Pokemon is a copyright of Nintendo. Pokègirl and Pokèwoman come from the Pokewomon Forum at http://disc.server.com/Indices/169881.html.
"Wild Horses and Pokègirl" is the creation of Metroanime.
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Consequences and Cradles
Cheryl awoke with a gasp. She looked over the scene. She was aboard the ship, in officer's quarters. Jen lay on the opposite side of their Master. She looked down and turned her Master's head so she could see his face. Unmarked skin, and apparently undamaged eyes moving under his eyelids.
"What happened?" she asked her two companions. Neither answered and she would not shake either awake. She settled down against her Master and watched him sleeping, while what she remembered so vividly, warred with what she knew was happening.
"Hi," he said as he sat up. Gwendoline smiled at him as he lay on her flank.
"You had us pretty worried," the centauroid Megami said, "Some of us had some nightmares about you. Were you influencing our dreams?"
"Was I back home?" he asked and looked over his shoulder at the small figure hanging onto him like a limpet.
"No, we were off fighting demons. Real ones," she said, and laughed, "With sex powered magic weapons."
"Are that what Pokègirls are?" he asked as he sat up, dragging Isaik with him, "Isn't that what Pokègirls are?"
"Partially," Gwendoline said and ruffled his hair, "But if her dream was like mine, then it was a bit more literal. You staged an orgy, and used Tantric magic to enchant yourself back to health, and make a whole passel of magic weapons."
"I staged an orgy?!"
"Yes, Master," Gwendoline said, and giggled.
"And that alone didn't tip you off the whole thing was a dream?" he asked incredulously.
"There were enough obvious trade-offs that it seemed reasonable," she said as she gently but firmly pushed him back down, and pulled the blanket back over him and Isaik, "And by the time we started having some suspicions, we were on to the next problem. And the next, and the next. We realized that you were probably reacting to fighting all those demons by yourself."
"I think it's a result of all the anxiety over how I'd react to all of you running off to play soldier, and leaving me to get clobbered by the ship," he told her as he sat up again, "Tamed the whole ship's company, that's . . . not even possible for one person, is it?"
"My Master did it," Gwendoline said ask she drew him against her upper body, "And when you faced the demons, you sent all your girls back to safety. You shouldn't do that, Master."
"Now that sounds like me," he said, "And as much as I appreciate the offer. I'm starving and I have to pee, so it I can take a raincheck?" He carefully pried Isaik loose and handed her to the Megami.
She took the little Pokègirl. "That sounds like my Master," she said as she smiled, "This room has a private head, and I'll have some food sent in. I understand the Boobfin caught some nice fish."
"Thanks, just leave the skins on the grapes, I like the slight bitterness," he said as he hurried off.
He was looking out over the sea as the cruiser sailed through it's more usual fluid, she sunset had ended and he considered the stars as they began appearing. He noted both Angies' approach. They aren't going to be put off like the Pokègirls. 'What are you going to believe, your eyes, or your knowledge?'
"What the - Hell - did you do to them?" his Alpha quietly demanded.
"It was a dream, we're on our way to defeat the S-Goths' secret base, remember?" he asked, leaning against the railing and watching the growing darkness.
"You know damn well that isn't - wasn't true a little while ago," his Alpha replied. The pair waited patiently for an answer.
He frowned, then turned to face the pair. "You make the mistake assuming that I wasn't speaking literally," he said quietly so they strained to hear, "It never happened, it was all a dream. Especially those demons." He looked from one flummoxed expression to the other. "Do you understand?"
"You made them - not exist?" the SLIS agent asked, as if trying to understand, and to deny the conclusion she'd made.
"They never existed," he told her, "They brought a realm that was even less real that this world. Once I realized that, it was a simple way to get rid of them. I had no idea what would happen to the others, which is why I wanted the rest of the girls away from me. It might have gotten them too. You especially, Miss Douglas."
