'useful' things you had in mind, but all anyone else wants to do is laze it away.
He looked over to where the Megami were fumbling with the fire-fighting gear. He shook his head and ruthlessly strangled the impulse to rush over to help, not just Megami, but anyone showing that level of simple ignorance of the use of the equipment. No, they have to learn, he reminded himself.
The appearance of a massive 40+ foot long monster over the railing required just a moment's interest, as he saw she was one of the younger members of the Third Guards. The soaking wet Megami kit she deposited on the deck, went tearing off across the width of the ship, and dove off into the ocean.
The Battleform Tyrannodame let loose a sigh, and looked pleadingly at him. He looked back, selected a grape from the food tray and popped it in his mouth, made a big show of swirling it around inside, then spat it out in his hand. The huge Pokègirl looked at the glistening wet fruit, smiled and pushed off from the cruiser.
Kelvin regarded the plates and trays of food, he let out a long-suffering sigh of his own. At least some of them are learning, he thought And they talked to Angie, before they tried to sneak in and just shower me with gifts . . . again. Most of the food had gone to the Third Guards and his Harem. Diplomatically, he had a sample of absolutely everything that had been delivered, anonymously, to Angie. I know they're trying to show their appreciation, but it wasn't just me who worked our tails off to help them. He selected a cracker spread with anchovy cheese and savored it. Then he considered the equally toothsome morsel with her arms wrapped around his waist, and her legs entwined with his.
I'm not meant to sit around and just 'relax', he thought, Vacation still can involve doing something, he thought, as the Tyrannodame climbed up the side of the ship, opened her mouth and deposited the Megami kit on the deck. The kit looked like a cat that had fallen in a bucket. She currently hated the entire universe for the not keeping her free of Pokèslobber. While the kit stoically staggered off in search of a bath and a towel, the exhausted Tyrannodame changed to her human form, and collapsed on the deck. He let her rest and considered the sky and sea. That hunter-killer group after Kerrik worries me, and the fact I can't really deal with them, except through dreams. Maybe one of them will slip enough to let me find them in the waking world. Then I can deal with them more effectively than just trying to scare them to death. He turned his thoughts to them, and let himself doze.
The late afternoon saw Blossom approaching her Master as he walked to his cabin, leading Cheryl, Hannibal and Clarice. "We found them," the Tyrannodame said, "Although Underworld is currently with Dr. Marilyn, and the pair are recovering. Shana, Kamara, Jean, and many of the others are likewise indisposed, although more active about it."
" 'Recovering' and 'indisposed'? Sex and alcohol I suspect," he acknowledged, "I was hoping the 'hunter-group' was just Austin Drummond." He turned and rested on the bulkhead while listening.
"No, there are others," Blossom said.
"I thought we were supposed to be resting," he accused.
"We were," Hannibal said, "Knowing you weren't going to charge off and do something crazy is the best rest we've had since we've known you," the Angel said primly, "Clarice and I assured them of your quiescence under Roxanne's care."
He frowned at them, igniting chuckles. "Oh woe is me, I'm a burden to my Harem," he wailed, "What ever will they do with me."
"Two permanent guards and a regular sanity check," Blossom said.
He looked at the last member of the group. "Clarice, you haven't said anything yet."
She grinned at him, wobbled, and Angel and Blossom caught her before she could topple over.
"Most of the psychics and mages are in approximately that condition," Blossom explained and nodded back to Cheryl, who looked blissed out on good sex, or hard drugs, but was managing to remain upright.
"Are they maintaining a nocturnal or diurnal cycle?" he asked.
"Nocturnal, which means we hit them about high noon," Hannibal said, as she set Clarice in Cheryl's arms and the pair leaned against each other, both grinning wildly.
"Why do I get the impression half your ritual was Tantric in nature?" he asked.
"Most of it," Blossom replied, "I think even the Boobfin were completely sated by the experience."
She stared at them in amazement. "I'm glad you didn't include any of the humans," he admitted, "I doubt we would have survived."
"Probably not," Seadamar said as she came up behind him, escorting a sobbing Sabrina. The GunValkrie looked past her Master, and at Blossom. When Blossom nodded, she continued, "I think someone else would have been better as part of the ceremony, than wandering the ship."
Kelvin focused on the crying DildoQueen, her normally tomboyish clothes replaced by a dress that emphasize the unfemininity of her figure, and make-up that made her look more boyish than usual.
"I'm a Pokègirl," Sabrina said, then looked at him, "I'm your Pokègirl, Master? Isn't that right?"
"You're my Pokègirl, and you're part of this Harem," he said gently, but firmly.
"Go," Blossom told him. She managed to keep her disappointment from her voice and face.
"Hannibal please come with me. Blossom, Seadamar, please convey my request to the Captain, that the entire Third Guards be released from duty starting at 1100 hours tomorrow. And tell the Guards, that the hunting will be bag your limit, and I expect them all there."
Blossom grinned and nodded. Cheryl seemed to focus on Blossom and Seadamar leaving, and wandered after them. Clarice stared at Sabrina, and wandered over the hug the girl clinging to her Master.
Hannibal lead them through the ship to his quarters. Sabrina had managed to quit crying by the time they arrived. A pair of slacks and a work shirt, the DildoQueen's normal attire, waited on a hanger hanging from the handle of the hatch.
The instant the door was opened, Sabrina rushed to the desk and leaned over it. She pulled down the nylon hose and flipped up the skirt. "Take me Master, take me as your Pokègirl," she whimpered.
Clarice had sobered enough to get a washcloth and some towels from the small head and approached the DildoQueen as Kelvin stood her up.
"Let's make you comfortable first," he told her, "Get you washed, dressed and then thrown to my lecherous mercies." He was unhooking the dress as Hannibal gently cleaned off the makeup. Clarice just hugged the trembling girl, then glanced up at him and very lucidly shook her head.
Okay, I'll let you tell me later, he told her as he removed the dress and training bra she hardly needed. The frilly panties with the bulge was the only part that disturbed him. I always thought she looked more like a ballerina or a gymnast than her breed description would indicate.
Hannibal finished her cleaning, revealing the puffy-eyed face. He leaned down to kiss her, and she suddenly turned around.
"Like a girl, Master, please, only like a girl," Sabrina said.
"No," he told her gently, "Like what you are." He kissed her neck. "Like who you are." She shivered under his hands and kisses. "You are all and one, you are part of my Harem. And we take care of each other."
"Yes, Master," she said as she let him lead her to the bed Clarice was turning down.
"All of you," he reminded her,
"But you - don't -"
"I do," Hannibal said gently, as she lifted the smaller girl into the bed, "Master loves you, and wants the best for you. But you now understand how he feels sometimes."
"I'm sorry, Master," Sabrina offered as Hannibal slipped her head beneath the covers.
"I'm not," he told her as he slipped in behind Sabrina, "Let us please you for once, I'll be gentle."
"I wouldn't mind it a little rough," she replied coquettishly, "TEETH!" she squealed, then relaxed, "That feels, kind of nice."
"We love all of you," he told her, "Not just parts of you."
"Even the part, oh, that you don't want me sticking in you, oo ahh."
"I reserve the right to do the sticking," he said as he reached between her legs, "Because - I'm - greedy."
Sabrina laughed at that, then moaned as the moving lump under the blankets worked her magic on her.
He stepped outside his cabin, not sure what the time was. He glanced back at Clarice and Sabrina locked in an embrace, with Hannibal surrounding both with her wings. Blossom waited outside with Aurora and a very angry Shana. Neither of the two looked like they wanted to talk.
Blossom immediately gave him a kiss before he could apologize for interrupting her afternoon/evening. "The Captain said, 'yes' and . . . the girls who did this are being transferred to the Galvis Bay, with an equal number of their best performers being moved here."
"You know what happened?" he asked, "Clarice has been . . . closed-mouthed."
"Performance anxiety, and a some Megami-typical bullying. 'You really should wear girl's clothes, you really should wear make-up, you -' You get the idea. The rest of the crew has been informed, and the Captain is looking into anyone who knew what was happening, and failed to report it. They take their reputation as being good hosts very seriously."
"I'm glad they're out of easy reach. It's too tempting to want to hurt them back."
"They have been disciplined. The March Hare described, in clinical detail, her method of cutting them off from the Cosmic Awareness, and the effect it has. With Hazel providing more active color-commentary. Being diced and sliced carries less terror than not having the answers slotted into your head I gather."
"Have I -?" Another kiss interrupted him.
"Master, Rainbow and I are bi - sexual. You have a Harem of beautiful, kind and athletic girls who run the gambit of personal tastes. And you have given blanket permission for all of us to couple in any manner we choose, with as many or as few as we can entice into our bed. We have not felt deprived in any way, nor have the others. We enjoy each other, while still looking forward to occasional times with you. Rainbow and I have sold and donated our slots to those who needed, or asked, or helped. We are content with the quantity and quality of servicing. You have most assuredly not disappointed us."
"Thank you," he said gratefully.
"You've been badly hurt, before you came here, I mean."
"Does it show?" he asked as they walked through the corridors. Aurora and Shana seemed more embarrassed than talkative.
"Not often, and not easily," the Tyrannodame said as she walked right flank rear, guarding even though it was not her duty now, "But you haven't Delta Bonded any of your girls, and your Alpha Bonds are tenuous, yet all your girls would lay down and die at your command," Blossom explained, "That leaves you as the one who cannot open up. You have the necessary empathy, but there's a hard shell around where you would let others feel empathy towards you."
"Why the sudden interest?" he asked and glanced at the other two.
"I wish to kill the one who hurt you, and parade her corpse before you," Blossom said, "To prove that you can trust us. Females."
He caught the other two nodding in agreement. "Not her's, theirs. And you're too late in a number of cases," he told her as she leaned against him, resting her head on his shoulder, "And that's part of the problem. And it wasn't - I wasn't a specific target. They were just lashing out at whatever drifted into their orbit. I mistakenly thought I could help and be different."
"Was your love not enough, or too much, was their pain to great, or did you miss some clue. You shouldn't torture yourself with such questions. Some throw themselves into danger to see who will rescue them. Other, becasue they hate their lives. And still others, to destroy anyone who would think rescue was possible," the Tyrannodame said as she held him, rubbing her cheek against his neck, "I do not need to be psychic. I only need a nose, and to watch you. You and Kerrik are the same, you bottle up your anger at a world which has hurt you. Because if you struck back, no force could have stopped you. You fear that you could and shall do the same here, unless you are very careful."
He nodded. Then smiled at the matter-of-fact delivery by the Tyrannodame. "Probably true."
"And you do not understand Pokègirls, despite your knowledge."
He blinked. "How's that?"
"You have much knowledge, but you do not understand. If you commanded us, we would prevent you from doing such a thing. Pokègirls do want a chance to express themselves, but they wish to serve their Master in ways that the Master cannot accomplish," Blossom explained, "You could command us, to prevent you from destroying your enemies utterly and without mercy. We would find a way to distract you, or temper your orders, if that was your wish."
"I can order you to disobey my orders?"
Blossom and the other two nodded. "Oh course, and we would, even accepting punishment, or even death to fulfill your desires. It is part of who and what we are. We are not real, only our Master is real."
"Interesting philosophy," he commented as he frowned, "And unsettling."
Blossom ran her fingers lightly over his chest. "Proving you do not understand us, for all you know about us. Even bonded to Clarice and Hannibal, you cannot grasp that they would die, before they'd willingly see an enemy mar your skin. You value the decisions and rights of others to decide their fate, and are terrified, when they willingly abandon that fate to your whim."
"I tell you to fight, you fight, I tell you to kill you kill, and I tell you to die -" He hung his head, "You're right. I do know, but can't understand."
"We would die in batch lots, if that is what you desired," Blossom said, "You do not understand because you are naturally master of yourself. Not all humans wish for such a thing, and most Pokègirls do not."
"You make yourselves sound like automatons, robots with no dreams and desires of your own."
"Because our needs, dreams and desires entwine with yours. We want our Master's approval, and love, if our dreams enhance that, we pursue them fervently. If they are at odds, the dream is abandoned. Your girls are confused, because you encourage them to dream, but don't anoint their dreams. You expect them to follow them in their free time, but they really want you to participate and approve."
"They can't be a good baker unless I eat some of their bread?" he asked.
"Essentially, yes. You've show little bits and pieces of your fantasies, and many of the girls want to be a part of them. Naomi and Cheryl were dragged out of their former lives by such. As were Blossom and I. It is the state of all Pokègirls. You cannot change it, and you refuse to accept it."
"How stupid have I been?"
"It is curable ignorance," Blossom amended, "And perhaps the cure is not desirable, being aware of the condition is sufficient. And you fear. While I know the fears are groundless, I too have fears you would state are groundless, because you know your own heart. You are in the difficult place that you don't trust us inside your heart, yet if you let us in, you'd see we can be trusted."
"I've been burned too many times to readily accept that. And I don't want to be burned again."
"Then you should rely on Hannibal and Clarice to advise you." The pair had walked to the practice room. Inside, while Cheryl watched, Isaik seemed to be beating the crap out of small Megami. Only their headgear and gis gave any clue this wasn't just a beating. Then Kelvin realized who it was.
"That's that Megami-Sama I encountered that first day," he commented as a fast combination from Isaik flattened the little Sammy. The battered Celestial shook her head, adjusted her mouth guard, and clambered back to her feet. Then Isaik let loose a flurry of blows that knocked the girl down yet again. This time she struggled to rise. Isaik stood back, allowing the girl time and space to recover.
"Okay, that's enough," Cheryl said upon seeing him, "You need a lot more practice."
"I can - " the young girl slurred.
"The boss won't like it if I flatten you again with him watching," Isaik replied.
The Megami-Sama went beet-red as she stared at him.
"She wanted to join up. I thought this would dissuade her," Isaik said, and shrugged, "It hasn't worked."
"Isn't it my decision who comes and goes?" he asked.
"Sure, but it's also our job to make sure it isn't just some whim. I don't trust Megami, they get weird ideas in their heads and no way to understand why."
Cheryl frowned at that but let it go.
"Why would you want to join this circus?" he asked as the Megami-Sama as Isiak helped her sit down.
The girl stared at him as she removed the mouthguard. "Because you're the only person, who wasn't a pedophile, who gave a damn whether I lived or died," she answered angrily.
"Megami-Sama have very specific - "
"Not partho-birthed Megami-Sama," the girl replied, "You know the Card Captor line?" she asked.
He nodded.
"The . . . gentleman, who developed it, was called Clow Reed. He was a pedophile who wanted a superpowerful mage type, who was also a little girl. So he experimented. I'm one of the failures. Too young-looking."
"You look to be about nine, how old are you?" he asked, Blossom went and sat beside the girl.
"Counting the weeks I was awake and walking around, thirty-five."
He stared, and she laughed mirthlessly. "Yeah, I'm going to be stuck a kit until I die. Too young to be Tamed by most, and no chibi template. So I was only wanted by men and women, who wanted an underage toy. And I could feel that was their interest." She pulled off the padded headgear and grimaced at it. "Why do you think I got stuck in storage? Because I wasn't wanted."
"So why join us. You're way too young-looking for my taste," he admitted.
"I'm not 'young-looking', I am a kit. My systems never developed. I'll never go through my first puberty. I'll -" She broke down and began crying, but none of the others moved.
After a few moments, she shook herself. "I thought they were kidding about that," she said, then she was surrounded by the other Pokègirls and hugged. He selected a towel and began drying her sweat-soaked hair.
Isaik began healing the cuts and bruises she'd inflicted on the other girl. "He will decide, but none of us want a weakling as Harem-sister," she said, "And if you tried the usual, 'oh I've always been here', one of us would quietly slit your throat while you were sleeping."
The Megami-Sama just enjoyed the press of bodies and emotions, but she nodded.
"If you want her, she's yours," Cheryl said as the other girls broke away. The Megami kept the young-looking Megami-Sama in her lap, her arms and legs wrapped around her protectively. He wrapped the blanket around the Sama's head like a cowl. He looked at the smallr girl's more neutral hopefulness, to Cheryl's open pleading.
"Looks more like someone wants a sister," Isaik teased, and stuck her tongue out at Cheryl when the Megami blew a raspberry.
Kelvin noted that the small Megami-Sama watched all this intently. "Hungry for that?" he asked, making her blush, "When was the last time you were in a Harem?"
"From what I remember, never. I heard about them, I was with a lot of Clow Reed's other failed experiments."
"But you never formed a group," Blossom said, "All Megami? Or a mix of magic-types?"
"In the group I was with, all Megami and Megami-Sama," she admitted, "Most of us were caught up in the horror of what was being done, and what he was hoping to achieve. As well as what was done to us personally."
"I can imagine," he admitted.
She shook he head. "I don't think you can."
"You'd be surprised," Cheryl warned.
"The obvious question of Ferality raises it's ugly head," he said, "And keeping it away."
"I'm a kit, remember? The way you'd do it for a kit. Just - I was going to say 'play with me', but I think that can be interpreted as what Clow Reed did."
"I get the idea," he said a he stood. He looked at Isaik. "She gets the same deal as Jen. If she passes, she's in, if not, she goes to the crew." He turned and looked at the Megami. "If she works for your old bunch, Cheryl, she's chum. Like that assassin they sent."
"Yes, sir," the Megami said, then looked confused, "Wouldn't you already know?"
"Maybe, and maybe the decision hasn't been made. It's the same stupidity I tried with Hild, but I'll try again," he replied as he headed out.
Blossom followed. "Problems? Is she Alliance?"
"Of course problems, but she's not CA. I just want Cheryl to investigate that. The real problem, she's more daughter than Harem-sister. I just don't want the others poaching all the kits. The Des Moines will need the little ones."
In the distance they heard the squark of protest. Aurora finally spoke up, "There's also the idea that she may be more mothered than she cares to want."
"Although being compared to a HyperDoll didn't go down too well," Shana added.
He shrugged as Blossom settled into to their walking A-frame hug. "Her problem, not mine," he said, "She wants in, she has to fit in. That means making her own place. I'm not looking to fill up holes in a jigsaw puzzle, I'm prepping soldiers for war."