"That's - impressive," his Alpha said, as the SLIS agent paled and stared at her feet.
"I vowed I'd never do the 'it's all a dream' in any of my stories, dreams could be completely wild and irrational, or instructive, but would be clearly spelled out as such," he told them, "I'm not exactly pleased with releasing such a trick. It's cheap, used by hacks and those without imagination. But the consequences of not deploying it was too high."
"I - apologize for bringing it up," the SLIS agent said as she shivered at what she could no longer deny, "But - neither of us could reconcile what we remembered. Even though practically everyone aboard accepts it was only a dream."
"How is the outside world going to react? The S-Goths have to know about the invasion, and there are other forces who knew approximately what our mission was," his Alpha asked as she shifted uncomfortably, "You're attack couldn't have effected our world . . . could it?"
"The S-Goths never contacted otherworld allies to gain the means to bring us over, Daria was attacked by nightmares that I was able to defeat, the Megami are here for their own reasons, anyone you told will assume that it was either a codeword, or deliberate misinformation on my part to throw off spies, as a result of my paranoia. The human mind and by extension, the Pokègirl mind, can find ways to reconcile all manner of confusing thoughts, if given time and a simple path out."
"An entire nation . . . never existed?" the SLIS agent asked and shuddered, "That's pretty harsh, even for you."
"Demons and Communists deserve no mercy," he replied haughtily.
"Which would you shoot first?" his Alpha asked as she laughed.
"The Communist, the demons are easier to spot," he replied, "And less destructive in the long-run."
"Miguelito!" he called as he marched through the passageways of the ship and spotted the small man, "While everyone has been yammering at me about the dream they all seemed to have had. Was there anything we could actually use? Methods of combat, spell use, integration of forces? Anything?"
The small man stopped and considered. "I had the same dream, and I was ecstatic to discover it was a dream. You can be a frightening person, my friend, and a very callous Master, should you choose to be. During their assault, I worked out a pattern to transfer the bulk of forces from gun to gun, leaving a sufficient crew in the turrets to train the weapons. Also making a better use of their strength and other abilities. They were operating as humans would, that can be remedied. We can test that and see if it works in the 'real' world." The small man caught his hand. "They didn't abandon you," Miguelito assured him, "They were - excited - about manning the guns. I don't think any of them assumed you would do what you did. Even I would have headed back inside for fear of the noise and flash of the guns."
"I know that the blast isn't that bad, as long as the guns aren't aimed at you," he replied, "I am going to let the Captain and XO stew about their part - "
"Don't," Miguelito interrupted sharply, "Trust me, if you intend to punish them, do it quickly, and without holding back. The Megami are . . . affected by you, and I assume your fellow authors probably elicit the same. The idea that you could single-handedly engage an entire army of demons, and win, doesn't seem that farfetched to them."
"They don't know whether to laugh, cry, or wet their pants," he said. He shook hies head and sighed. "Okay, I've got a few things to take care of, but I'll settle with her as soon as I can."
"Good," Miguelito said as he headed off.
Was he playing that he understood and believed, or is he just deluding himself, or me? he wondered as he watched the small man head off.
The two Megami-Sama waiting for her in her cabin weren't part of her Master's Harem, or part of the crew, but Cheryl knew them. "Mistress Succor, Mistress Provident," she greeted them politely, but refused to use their proper titles, "I can only imagine what you would come here for."
I can guess, I also know that you only think that you've slipped aboard unnoticed, she thought, They know, if not on their own, but because Master told them.
Almost on cue, the 1-MC blared, "All personnel not on watch, to the lifeboats, this is a drill, this is a drill. All personnel not on watch, to the lifeboats."
You've got about 60 seconds before that 'lifeboat' drill has everyone not on duty storming down here, she thought serenely.
"What did he do?" Mistress Provident asked, her scowl at the disrespect to her power and status turning her ugly.