The wardroom was full of the Third Guards, and some of the crewmember Megami evos. Blossom looked around and hid her smile expertly. Being pleased at the wrong time also brought punishment, she thought as her Harem-sisters crowded the other Tyrannodames into the elaborate mystic circles that marked out the dreaming place, Maybe a little.
Don't drool too much, Clarice told her, You may have to fight for your position. And not just the Third Guards.
Blossom glanced at the grinning Penance and gave her a regal raised eyebrow, which sent the silent girl into raucous laughter. The others just stared at the odd sight and then at her Master. I don't need to be a telepath to see the hunger there, she thought, and felt elated that he deliberately walked over to her and put his arm around her shoulder. It helps he's tall enough that he doesn't look so tiny compared to me, she thought happily, Being tiny and helpless is for later.
Once everyone was inside, the mages checked the circles' integrity. Everyone was already laying down in their appointed places.
The sleep spell was not true sedation, it just took the edge off any tensions. Relaxation and calm came next as the lights lowered and the sounds of the ship lulled one to sleep.
Blossom raised herself up, and looked around the mixed terrain. Forest, grasslands cut with deep arroyos. She smiled. Perfect ambush country, she thought as the mages began appearing and waking. Then the Third Guards, or most of them.
"Okay, get set up, we'll summon them here, all we can get. Blossom, detail how you need, find a good ambush location, we'll prep it with an anti-teleport field and get good lines of approach. I want us at least half-a-mile from the bait."
"Problems?" she asked carefully.
He looked around nervously. "Let's just say I want to be able to slip away if something untoward happens. Like Sanctuary is on to us and is sending the 1st and 2d Guards in after us."
"They are Dameosaur units," Rainbow supplied, "And no match for your Harem alone. Let alone with the Third in support."
He looked at the collection of milling, and vaguely frightened Tyrannodames. "Who is supporting whom?" he asked.
After about half-an-hour of scouting, Blossom and Seadamar found the trench they wanted. It led into the woods, and gave them a good place to surround the bait. Once they were in place, the mages began their summoning.
"Why are the other Harems here?" Rainbow asked as she got the Guard situated and ready.
"Because we needed the magical resources," her Master explained. He was struggling to remain calm, but something was clearly disturbing him. Sight alone showed that. His scent was electric with fight or flight telltales. "And better they are with us, than potentially wreaking havoc in the waking world trying to help."
"Reasonable," she relented and growled at a girl who'd assumed her battle form. The huge creature squeaked and returned to her human form. "We hide and then strike," she growled. Rainbow nodded when the other girl nodded shamefully. "First real battle I suspect," Rainbow whispered to her Master. "And you need to calm down. Or you'll be hip deep in a Taming frenzy. Excited males are a delicacy, and you're smelling more delectable by the second." He blushed, nodded and finished his survey of the defenses, and their escape route. Eyes followed his every move, and the naked hunger their had nothing to do with solid food.
Blossom and Rainbow knew what to look for, and were enjoying every second of it.
The large box labeled 'Kerrik Wolf' was so obviously a trap, the collection of Pokègirls, but no obvious Tamers, approached warily, but still approached. The nervousness of their Master infected those of his Harem who were nearby. He scanned the group with a telescope. Then dropped fully into the trench.
He shook himself before coldly ordering, "Get everyone under cover," he managed as he sought the image the camera built into the telescope had captured. The girl was an odd-winged catgirl. The white stripes against the soft indigo of her skin was exotic. Her face, would have been beautiful, had she worn an expression other than humorless rage, was the mobile mask of a mad thing. "Crap," he whispered, then turned to the DildoQueen, "Sabrina, how many rounds would it take to get a round within ten feet of the target?" he asked earnestly. Down the trench, sergeants were ensuring the girls kept their heads down.
"With the 240mm? At the bait box? I can do that with the first shot," Sabrina said, nearly exploding with the next question she wanted to ask, but his expression precluded any interruption.
"It'll have to do. Get everyone flat on their stomachs, cover their heads and ears, but don't plug them, and open their mouths. The overpressure will be dangerous." He said as he reached into a Pokèpack and removed a single shell. "Please don't miss," he said earnestly as he handed it over.
The DildoQueen crawled away, cradling the shell.
"What's wrong?" Blossom asked.
"That's NeoAtmuff," he replied flatly, "This whole force is cannon fodder to her. But that round ought to do the job, or at least weaken her enough for the rest of us to do it."
Those close enough to hear blinked as they stared at him. "Mad Legendary," Blossom breathed, "And this was aimed at Kerrik?"
"Evidently," he said, "He may have managed Jenova, and kept Evangelion under control, but I don't bet on his chances against her."
Blossom nodded and moved off the pass the word. Her Master attached the camera to the telescope by cable and set the telescope at the edge of the tench, so they could watch without being seen.
Sabrina gave the thumbs-up, and sent the round on its way.
"That won't stop her," Seadamar said as she lay beside her Master, "She can die once a day, supposedly."
"Yes, and that's when we face her, before she can retreat," he said, "Maybe then she'll be in the mood to talk, or we can have the others read her mind. Isaik, get ready to drop the anti-teleport field."
The figure on the screen looked up, and hopped to the side, for all the good it did. The world went white and the telescope and camera flew over the opposite trench wall in the wind and heat that followed. A moment later the wind reversed, covering the girls in dirt and light debris, some still burning.
"Up and at her!" Blossom yelled as she leapt out of the trench. She landed in battleform, and raced towards the column of smoke that rose in the air to touch the doughnut like shape high above. Dozens of other Tyrannodames followed, then the others. Their Master was kept in the second rank.
The Legendary screamed her rage at the approaching force, who stayed well out of hand-to-hand range. "Who challenges me?!"
"No one," her Master called out to prevent any other answers. He had a clear line of sight on the Legendary, but Hannibal and Clarice stood ready. Jen and Underworld flanked them.
The Legendary stared. "So, an author challenges me?"
"No, mighty NeoAtmuff, I just wished to talk. If I had wanted to challenge, a second round would have followed the first. Your skills are such, than even this force is a toy against a battleship," he said politely, "I am merely curious, who could bend or flatter you to their cause, and why do you hunt Kerrik Wolf? Perhaps I can offer a better deal."
"Ha, Sanctuary has agreed to free me from my prison, and you ask too many questions. Get ready to fight!"
They vanished.
He woke feeling worse that he'd ever felt. Radiation poisoning of that level is psychosomatic. But according the Kerrik, so was the Red Plague. So I'd better get a full healing, for everyone.
The warm grip returned him fully to the waking world.
"Sorry for messing up the hunt," he told Blossom as she held him, "I know the squealing scurrying figures falling to your hunt groups was your wish."
"Having my Master nearly slay one of the most ferocious Legendaries is an acceptable alternative," the delighted Tyrannodame said as her arms, legs and tail grappled him.
"Tell the telepaths I want a report." He struggled to turn to face her. He grinned. "Now about the rest of the afternoon . . . "
The purring Tyrannodame carried him as she walked swiftly through the ship's corridors.
The council of war had only the allied Tamers, a few of their Harems and the senior officers of the Des Moines. It still filled the officers' mess. The mood was both somber and expectant.
Kelvin's Choice has uncovered a monster, and here's how we help him kill it, Clarice sent through the Recognition bond.
I was afraid of that, he send back the same way.
Jean laid down a map of a large camp. In exquisite detail, it laid out everything, from personnel, to power nodes, and especially, the prisons. "She's being held, in a modified storage bank, at Caomh Sith." The Alaka-Wham glanced at Dr. Marilyn, then Clarice and Cheryl.
"That's the layout I remember," the LoadMaster said, "But why there?"
"Because that's where they caught her," Dr. Marilyn said, "And that's where they are hoping she'll stay."
"I take it she's less mobile than what we encountered," Kelvin said.
"Her mind roves the area, dreaming but awake. She has surprisingly thorough intelligence of the area."
Private: Negotiation may be possible, but not advisable. And all this may simply be her delusions, Clarice told him.
"What options do we have?" he asked.
"We tell Kerrik," Miguelito exclaimed, "And we develop a plan to rapidly kill her twice. She was so insane her fellow Legendaries wanted her dead."
"How much of this information is inaccurate?" he asked the LoadMaster and Cheryl.
"All that was present when I went through there is accurate, but it could be her memories. This was a depot, for raw materials and the seriously wounded. They were processed medically, before being sent through various healing cycles. The prisons and storage banks were there and operational. The prison used to be the hospital, but it wouldn't have been too hard to make it a low-security prison."
"What about the guard force?"
"I have no idea," Cheryl said, "I was only there for a couple days, and while it had many people, most were leaving when I left. So they may have been transients. The layout of the grounds looks accurate, but I didn't sightsee."
"I did," the LoadMaster shifted uneasily on her hooves and looked at her friends, "And this is as accurate as pen and paper would allow."
"Who is the stronger dreamer?" the Captain asked.
Kelvin looked up. "Are you asking if I can kill her in dreams? I don't know if the shock of dying would kill her in a storage bank, let alone would it kill someone who has already died. I think I'd have to kill her twice in the real world. I doubt she'd be foolish enough to go back to sleep in the 24 hour recovery period. So killing her twice in dreams would only count as once."
"Could you negotiate with her, or allow someone else to?" the Captain asked, "She clearly hates the Celestial Alliance for imprisoning her. The other possibility is that the CA collected all those girls, as a guard force against when she slips her bonds and decided to fight the new strongest beings on the planet."
"They might have justified themselves with that thought," Kelvin said, "But I doubt that was their original motivation."
"Why are you suggesting negotiating with her?" Antoinette exploded, "She's insane, no deal reached would be honored! If you can, kill her, but don't release her on the world." She looked apologetically at Miguelito. "I'm sorry, but I would murder her in her sleep myself, to save the world from her murderous ways."
Miguelito nodded and kissed her hand.
"I know she'll betray. And when she does, it frees us from our bonds. However, a loose cannon on the enemy's deck will be of some use to us," the Captain said, "I also know that we don't have to release her, until we have a set-piece battle ready to fight. If I remember correctly, no traditional, big-gun warship ever engaged a Legendary."
"Except the Laloud," Guns said, "But that was an energy weapon. They survived some artillery, but nothing like what one, or two Des Moines-class can throw." Guns looked at Commander Genek. She nodded. More of the blue-tipped shells would be delivered.
"I'll - think about it. In the mean time, I have a letter to write," he said quietly.
The 'Kerrik mail' had arrived, along with a cargo container of Kerrik, Micah and Kelvin plushies. Before he could throw the container overboard, they'd been snatched up by the entire crew. Some even reaching the Galvis Bay. Homicide is a definite possibility, he thought, After all the 'he's not anatomically correct!' comments . . . he let that thought drift off, and wondered which among Kerrik's Harem had the idea which had sent Hazel and The March Hare seething with not having thought of it first. He called up the letter from Kerrik, and pushed aside the idea of leaving that clever man to NeoAtmuff's tender mercies.
Maybe just give her a Kerrik plushie, he thought, then frowned, Naa. Besides, who could I possibly beat up to steal one?
I'm glad you've recovered from what was fortunately only a temporary condition on your part. I can only hope you're not too upset at being forced to return to duties you may have been more than happy to give up.
I'm surprised that the crew of the Daisy Mae was so affected by my words, but I guess that not even Megami get unsought praise very often. I keep forgetting how much all pokegirls are treated like furniture by even the humans they help. All did I was give them an honest opinion of how much they've managed to do with the few toys the universe had given them for all of the years before you and Miguelito arrived to toss new things into the toy box. It wasn't all that much really, but I'm pleased I was able to give them a morale boost.
After all, the events that seem to swirl around people like us are hardly bright and filled with sunshine. In those kinds of times, sometimes morale is what decides the day.
I'll have to make sure I remember that in dealings with my own harem and the other ladies that enter and leave my life. I'll admit my love to them, but "you did a good job and deserve to hear me tell you" sometimes is assumed and I need to watch that. We all know what happens when we assume.
It's interesting and dismaying to hear all of the things that the Celestial Alliance has done in the name of good. Their assumption of good makes right is just as wrong as everyone else's reasoning for trying to take over the lives of everyone around them. Of course I will be more than willing to help stop that sort of tyranny. Granted, what they helped to make happen to me and mine is a factor, but the truth is that it doesn't matter. The Celestial Alliance is one of those things where Pastor Martin Niem”ller was right and they will eventually come for me if I don't stop them when they come for others.
Lucy is of the same mind and I understand she has already pledged her aid to the Captain of the Daisy Mae. I also know that she's accepted the offer of a Daisy Mae clone and the workup of a Sisterhood crew to woman her. I just hope Lucy does not carry through on her joke/threat as to the ship's name.
I look forward to working with you, and perhaps Micah, and anyone else who you can contact who is willing to help. Together, maybe we can teach whatever members of the Alliance who survive the coming storm that in order to have goodness and order one does not automatically have to impose that order through violence and force or by tricking others into becoming one's proxies.
Since I am unsure if you have Micah's address, I will send him a message letting him know that you wish to talk to him. I'm going to presume that these Tyannodames are what you wished to give him in return for the dimensional portal spell and I'll convey that to him as well.
If nothing else, I'll enjoy pointing out to those survivors, and probably to the victors, that all of the mistakes they've made and all the evil they have carried out in the name of their goals has proven definitively that pokegirls are just as human as we who created them.
Kerrik Wolf
He considered the possibilities, and decided the indirect route would be the best. I'll actually answer Kerrik later.
Rudy again. I hope you're still among the living. Kelvin got wind of a team of pros hunting Kerrik, and he went after them. The troops are carrying on as if it were a great victory, some 29 of the 30 taken down in their sleep. I hope you are not among them.
Then Kelvin revealed that the reason it wasn't 30 of 30, is that the people you may or may not be working for, hired NeoAtmuff to walk through nightmares and find Kerrik Wolf.
Buddy, I don't know what you promised to whom, but take my advice. RUN! The people here are talking about weapons that haven't been seen, or used, since the Revenge War. And they aren't talking much about surviving, only winning. People in that mindset have a bad-habit of taking out everybody before they go down. But they all know that if NeoAtmuff gets loose, Wolf and Choice will be the least of the world's problems.
Sorry to be the bearer of such bad news, but better I tell you, than you find out they succeeded by a knock on the door in the middle of the night. Rudy Wells
Tamers II - 6
The LoadMaster was cleaning up the large cargo container that had arrived with the latest 'Author mail'. The crates inside had been emptied of the stuffed toys almost the instant they'd been revealed.
Much to my former Master's chagrin and embarrassment, she thought as she lifted the empty pallets. She stared at the grooves cut in the floor of the cargo container, then let the pallet slip from her grip. She rushed to the entrance of the container, and swung it closed. I have to tell - no, not him, but I have to tell somebody! she thought frantically as she closed the wire seal around the handles.
"No one is to open this without my authorization, or the Captain's," she told the work crew.
"Should we move this thing?" one of the work crew asked.
The LoadMaster briefly considered throwing the thing overboard. "No, go to your division head and get another work assignment." She shooed them away and then walked swiftly to the bridge.
The little Megami-Sama kit had been screaming for the past twenty minutes. She'd already wet her shorts and sweat plastered her shirt to her body. Jen and Roxanne changed out from Acer and Aurora, holding the kit's arms and legs outstretched. Hannibal, Maus and Warden continued, seemingly oblivious to her cries for mercy and screams for help, from anyone.
"I'm not part of the Alliance!" she screamed as the trio prepared to begin again, "Please stop!"
"Oh, we figured that out about eighteen minutes ago," Warden said, "We're just tickling you because we enjoy it."
The kit's laughter became an insane screech within moments as their feathers found every sensitive spot on her exposed skin.
"You're also preventing others from joining frivolously," Jen offered, "They'll think we're killing you in here."
"You ARE!" the kit gasped.
Miguelito and the XO stood outside the cargo container. The LoadMaster had turned it so it couldn't be peered into by prying eyes. Now she removed the seal and opened the large doors. "When I saw this, I knew we were in trouble. More trouble that we normally are in."
"I can't see why you wouldn't want Janus or the others to know," Miguelito offered, "He's pretty level headed."
"After the brush with Neo Atmuff," the LoadMaster said as she walked into the container, "I wanted to get some advise before I sprang it on him." The pulled up the two pallets, and let the XO shine her light on what the LoadMaster had found earlier.
You're a piker.
Love, Hild.'
Scratched in deep broad letters in the metal.
"If I knew where to send this, I would," the LoadMaster said, her voice echoing oddly in the metal container, "Right now, I'm just frightened. She killed him once, after infiltrating the Harem. Would she try the same trick again?"
"Not your Harem anymore, Gwendoline," the XO reminded her, "He's not your Master, they are all our guests. Different responsibilities."
"Yes, ma'am."
"That doesn't deal with the underlying problem. She killed him, and slipped away, now she's back." Miguelito looked around.
"But is she here, and in that case as whom? Or is she waiting in the wings?"
"Not a problem you have to solve alone, my dear," Miguelito said.
"What about the cargo container?" the LoadMaster asked.
"Either melt it down, or frame it," he said, and walked off to think.
"That's really not that helpful," the LoadMaster said to the XO.
The other Megami switched off her light and nodded.
Finding the Flydra back in his quarters did nothing to help Kelvin's brooding on the Neo Atmuff question. Finding her in the grip of a particularly noxious Amazonchan, made the low comedy potential too good to pass up.
"Let me guess, you won't hurt her if I agree to bed you," he said in a more bored tone than he felt.
"Of course," the arrogant Amazon said, "I saw how she slipped aboard, and I followed."
"I thought they chained you to one of the yachts we sold for the food," he said, ignoring the pleading eyes of the Flydra for the moment.
"Oh, I'll be punished, until I start showing. Then as the one who brought an Author's genes to the tribe, I'll be honored."
"And if I told you the idea of coupling with you was more revolting that a Slutdge, would that help?" he asked sweetly, "I don't rape kits."
The Amazon growled and tightened her grip on the Flydra's arms. "If I hurt one of yours, you'd attack, but hurt a bystander, and you'll give me what I want."