"He did what authors do, he ended the story," Cheryl said as she smiled beatifically at her former masters.
And sent such shockwaves through the Cosmic Awareness, that their heads must be ringing from it, Cheryl didn't say, You've got friends coming, and these two don't dare do anything too radical, they don't know what he'll do in response. But they are afraid. Time to remind them of that.
"Did you know that each nation has a different tradition of flaying? How you start, ways of separating skin from flesh, it's fascinating that such different processes yield the same results," she said, and her two antagonists turned a bit green, "Master was talking with Miguelito about it, how it can be adapted to surgical techniques. He's got such a broad knowledge of so many . . . strange and interesting things. I'm so glad he's mostly thinking about using them to help people."
Because it would be so awful if he used them on you, and all the Megami everywhere, Cheryl didn't add, except by smiling at the two Celestial Alliance officers, That threat he made that broke me, now I know he'd really do it. If the Alliance forced him to.
"We just came for questions," Mistress Provident said and glared at her fellow Megami-Sama, "And to give you some things to consider. He's no Ranma Saotome, able to remake the world to his wishes."
Not from the inside, no, he isn't, she thought, But once he gets home, and so do the other authors . . .
"His - action," Mistress Succor began, "Has caused many disruptions. Many of those will have a terrible effect on the poor peoples of this planet."
That's it! she suddenly realized, 'Peoples', as if Pokègirls and humans are somehow separate. D-BENS was his invention, and his ideas that human are Pokèfolk now, that's what they're worried about. Parity is what the S-Goths and the Celestial Alliance are after! What was that phrase?! 'Equality of outcomes, not equality of access.' That's what they want, not everyone free to be all they wish to, but to force no one to be better than anyone else. But Pokègirls and humans are fundamentally different. They don't want us to be ourselves, they want us all to just submit to a higher power, them.
"I'm certain he's aware of what he did, and weighed all the alternatives," she replied cheerfully.
Both stared owlishly at her, warning her not to pull the usual 'ditzy, Megami-vague' on them.
"A statement of fact. Considering how he was agonizing for three weeks prior to using it, and how he's been moping the last day or two about the effect," she commented, "Considering how useless our unenhanced attacks were, it's clear he made the correct decision."
"That isn't your place to decide," Mistress Succor told her sharply.
"No, it's mine," her Master told them as he stood before the closed door. He looked at the two officers, and shook his head sadly. "You know, I liked the world without the Celestial Alliance a lot better. Are you afraid I'll try the same trick on you?" he asked and laughed at their shocked expressions. Then he laughed again as the web flew through him to stick to the door. "You don't even have faith in your own wards when facing one of - us."
Cheryl shivered at the way he said 'us'.
"I couldn't get the door open, is this is an interactive illusion. The Alliance's alliance with the S-Goths is crumbling, and you're looking for an advantage when they go to pieces. Every revolution has a 'red' portion, so named for obvious reasons, and a 'white' portion, named for the lack of red. Typically the red follows the white, but in the S-Goths' case it's coming long after. The true believers are taking the movement back from the gangster who founded it. Maybe things will change, maybe they'll fail, but you won't be able to take advantage of the fear and chaos that they've been sowing across the planet. With the chief advocates of Pokègirls replacing Humanity off the table, some meaningful reforms can come about."
"You know nothing!" Mistress Provident told him coldly.
"I know the Brits went from being the chief carriers of slaves, to the major force behind it's abolition in the civilized world, in less than 40 years. I know that the Religion of Peace in Europe screamed about not being allowed to be separate but equal, while in Africa they slaughtered Christians and Animists by the thousands, and news purveyors said not one word. The S-Goths might just decide to follow the Brits' example, using their shadowy skills to link movements and research world-wide through untraceable connections. Whisper important secrets into the right ears to move the world into a paradise. Wishful thinking, but it would put you lot out of a job. Instead of saving the world, you'll be reduced to fixing parking tickets. Or go the route of the Religion of Peace, slaughtering on one hand and claiming altruism on the other. History shows what happens when some 'fix the world' bunch wins, they take their crusades to ludicrous extremes. Burning the Library at Alexandria, Stalin's Purges and the Ukrainian Famine, or something seemingly innocuous as going from demanding equal pay for the same work, to demanding men don't stand up when taking a piss. You're already going that path."