"What you want, or what you need?" he asked sardonically, "As long as you don't kill her, do whatever you need."
The Amazonchan grinned, then suddenly found herself flying through the air, through the open porthole and several hundred yards out to sea. He walked over, noted the skin, and some blood on the rim, but closed the porthole anyway.
"You know, I have a letter that says you're dead," he told the Flydra, "From a very reliable source." He shrugged. "Why come back, and why come back here of all places?"
"Aren't you going to call for your guards?" the Flydra asked nervously.
"You and I both know their presence or absence won't change anything," he replied as he returned to the desk and faced the Pokègirl sitting on his bed, "You had the perfect escape, and now you ruin it. Why? You aren't doing things that make any sense, even from your own viewpoint."
"You are planning on killing Neo Atmuff."
"I plan to neutralize her by whatever means necessary. A powerful enough healing spell, and a place in my Harem, if that's what works."
She shook her head. "It won't. She was insane from the beginning. And she has transcended death itself with the power of her madness. If you fight her, and win, she will seek revenge."
"Unless I do something sufficiently horrific that staying dead is preferable. Or unless I kill her so thoroughly that her resurrection is impossible. Both are within the realms of possibility. A quick trip into the sun would work wonders. No chemical bonds can withstand that kind of heat and pressure, and just escaping the gravity of the solar core is beyond the flight capabilities of most Pokègirls."
"She'll find a way."
"No, she won't," he replied coldly, "She returned from the dead, because she didn't fully die. Poisoned, battered, and weakened, she was thrown into the icy ocean until she could heal. I don't intend to leave more than ashes, and those I would send to the sun, or scatter across a million square miles of ocean. Possibly several oceans. That will buy a couple centuries at least."
She leaned forward, almost touching him. When she saw it, she leaned back. "And then what? You'll be dead, or so powerful that you could easily defeat her?" She saw he was grinning, and she frowned in response.
"Probably." He leaned forward, making her lean away from him. "The only thing holding me back is the innocent and not-so innocent bystanders when I take her out, if I have to take her out. I'm really more interested in why you came back."
"Leave Atmuff in her prison." The Flydra stood and closed on him, pressing him back against the desk with her body. She couldn't hide the shivers coursing through her. "If I could prove to you prove it that all those captives are brainwashed slaves, willingly guarding the Menace, would you abandon this new quest?" she pleaded. She looked like she wanted to say more, to ask or demand more.
When she couldn't say anything, he stood, pressing back against her and answered. "I would think striking against the Celestial Alliance would be high on your priority list," he countered, forcing her back against the wall, and pressing against her with all the force his traction could provide.
"Why would you think that?" she gasped, she found her hands going through his hair, and dropped them to her sides, "You're smarter than that. A pathetic band of Megami who make people hate all Celestials? I couldn't have created a more perfect group." She shoved him to arms' length, and gasped as if he'd actually crushed her. "I should thank you and Kerrik for that," she added huskily.
"You're welcome, but the creators of the original series have more to do with that." He considered her a moment, shivering and gasping for breath. Losing the war fought within herself. "So what are you afraid of? You had a chance to join, and we know how that turned out. Yet you kept your word, so I am not your enemy, unless you wish it so." He thrust his hands between her legs and pressed up. "I can hurt you, if that's what you want. Or I can do other things. Imagine, all you want, anything and everything you always thought you wanted, all for the asking. And through me, things you desire that you can't even conceive of right now. I can hurt you as you wish to be hurt, and comfort you while others heal you. You can have admirers who would vie to be in your bed, or to shower you with gifts." He rubbed hard as her arms and legs wrapped around him, climbing so his hand found the places she desired them to be. "Even new life growing in your womb. There is that as well. All you have to change is you, give in to your true desires, and simply be."
"I do not wish it," she said among her moans, almost too quietly for him to hear.
Deliberately, he thought, Everything is calculation.
"A new place, are you asking protection, or offering it?" he asked.
She pushed him away, looking disgusted with herself and him in equal measure. Her automatic sneer died as she stared at him. She forcibly turned away. "You've learned a lot. Perhaps you have the secret I've searched for."
He laid a hand on her shoulder, and placed one on each shoulder when she shrugged it off. "I know enough to know your fears are groundless. I also know enough that while you live, you can do things to dispel the ghosts you think are waiting for you in the Undiscovered Country."
She smiled over her shoulder. "Even you fear saying it."
He kissed her neck and rubbed her shoulders. He enjoyed the shivers that ran through her. "Only because it would upset you. As I said, you kept your word and gave me a gift I would have traded my life for. So I am not your enemy. You have enemies, but I can help you with that. But only if you ask. So, why are you here?"
She planted her fists on the wall and bowed her head. "That kit, she's safe, and a victim of all she said. The others, there - were - two assassins among the ones who battered your DildoQueen. Don't do this to me. You don't understand!"
"I do as I wish with you," he said gently, reached around and cupped her breasts, "You are the only one hurting you. I ask you to stop that. I ask you to grow up and be more than your juvenile dreams can encompass. I can be more than Tamer, I can be lover and friend, and we can teach each other. I don't need you, I only want you."
"The Captain - dealt - with them, and punished the others," she gasped as she arched her back and pressed back against him, "That is a Megami I would not lightly cross, and she loves you."
"I had hoped you would as well, or at least like me enough to stay." He rolled her hard nipples between his fingers. "You had friends, authority, power, and protection. Why run away from that?"
"Is death worse than rejection?" she asked. She pushed him away and shouted in fury, "Is that what truly bothers you? You are insane."
"Of course." He tried to touch her. She grabbed both wrists and held them away from her. He saw the fury, and the tears. "Anyone else would have run screaming by now. I'm not afraid of you anymore. I'm afraid for you. You keep collecting enemies like stamps or baseball cards, and soon your collection will grow large enough to begin networking. Then it won't be one or two, but most or all you have to face. Even you can't handle that."
"And you can?" she spat in contempt.
"People trust me. I try my best to deserve that trust, unless they abuse it. You haven't. More coquettish than my taste, but you helped me when I needed it. Now you need help far more than I ever did. As a friend, I'm telling you. Quit pushing people. Quit pushing people you need away, and quit pushing people against you into corners. Beyond my reach, I can't help you. Within it, none of the others will challenge me."
"You aren't the strongest."
He smiled, and pulled his wrists free, gathering her into a hug then he whispered to her, "I don't have to be. The only ones stronger know that fighting me would be a pyrrhic victory at best. Sanctuary has learned. The Celestial Alliance is a little slower, but they'll learn too. Granny and the SLIS are feared by the other Authors, yet they know to tread lightly around me."
"You can protect me?" she asked, unable to disguise her contempt.
"We'd protect each other," he replied evenly.
She hung her head. "I don't know why I bother." She vanished.
He smiled ruefully. "Because you're lonely, Hild, and you're still a Pokègirl no matter how much you want to deny it."
A moment later, the door opened.
"Ah Miguelito, Hild has returned, and is interested in us again."
The little man stared at him, then threw up his hands in defeat. "Why do I expect anything or anyone can surprise you any more?!"
He felt a stab of fear. "What do you mean 'surprise'?"
He looked at the inscription on the bottom of the cargo container. "Don't worry about it," he said.
"Macavity will be furious about this," the XO said.
"Macavity doesn't exist," Kelvin told them, "Except as a passing reference, or maybe for target practice."
"Even you can't simply banish a Legendary," one of the new crew told him.
"Oh yes I can. Every author has a 'dead list' of breeds and entities that will never appear in their stories, except as low comedy, or acceptable targets. Vampires, and similar are on my list, I frankly quit reading when a Vampire is a major character. Macavity is also on that list. She's a stupid addition made by people who thought chaos meant chaotic stupid, and the Joker was KEWL!" he squealed the last. "Someone off screen may see the effects of her actions, but she'll never be anything more than a minor inconvenience to me and mine. Never," he said firmly as he walked away, leaving them to mutter worriedly among themselves.
"Let her have a tantrum in someone else's story. She tries anything around here, I'll drag her out on deck and give her The March Hare treatment," he fumed as he approached his cabin, "Only I'll cut out her supposed sense of humor and install a turnip in its place."
The sight which greeted him in his cabin was far more welcome. "Hello," he said to busty Tomboy in the negligee, "How are you feeling Fred?"
"Taming," the girl said quietly, not looking up from her chest, "I - I need a human Taming."
They dolled her up real nice, he noted the almost invisible make up, and the faint smell of jasmine.
"How do you want to do this?" he told her as he raised her chin to look at him, "I know it's embarrassing, so I'll let you direct things."
"In my jeans, maybe bent over a table," she muttered.
"You're going Feral, aren't you?" he asked as he sat her on the desk's chair, and he sat on the bed.
She nodded. "No other girls after . . . I miss her."
"I miss her too," he told her and walked over to hug the Tomboy, "She didn't deserve what happened, and you can't punish yourself for it. None of us suspected."
"I should have known!" Fred wailed as she buried her face in his chest, "I should have KNOWN!"
He held the sobbing girl until she wound down, innocently ignoring that her hands were still unbuttoning his shirt, then his pants, during the process. She's bad off enough as it is, he reminded himself, And she doesn't need my teasing her.