"You aren't here, we shall send you home," Mistress Succor told him sharply.
"When it suits you," he said and scowled, "I already know you're plotting something, and this is a red herring to make us assume that you're backing the S-Goth operations at the Pole of Inaccessibility, when in truth you know less about it than we do, despite your being plugged into your Overmind. Too bad, you don't know who's really providing you all that free data, or what it's really costing you. You poor things." He faded, taking his appalling laughter with him.
A moment later, her skin still crawling from the echos, Cheryl stood alone in her cabin, then the hatch gave way and many of her Harem-sisters and friends poured in.
Daria walked through the ship. She would stop when someone approached, and try to smile engagingly, but all the Megami seemed to be trying to clear their heads of a buzzing that wouldn't go away. She entered the messhall, and glanced around, seeking someone who could answer the questions buzzing around in her head.
"Hey," she greeted the pair of Farfuck'ds in their similar leotards and capes, "Am I the only one who thinks everybody on this ship has gone slightly screwy?"
"No," Aurora said, "We shared a strange dream, only the Megami seem to have a full recall of events. I think they are taking it too seriously. We entered his soulscape, and as he awoke, we saw his nightmare," Aurora explained, "It's as simple as that. They are applying some grand, cosmic - sorry, COSMIC!! - significance. He's a writer, it makes sense that he has vivid and narrative dreams."
"I was wondering about this mission, that station has got to be heavily defended," Daria said quietly. She glanced around and whispered, "Have you two - ah - looked at the blue-nosed shells? With your - vision?"
"The boss warned us not to," Roxanne said, "He's been as secretive as Commander Genek has been about what's in those shells. The fact the locker isn't radiation proof seems to imply they aren't nukes."
Daria shuddered at that. "They are my people, and I'm not exactly happy about . . . this is warship after all. With gunnery practice and reloading practice, and all the rest of it . . . " she sighed, "I keep thinking that we're going to be killing a lot of people just because they think they're doing the right thing. I know that the higher-ups are doing some awful things, but - people at my level still think we're trying to help."
"We understand," Aurora said sympathetically, "Considering that most attacks can only reach about 100 yards, sorry, meters, and things like HyperBeams about twice that, against a Pokègirl. Maybe they could reach 400 - 500 meters against something as big as a cruiser like this, but even the 20mm guns outrange that. Bringing a ship like this in, that can avoid sea-going ship killers, seems like a massacre waiting to happen."
"Yeah," Daria said.
"But then remember who the skipper is, 'He Who Must Be Feared'," Roxanne said as she grinned, "And he's bringing a bucket-load of death-dealing to a kids' fist fight. It's as much a bluff to force them to surrender, as it is completely capable of slaughtering all of them without them being able to reply."
"So all this, is to force them to be reasonable?" Daria asked, "That may also explain why nobody knows what's really in the blue-nosed shells. So the likely targets can pick what they're most afraid of. So they'll give up without a fight," Daria said happily. "That makes me feel better about it."
"You're welcome," Roxanne said as she headed off.
She walked through the make-shift practice room. "Keep your arm up," Cheryl told him, then shook her head to clear it as he followed through with the attacks she'd taught him. The staff moved slowly, but exactly as it needed to. "Much better."
"Are you all right? I can give you a day or two to rest, if you need it. We don't have to do this every day," he told her as he stepped through the staff strike/parry patterns she'd laid out.
"I'm fine. I . . . a feeling of deja vu, that we were practicing and . . . had this conversation. That and the Celestial Alliance hovering out there," she explained, "I'm worried."
"Neither one of us is going to remove the Celestial Alliance," he said, "They are too powerful, and too full of themselves to step aside quietly. But - one - enemy - at a time. Right now, we're safe and should enjoy that fact."
"Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die. I never expected you to follow that pattern, but I guess I was hoping for . . . " She stepped up and began moving through her own counters
"A miracle that would save us all?" he asked as he chose the parries and counter strokes. Both still moved slowly, training the muscles in the movements. "Miracles tend to appear only to people ready to seize them in both hands. Everyone else has to do with hard work, thoughtful preparation, and the guts to go to the end."
She circled, trying to draw him into a trap, but he kept his wits and maintained the same pattern of strike and parry. When deja vu hit her again, he disarmed her.
"It seems you are the one who needs the time to rest and recover," he teased, "Or to accept that it was just a dream. That whatever you all saw in my mind, or in my soul, must have had an effect on you. The only demons I've had much real experience with, are the ones in my head. I think I've gotten those under some control."
She walked over and hugged him. "I'm glad, I didn't like what my Master became. We got more Taming, but it all felt - hollow."
"So my fumbling timid approach is better?" he asked, smirking the whole time.
"I prefer being loved, to being serviced," she told him honestly, "I . . . I wish my Master loved himself, as much as his Pokègirls love him. You are very lovable, you know."
"I suspect that a degree of self-loathing is inherent in all the authors," he said, as he relaxed in her arms, "If this is an cheat, I shall be very cross."
"You disarmed me," she explained, then swooned theatrically, "Ravage me, take your prize!"
She smiled as he laughed at her antics. "A hug is fine right now, I think I hurt too much to do anything else."
"Then we should see GM, and get you properly looked at,"Cheryl said firmly, "There isn't a requirement that you exhaust yourself becoming a blademaster in three weeks."
"I just need to know enough to hold my own until one of you rushes in to rescue me," he replied, as she picked him up to carry him to where Gwendoline was plying her trade.
The entire bridge crew was aflutter. The Captain kept glancing back at him, as if seeking his approval. "This is your ship, Captain," he told her quietly, as if giving her permission.
After my last little stunt, I guess I can't blame her for acting like she has to defer, he thought, I'm glad some of my girls explained it to me. I thought the whole crew was angry. Although that would be better than worshipfully terrified. I just wish I could extend that bit of magic to the entire Alliance. Wouldn't that be a victory! And it would give me the resources to deal with the S-Goths without exterminating them. He sighed as he considered. Why do people want to interfere when two evils are tearing each other to pieces? Can't they just get some popcorn and watch the show?
"Ring up all-ahead flank," the XO ordered, as she too glanced at him. The rating at the engine order telegraph moved the handles, ringing the same bells down in the .
Your test, your ship, not mine, he wanted to tell her, instead he concentrated at checking for strays out on deck. The wake at the stern increased in force as the ship accelerated.
"Lift," the Captain ordered, and the massive cruiser climbed out of the water.
The engine order telegraph rang to 'finished with engines' just before the propellers lifted clear of the water. Unburdened, but unpowered, the shafts continued to rotate, as the cruiser climbed to some hundred feet above the ocean. The arrows swung to 'finished with engines' and the telegrapher changed to 'all stop', and was answered immediately. Only momentum kept the ship moving forward against greatly reduced resistance.
The Captain grinned confidently. "Revolution, one-eighty," she ordered and the horizon outside began to tilt.
He braced himself, but gravity kept pulling everything, except his hair, towards the deck. "Captain, why is all our hair pointed at the ceiling?" he asked.
"So we have a visual reference to our actual angle," she replied, "That's also why we decided to eschew the knee-length hair styles."
He shrugged. I wonder if it's a fault in the effect that they decided to exploit, he wondered as the ship stabilized completely upside down.