It'll be more fun afterwards anyway, Clarice told him, And it will help her when she realizes someone still cares about her.
What's Ronette's condition?
She's been keeping to the engineering crew, helping, getting Tamed, and staying away from you and the others. Too many painful memories, Clarice told him, She's happy again.
He let that one lie, dealing with the problem currently unbuttoning his pants.
Fred pulled her hands and body away. Her face beet-red as she realized what she'd been doing. "Are you going to -?" Fred mumbled the rest.
Probably 'do something perverted', he thought.
He touched her lips with a finger. "What do you, want?"
She bowed her head in shame. "I want you to be a girl and we . . . rub together."
He crossed his eyes and considered. Shapechanging, ask Amanda or Wild Thing, or Doctor Kincaid, but I don't think any of those are reasonable options.
She pushed away from him, and laid her chest on the desk. "This is fine."
Feels a little like rape, too, he thought.
She's just frightened, and nervous, Clarice told him, You won't believe some of the ideas she's got whirling around in her mind about what you're going to do next. Don't try them with her . . . later with the rest of us.
He stifled a comment on her filthy mind, and placed one hand on the Tomboy's shoulder, and the other between her legs, and both began to rub. Slowly and gently. He felt the tension in the girl's back and shoulders ebb, and she began pressing harder against his other hand. He rubbed harder, and let her little cries go from fear and shame to pleasure.
Having a girl run out of his bedroom was an experience he was unused to. Mainly because it was rare enough to get them in, he thought, But she needs some help that all the others are going to have to have a hand in.
"I could have turned you into a girl," came a voice from the set of drawers beneath the bed. One of them pulled out and the Megami-Sama kit looked out of a nest of his socks.
"Did someone stuff you in there?" he asked.
"Yeah, me," she said while she yawned sleepily, "And yes, I was here the whole time. Your other girls . . . welcomed me, and then let me in here. Frankly, it was the best place to go."
"You like sleeping with socks?" he asked as he rebuttoned his shirt and pants.
"They still have your scent on them, both physical and spiritual. It felt safe. It was warm, and dark, and comfortable."
You're so used to hiding to keep from being abused, that you naturally hide, he thought.
"Well, you seem to know what you're doing. If you don't mind me sitting out here plotting to neutralize a Legendary, you can go back to sleep."
"You aren't seriously thinking about dealing with NeoAtmuff?" she asked.
"What other choice do I have? If I do nothing, she keeps after Kerrik, then might turn on me. If I do something, maybe I can aim her at someone or something else, or I can kill her." He grinned. "The people who wrote the original stories were historical and technological ignoramuses. No army would be put out by anything less than tens of millions of Pokègirls. You arm the entire population with light antitank weapons and heavy rifles, and the entire Pokègirl army would have been slaughtered. Laser-guided artillery, especially sub-kiloton nukes, would have dealt with any Legendary except Typhonna. And while you can hide insurgents in rough terrain, you can't hide an army from modern sensors. And no nation-state is going to stint themselves on response when the alternative is to cease to exist. The army moves into a city and begins systematically slaughtering the population, you nuke the city. The assumption was that the nations would continue fighting the stupid way we had in Korea and Vietnam, rather than the total war of World War 2. If NeoAtmuff expects the limited Vietnam-type, JAG-lawyer-worshiping response, she's going to lose, then she's going to die. I'll obliterate the entire complex before I release her on the world."
"Kind of hard on the prisoners you're trying to rescue."
"That's why I let her out last. Everyone else can clear out and I'm free to use whatever force I deem necessary." He grinned. "Still feel like sleeping in my sock drawer?"
"If NeoAtmuff had any brains, she'd join me in here," the kit told him, "I don't think she does though."
"Her loss. I bake great cookies."
The kit stared at him, then curled back up in the drawer and pulled it shut.
"We need a name for you," he told her.
"Carson," came the muffled response.
He shook his head. "Not in a million years."
Everybody thinks she's a comedian.
Hannibal thinks she's Rorschach, Clarice informed him.
"I'm going about this wrong. I need to find NeoAtmuff's prison, and ask if there's room for two."
The movement brought an automatic response, the pistol came up and around. He fired and blew the clay target to pieces.
"I've never heard of shooting skeet with a pistol," Guns admitted, "Good practice though."
Janus smiled. "If you have to hit a Pokègirl, it's best to do it outside the range she can respond. If she's in pistol range, one shot is all you get."
"So you'd better not miss," Guns released the trap and Janus caught the target dead center. "That's just scary. I wonder if we should start training with rifles."
"It couldn't hurt. A well-trained rifleman outranges a Pokègirl attack, and dedicated sniper teams would have been murder on any Pokègirl army. Add to that -" He fired on the clay pigeon. "Sneaky, add the unexpectedness of a team of Megami of all things using rifles and other guns, would add a lot to the shock power of your attack."
"You authors are just scary," Guns said, "And that's coming from someone with 30 years of hunting pirates."
"Study the wars before Sukebe. Where using atomics on two cities was the more merciful option over invasion," he said, "And incinerating entire cities took place as a standard tactic. People might decry the cruelty, but they are sympathizing with the very people who made the war possible. Tactics and morals of a different time and threat level. When people were held accountable for their actions. An author of speculative fiction had a race like male Tigresses, which had grown up on war, facing a Humanity propagandized and drugged into a society that would give the Celestial Alliance wetdreams. The warrior cats were slaughtered by the humans, because deep down, the humans still remembered all the ugly things they were capable of when survival was in doubt."
"You're creepy when you talk like that," she said.
"Gentleman used to refer to men of arms who were not nobles. A man able to kill where he wished, but didn't," he said, "I haven't forgotten."
The sight of The March Hare serving in the mess caught Angie's eye. "Are you . . . ?"
"This is a way to improve, and I intend to avail myself of it," she replied as she refilled the coffee urn, "I failed to rescue my Master because I limited my thinking to that of a proper Megami, and my methods, to what came easily. Hazel helped cure some of that, and the Des Moines experiment shall cure the rest."
"I hope you aren't planning on revenge against Hazel for this," the Titmouse suggested.
"I have already had my revenge, and it has come full circle." She moved to collect the metal trays that food was served on and Angie followed. "She is as I should have been. Now I shall again surpass her," the odd Megami-Sama said, "Also, your Master need not fear. I shall slay NeoAtmuff, or force her submission." The March Hare carried the trays to dishwashing.
"You are going to defeat a Legendary, single-handed?" Angie blocked the door. "Excuse me if I doubt that even you are that powerful."
"There is more to my plans than myself, but I shall be the one who lays her, bloody and broken at his feet." The March Hare smiled. "She can then choose submission, or death."
"I -see -" Angie let the Megami-Sama go, and discovered that she'd completely lost her appetite.
I want to find Master, curl up in his lap, with all the room's lights on.
He hadn't told his Harem about this, and he found he felt more than a little naked out alone on the field. The flat grassland gave no chance for an ambush by either side. The only lure was the spell which had drawn her here. Everything else was as normal as he could make it.
Chilli's almost done, and the fixin's are all ready, he thought as he stirred the large pot that already had the entire area smelling of meat and cumin.
"Where is your artillery?" came the cold voice from behind.
He ignored the unnecessary drama. "At home. I proved that I could handle you, and now I thought we could talk." He smirked as her foot passed through the simmering pot. "You aren't a psychic, or a mage, so you're power here is very limited."
"I could kill you."
He turned and smiled at her. "Been there, done that, bored, came back," he said, "Maybe you can subsist on anything, but subsist isn't the same as enjoy." He offered a bowl full of the steaming hot mix of sauce, meat and beans.
She accepted the bowl, and poured it out on the ground.
"That good, huh?" And ignored the bowl being thrown through him. "I really need to explain to you about different levels of infinity."
Several explosions of various elements around him did nothing to either the rest of the chilli nor the blanket.
He stared at her. "Is this considered foreplay?" he asked.
"I'll kill you!"
"Most of my Harem says something like that, right before they tear my clothes off," he said blithely, "But I don't think that's what you had in mind."
"I will study dreams, and I will find a way to destroy you. Then I will kill Wolf, and any others of your friends."
He dropped in the last seasoning and sprang to his feet. "You leave Macavity out of this, she's done nothing to you! Cayenne!" he shouted, and vanished, as the chilli exploded with megaton force.
"Waste of perfectly good food," he lamented to the darkness of his cabin, "But that should be enough to distract Ms. Idiot the Rabid."
I hope she appreciates the present you're giving her, Clarice told him, And considering how aroused you are, you might start in on Maus, and as she starts caterwauling, put it in Acer.
You did read Fred's mind, he accused as he slipped his hand between the HeavenKat's legs, and stroked her tail as well.
Of course, so many naughty ideas to try, and such a good judge of character, she told him as the Cat-splice began squirming in her sleep.
This is ridiculous! I'm actually looking forward to this, Kelvin thought as he jogged among and around the stationary figures in the corridors. In truth they were running much faster than he, but due to the time spell, he was passing them easily, I'm looking forward to fighting a fire.