"Fifteen seconds," the Second Officer reported, "We'll have to do better than that."
"We'll be drilling this for a while," the Captain replied, "Main batteries?" This last was addressed to him.
"Miguelito, are you ready to test out your mods to the fire control computers?" he asked through the sound-powered phone.
"We're upside-down?" the small man's voice sounded strange over the phone, "Without the hair I'd never know!"
"They've got smooth down, next they'll work on fast," he replied, "The computers?"
"Ready and waiting."
"Guns ready at your command, Captain," he told the bridge officers.
"Fire," the Captain ordered.
The center gun of each turret fired, not even a slight pause between shots. The ship rolled significantly and slid sideways, but rapidly righted itself. The first two shells hit near, while the third tore through the wooden target some 2000 yards away.
"Short 1 yard and right 2 yards, short 3 yards, direct hit," the rating at the big-eye binoculars reported.
"That's not bad shooting," Commander Genek told the bridge crew.
He relayed report and held the phone away from his ear. "Somebody thinks that's a 67% failure."
"Remind him of the blast radius of even the AP shells," Commander Genek suggested, and smirked.
"It's not a perfect test until you can accomplish that from every angle," he said, then went to placate the brilliant inventor on the other end of the line.
"Stand down battle-stations main, man battle-stations secondary," the XO ordered over the 1-MC.
"I'd feel better if we had some other way to defend the - bottom - of our vessel, other than spinning around," the XO told just the bridge crew.
"Too much drag when you're in the water," he reminded them, "That's also why you need to rotate this vessel smartly, and keep them from getting close."
"We'll test the systems on the dual-purpose guns, and finally the AAA," the Captain said, "I think the 20mm won't require any special help."
OOo88oO - Battery layout of a Des Moines class: O (8"/55 cal. triple turret), o (5"/38 cal. twin turret) O -Axe, Broadsword, Claymore o- Glaive, Halberd/Lance, Partisan/Pollaxe, Voulge
"Stand down battle-stations main, man battle-stations secondary," the XO ordered over the 1-MC. Cheryl followed Aurora through the hatch in the structure of Broadsword, to their station on waist 5" gun named Pollaxe. Once there, she found her place to assist the reloading of the dual-purpose weapon.
"Pollaxe ready," the gun captain reported, and shook her head.
"Stand down battle-stations secondary, man battle-stations main," the XO ordered over the 1-MC. They reversed their order and ran back to the forward 8" superfiring turret.
"I envy the ones manning Axe and Glaive," Roxanne complained, on her way from Partisan back to Broadsword. The Pokègirls fell into position at their stations. The Megami gun captain reported in.
"Not fast enough again," Cheryl complained, "That little man won't be happy until we can teleport from station to station!"
"No he won't," the gun captain said, "He specifically forbade that, so we wouldn't lose the skill if someone blocked us."
"Stand down battle-stations main, man battle-stations secondary," the XO ordered over the 1-MC. Cheryl ran after Aurora through the hatch back to Pollaxe. Once there, she took her place to assist the reloading of the dual-purpose weapon.
This time the weapon fired, and she quickly pulled the powder bag to replace the one already in the reloading tray. They fired a second shot, and were ready to fire a third, when . . .
"Stand down battle-stations secondary, man battle-stations main," the XO ordered over the 1-MC. They ran back to Broadsword. "Fire! Fire! Fire in the aft magazine, all hands lend assistance, this is a drill. I say again, this is a drill."
Cheryl ran with the rest of the complaining mass of Megami and other Pokègirls to the station where they'd draw their damage control gear, and assist fighting the mock fire. "I hate this!"
"Just imagine our Master giggling at our discomfort," Roxanne reminded her, as she flew on ahead, using the open space at the top of the passageways to speed her travel.
Cheryl idly considered the penalties for stuffing a Harem-sister in a gun tube and firing her at the target.