He'd heard the alarm about the fire in the kitchen, and the important 'no drill' addition, and had literally jumped at the chance. I'm becoming an adrenaline junkie, he lamented, It isn't just that I can save people, but I like the excitement of racing to the rescue.
There was a team carrying a Megami through the hatch to the galley in a tablecloth. A quick look at her told him everything he needed to know. Idiot threw water on a grease fire, he thought as he crawled under the badly burned Megami, and her bearers. The column of fire was there, and he forced himself to slow down. I run in there, I'll probably set myself on fire, he thought as he walked slowly towards the frier with the column or flame coming out of it. He could feel the heat of the air as he walked through it, and knew he both had to hurry, and had to move slowly.
The obvious solution was to cover the frier with a lid of some kind. But everything in here might as well be carved from a single piece of stone, he thought as he began spraying his CO2 fog all over the fire. The gas seemed to reduce to crystals suspended in the air moments after it left his hands. He carefully did not trail his hands where the hanging crystals hovered.
Once he had covered the fire, and the places where it might be hiding to flare up, he picked his way out of the gallery proper, and out to a safe distance. As he let time return to it's usual pace, he looked at his hands, and grimaced at the redness along the leading edges. Great, they'll have me bandaged up so I won't be able to write either, he thought as the CO2 he'd coated the flames with flared and drown the fire in asphyxiating cold. It got most of the fire and the first responding firefighting teams quickly knocked down the rest while he watched.
"You're hurt," came at the expected time.
"See to the wounded first," he told the Megami and began moving through the press as firefighters arrived with the proper gear and in increasing numbers.
He was nearly tackled by several of his Harem as he exited out of the mess hall area and away from the route taken by the wounded.
"That was both stupid and dangerous," Cheryl told him as she examined his hands.
Hannibal looked on disapprovingly.
"I am not going to fall into the 'Pokègirls do everything' mode."
"Pokègirls are more expendable," Cheryl said.
"To whom?" he asked quietly, "I'm supposed to get used to people plugging and unplugging themselves into my life because you're uncomfortable with my taking risks?"
"It -"
"It's why people treat you as things," he shouted at them, "Humans can't treat people as parts. You want to be interchangeable, you're parts not people. You want to be people, then expect to be treated as people." He stormed off, more angry than he'd been in a long time.
Warden found him in one of the few places that people rarely went aboard ship, the aftmost AAA gun tubs. Gently, gently, she reminded herself as she approached. He didn't react as she sat a few feet from him.
"Are you going to lecture me too?" the resignation in his voice stung her.
"No. We, keep forgetting you aren't a nice guy from here, but someone who came from elsewhere. Your 'normal' isn't ours. It is difficult to understand you want partners, not playtoys."
"That doesn't give me the right to blow up."
"I wasn't fishing for an apology," Warden said, and stifled the urge to wrap herself around him.
"That wasn't an apology. I'm tired of being treated as if I'm fragile and might break in a contrary wind. That I'm not supposed to care if any of you die. Karen had herself killed, Kitten died in the ambush, and how many more before the fight ends, if it does. How many rabbits left in my hat before I run out of tricks?" He looked at her, only tiredness shown on his face. "And each failure results in how many deaths? If I wanted clockwork soldiers, I could have them."
I want to tell him not to worry, she thought, But that's what he does, about everything.
"Fewer than would be lost otherwise," she answered, "You can improve the situation, not make it paradise. You, and we, do all we can. But some things must be done without another's help. This entire ship is a testament to that. They were better than most Megami, but until you and Miguelito came, they were barely holding on. Now even the Legendaries cannot discount them."
"I did them no favors doing that. Just greater minefields."
"I doubt they would go back, if they could," Warden said.
I hate it when he gets in these moods, she thought, It's like tapdancing across a minefield, and certain mines have to be set off. I wish Clarice hadn't just told me to leave him be. She would know, but . . . I've done this before.
"If the rest of you are wondering why I'd have Hild back, it's because she's not the only one who refuses to accept the 'the world is this way'. I can bend and break the world to my will. I want to hurt and kill as few people as possible when I do it, and if all of you are planning to throw your lives away rather than let me face NeoAtmuff, then I should scrub the entire operation, build a bunker someplace in the oceans of the moons of Jupiter, and wait out the fall out."
"None of us said we would," Warden pointed out.
Not that every one of us wasn't thinking that, she realized, He just got the fully-formed thought first.
"So if Hild, or Miss MixMaster returned, could the rest of you accept her?"
Warden boggled at that. "She killed you!"
"We all seem better for the experience. Like most Megami, they do unpleasant stuff 'for our own good'. She was just in character."
Warden shook herself. "Why would she come back here?" Warden demanded, "She's Hild! Evil incarnate, magic incarnate, alone among equals!"
"Barren, lonely and hunted," he replied and turned to look at her, he got up and pushed Warden flat on he back. His lustful expression made her hope, until he walked away and pulled his pistol, cocking it, but not pointing it at her.
"That's how Hild feels all the time," he explained as he lowered the hammer and reholstered the pistol, "You didn't like it, and it only lasted a few moments. Think about it. She sent me you, Maus, Isaik, yes as spies, but also as perfect companions. Wisdom, fury and exuberance. Comforters all, and powerful enough only a Widow and above would be a threat. Two Celestial and one Infernal, and that Infernal desperate to be loved and accepted. So I'd always have the dark side whispering in my ear, reminding me of options, but with little power to act against me. Other than having immense sexual appetites and wanting to Tame every member of the Harem -"
"And the crew," Warden said as she sat up, "And everyone else in range."
He nodded. "Including that, what did Miss MixMaster do against the smooth running of this Harem?"
"She killed our Master," Warden retorted as she stood and then sat next to him, "I hate it when you start making sense when I know where you're going is wrong."
"It's not 'wrong'. It's just dangerous, and I remember asking a question."
"She didn't do anything. She taught, and learned alongside us. She worked smoothly with Angie. She'd make a fine Beta, or better a roving troubleshooter. The condescension could be put down to a powerful Megami-Sama's natural arrogance."
"So, really nothing," he said, "What about NeoAtmuff? She's going to take quite a bit of killing. And we'll be arriving in the Cascade Islands, then the training of the crews. Miguelito has already briefed them on the basic construction and held classes on the metallurgy, something else I was denied knowledge of."
She winced at his tone. "Master," Warden said as she leaned against him, "If you'd been in that class, no one would have heard a word you said about metallurgy. What breed should I tell her to be, when Maus and I contact her? Which you know we will."
"Something with a history of excellence and arrogance," he told her, "Or tell her to come as she is. Not many know what she looks like."
"She knows you think her natural look is ridiculous," Warden said as she enfolded him in her wings, "Maybe a G-Splice, or better yet, a Dire Wolf, you authors seem to like those."
"Maybe one of the PenTech products, one-of-a-kind custom job on a base frame."
"As long as she isn't Macavity, of course if she is, we'll know it's Hild in disguise," Warden said and laughed as she snuggled against her Master, "Okay, Hild can come back, but NeoAtmuff is straight out."
"Agreed. You'll be horrified when you remember that sentence in the morning."
"Not really. I'll be wondering what NeoAtmuff did to make you give up on her," Warden replied.
The ships flying the Capitol League flag were an unexpected sight. Prompting a battle stations, no drill, and pulling the Galvis Bay in close. The Des Moines positioned herself between the incoming warships and the transport.
Kelvin and Miguelito watched this from the safety of the CIC. Their 'station' was near a repeater of the radar and sonar plots.
"We're still in International Waters, but the Sunshine League has a much better claim to these waters than Capitol," Miguelito said as he watched the rating update the plot on the acrylic board, "The fire-control radar would make short work of those ships, and if they keep closing, even the 20mm can join the fight."
"Whoever is piloting that flotilla is either a novice, or arrogant beyond words," Kelvin agreed, "The Des Moines has capped the T on them and continues to do so."
"Brings the full broadside to bear."
"Also, since range is a bigger problem than azimuth, it gives us the better firing solution, and them the hardest," Kelvin added. He glanced at the radio operator, who'd been sending on open frequencies, and getting no response. "I wish I knew if the Navy has any vessels in the vicinity."
"Unless they are subs, none within 200 miles," Miguelito answered, "What's the likelihood of them firing on a Capitol League ship?"
"We have no Letters of Marquis," the Captain said, "And the Grand Harem Master has not been foolish enough to demand we surrender passengers or cargo to them. That's a precedent I intend to keep."
"Maybe they want in on the warship deal," Miguelito offered.
"Then they should have shown up with the others. Showing up now will get them a horse laugh. I wouldn't piss on those . . . fine, Pokèloving gentlemen, if their whole nation was on fire."
"Considering the problems Micah had, it may be a snatch and grab. You haven't been this far north yet," Miguelito suggested.
"Sanctuary's northernmost outpost wants their own author? The thought crossed my mind," Kelvin said grimly, "One paperwork oopsy and I'd be headed straight to Sanctuary in chains, with my whole Harem Level 5'd. I doubt the Sunshine League government would go to war over that. They'd still have an author in their domain."
"Any chance that they're really pirates?" Miguelito asked.
"They're pirates all right," the Captain growled, "Whether they're flying those colors legitimately or not, they're pirates."
"Any reason for the bad blood beyond no Letters?"
"Shanghaiing part of the crew? I was sold and used by them, for five years. Captured right off the docks and sold," the Captain said, "Unlike Sunshine which recognizes the idea of a free Pokègirl, Capitol really doesn't respect it. All 'for the good of the League', and even the Masters are slaves. The slaves have to be well-treated, not that they can be truly free. I was rescued when I ran away and joined The Navy. Only after a few years could I rejoin the ship's complement. Ten years of my life, and they've done worse."
"You're the Captain, the ship and guns are under your command. And practicality says, if they aren't talking at all, they are up to something," Kelvin told them.
"A warning shot?"
"Sink all," Voltaire put in and drifted away to stand opposite Clarice, the two males' guards in the close confines of the CIC.
"I knew I should have studied the wrestlers when they became the leaders of Capitol, but I frankly found the whole thing too boring for words," Kelvin said.
"What about SLUT, it's the same thing?" Miguelito asked, "Oh, you made it the same thing."
"And took some grief from FF over taking the idea and going to the next step. But I didn't put them in charge of a country."
The first of the Capitol ships exploded, then two more in rapid succession.
"It's not us," the Captain assured them and headed up to the bridge.
"Mines, or torpedoes?" Miguelito asked.
"Or Macavity's presents went off early."
Miguelito shuddered at that possibility.
"Sonar contact, bearing 234, high-speed screws running - away from us. Torpedoes," the sonar operator reported, "Captain, we're getting something on the Gertrude."
"Patch it up here, Sonar."
"Aye, Captain," the operator replied.
"I wish -"
Kelvin hushed Miguelito.
Navy sub is our escort. They had shore stations trying to contact those ships for two days, and no response, Clarice told him as she eavesdropped, Captain's discretion on picking up survivors.
"It was a trap, and the Navy is watching over us, or under us," Kelvin quietly told the man before he exploded, "We may or may not be picking up survivors."
"Those survivors might be the real trap. If that was a sanctioned mission, then some of the ruling elite might be aboard. That gives Sanctuary a set of eyes and a teleport point aboard," Miguelito said.
"Captain's discretion," Kelvin reminded him.
The Ingenue walked nervously into the darkness. Her anti-capture chip and relative commonness were the only defenses she had, and Pokèpower was her alternate fate. She clutched the packages of floor sweeping and some bloody bandages to her chest. She knew the fate that would befall her if these were not sufficient. That she was merely the courier would not save her.
"Do you want a good kind Master who loves you?" came a haughty tone, but one expecting an honest answer.
"It - it's all I ever wanted!" she said as the darkness closed in around her.
"A good kind man, or woman, who loves and cherishes you?" the haughty voice asked, but real interest in her answer.
"Yes, with all my heart and soul!"
"Would you die for your beloved Master?" the voice asked.
"I am to die here anyway," she realized hopelessly. Another broken dream in a lifetime filled with them.
"Answer the question!" came the harsh command, no whip or punch carried such an aura of menace.
"I would die, but I am to die here, what would it matter?"
Perhaps not, perhaps all, came into her mind as two large, powerful Whorenets walked out of the darkness. Normal appearing, save for their size and bright red coloring.
A moment later another tall and elegant insect woman stepped into sight. She wore a colorful furred cape, and her four compound eyes regarded the Ingenue curiously.
"I would," the Ingenue said, then screamed a one of the Whorenets ripped out her anti-capture chip, and the other thrust a steel coat over her head. The bloody wound was filled with a hard stone, and she felt herself beginning to evolve as she vanished into the PokŠball.
"Hild," the insectile woman said, "This dross is to provide me with material?" She looked at the packages the Whorenets picked up off the floor where the Ingenue had dropped them.
"That it does, will prove my point, Cocooner," the two-toned Legendary only half appeared out of the shadows. Her ebon half remaining invisible, "The plan is sound, and you will have peace. And the knowledge they possess."
"They would restrict my experiments," she replied, "That cannot be permitted."
"They would give you answers you cannot even conceive the questions for," Hild replied, "Or they could destroy you. Do not let your pride and habits blind you to your true goals. If you are accelerated towards the answers you wish, is the loss of exploring dead-ends really so frightful?"
"They have defeated you, they care nothing for me."
"Yet," Hild replied, "Eventually, you will take sides, by accident, or by design. Better to build up some good will, if there is a misunderstanding. And remember, if they are what I believe they are, think of what you can create."
The insectoid woman took the packages the Ingenue carried, and the PokŠball that her guards held. "I do not believe such a thing is possible," Cocooner told Hild as the Legendary handed over the last ingredient.
"The Authors know different, are they greater than you?"
"Bring one here and when I eat him, I will know."
"If I bring one, you would be wise to nibble only, and content yourself with that. The Authors themselves have sharp teeth, and no sense of humor with those who proclaim themselves their enemies."
Cocooner sneered. "I will engage in your experiment, because it amuses me."
"And not for the potential rewards?" Hild asked, and an elegant eyebrow up turned, "I am shocked at your lack of professionalism." Hild vanished as Cocooner changed her form to begin her work.
The Tamers
Eugene Maxwell
'Old Man' - Cameron Simone
'Wild Thing' - Jessica Ventura
Kelvin's Choice (Janus)
The Watcher
'Jeremy' - Jesse Ventura
Kelvin's Choice (Janus) - Harem
Isaik/Underground - Eidolon (Hild's agent)
Warden - Bust Angel (Hild's opposed agent)
Maus - HeavenKat (Hild's opposed agent)
Seadamar - GunValkyrie
Alba - HandMaid
Aurora/One Medallion/Earth -1 - FarFuck'd
Roxanne/Two Medallions/Earth -2 - FarFuck'd
Blossom - Tyrannodame (Kitten's Harem)
Rainbow - Tyrannodame
Angie - WarMech Titmouse (Angie Douglas's faction)
Sabrina - DildoQueen (Kitten's Harem)
Hatta Mary - Fiendish Cherry
Acerpalmatum - Chikotit
Jen - HyperDoll
Cheryl - Megami
Naomi - Tigress
Shana - Hunter Ophanim (Ancelot's faction)
Hannibal - Angel (former Hild)
Clarice - Penance (former Alaka-Wham)
Carson - Megami-Sama (kit)
Eriko (Eko) - Officer Jenny
Erika (Kay) - Nurse Joy (SLIS agent)
Hester - Jugguar (Kay's Harem)
Adrian - Heroine (Kay's Harem)
Pool Mouse - Pool Mouse (Eko's Harem)
Bishop Cameron (Catholic)
Bishop McClellan (Anglican)
Doctor Kincaid (Presbyterian)
Neutral or Undecided factions:
Commander Genek - Oni (ONI Office of Naval Intelligence)
Ronette - SmartDoll (faction unrevealed)
Fred - Tomboy (faction unrevealed)
`Eugene's` Harem
Flower - MilkTit (Alpha)
Downy - Seraph
Skull Cap - Alaka-Wham
Kittypussy - Boobcat
Angel - `AILF`
Tai - Penance
Sam - Penance
`Amanda's` Harem
Slinky - Lamia
BoobyTrap - DigTitTrio
Tableau - PsiLady (Alpha)
Mademoiselle Bouillabaisse 'Mad B' - Sapphron
Shadow - Angel
SkyCaptain - SkyCaptain
Taylor's `Harem`
Muffin - Seraph
Bismarck - Seraph
Biscuit - Seraph
Cookie - Seraph
Baguette - Seraph
Dumpling - Seraph
Kolache - Seraph
Eclair - Angel
'Old Man' &'Wild Thing''s Harem
Red - Tanuki (Squad `Beta`)
Gray - StretchyMaid
Forseti - chibi Chimera
April - Billie head
May - Lioness head
June - Dragoness head
Summer - Snake head
Sally - ArchAngel
Sarah - Unicorn
Karrie - Rapitaur
Jamie - Dryder (Group Alpha)
Toni - Magic Knight (Fire)
Elaine - Magic Knight (Water)
Ariel - Magic Knight (Air)
Jenny Lydia - Dark Kitsune
Simon - MaryAnn Drew
Rolli - Tick-Tock
Magenta - Maggieton
Wilma - Balanced
Betty - Positive
Gladys - Negative
Prima - Charred Fireburst (Squad `Beta`)
Maria - Marowhack (Jessica's Alpha)
Antoinette - Bardess
Voltaire - Francinestein
Doctor Marilyn - Alaka-Wham
Jeremy's Harem
Deniece - CameraGirl
Denephew - CameraGirl
Sherry - Kung Ewe
Jean - Alaka-Wham
Brian's Harem
Stupid Fuzzbutt - Magic BattleAngel (Cute)
Flopsie - PsiDyke
Hazel - Angel
Bigwig - Xerablondi
The March Hare - Megami-Sama
Captain Campion - Officer Jenny
Holly - Nurse Joy
Mopsie - MaryAnn Drews
Cottontail - MaryAnn Drews
Bugs - Seraph
Thumper - Demon-Goddess
Gennie / General Woundwort - Chibi Wolf Queen
BOOM - G-Splice (effectively Charred Battle Battle Angel {Fire-type})
Easter - Blessed Nidogg