"I hate this," he said as he looked at the senior officers and Miguelito. No one else was allowed in the officers' mess for this conference. "We have to cut more time off the transition from gun to gun."
"Implementing the improvements from the dream, we can be reloaded and ready for another shot, 35 seconds after we fire the first in another turret," the XO admitted nervously, Going from the 5" to 8" is slower, but it's still not bad. We would probably either split the gun crews, or concentrate on one kind of fire, for an engagement."
"Preloading all the weapons before going to into action would also work. The crews required to actually train and fire the weapons would be small," he said, "And one salvo would deal with anything you'd run into. Anything it won't, you probably shouldn't be using anything except the main battery."
"Or the 3" and 20 mm," the Captain agreed, "The need for the intermediate guns drops off in a target poor environment. A broadside of 5" would deal with most pirate flotillas, and any lone pirate ship."
"We'll draw up a few different staffing plans from Doctor Carmen's reports," the XO said, "I still don't like the idea of the 8-inchers being totally unmanned, perhaps a single gun per turret, with a crew for reloading."
"Factor that in," the Captain said and stretched, "How many days left?"
"Twelve," the XO said, "We should be sending out scouts soon. Use the fliers to detect the enemy. Some of the pirate ships are naturally stealthy."
"If you're people wouldn't mind," the Captain said to him, "I think they may be willing to do anything to get out of drills."
"I think you might be right about that," he replied, "Why not add a crystal ball, or similar scrying to your sensor array?"
"Radar used to be detected beyond the range it could return a signal," Commander Genek explained, "Magical detection is the same. It's hard to disguise such a spell. That's one way Nuevo Ten keeps the pirates at bay. False, noisy scrying attempts. The pirate's psychic, or mage jumps up and says 'we've been detected!' and they hightail it out of League territory. Usually before we actually have."
"Sneaky," he said admiringly.
"As our creator," the Navy Poke said and grinned at his frown.
"Since we're on the subject, what about ground forces?" he asked sourly, "We have the advantage in fire power, but holding territory requires infantry, and that, we're desperately short on."
Commander Genek frowned. "Honestly, how much would you need?" she asked, "And how good would they have to be?"
Blossom glanced at Shana before she answered her Master, "I'm not really comfortable talking about such things."
Daria and Rainbow nodded. Fred wouldn't look at any of them.
"That's why I'm asking," her Master said, "As perverse as it sounds, it will be for the best."
Fred growled at all of them. "Why are any of you even talking about this?" she demanded, "Don't you have any pride?! Any dignity?! Tell him where to stick it and get lost!"
Daria looked away from the others. "You don't understand," she said softly, "It's what I wanted when I came here. It's just that . . . it's very important, and I wanted to . . . it has to really matter."
"I can't think of anything would matter more," her Master said and took her hand.
"We can do it among ourselves," Shana said, "But including you - it takes on a different tone entirely."
"I'll be the first to admit, I'm not the best at this," he said, "But I promise I'll do my best." He didn't say anything, just looking from face to face, waiting for the first to agree.
"Okay," Shana said, "Don't pressure your Harem members, I'll go first." She sighed, then got up and sat down beside him. She grinned. "Anything I can do to dissuade you?"
"Anything that would mean we don't need their order of battle?" he asked, "I'm sorry that I have to put you under this kind of pressure, but if we can overwhelm them, it will save lives on both sides."
"That doesn't mean we have to like it," Daria said.
"Considering that they aren't needed to guard Lindi Valiant," Blossom said, "The Third Guards are a likely force. And before you ask, they're all Tyrannodames, nearly a 150 of them. The best of the best of the breed."
"Who are also, arguably the best. Oh, lovely," he said.
"There are times you just wonder whether God has one just bone in his body," he whispered as the radar target the CIC had spotted came into actual view.
"Yeah," Roxanne said as she carried her Master on her back during their scout, "That color scheme can't be the result of either color-blindness or shoddy workmanship. They had to actually think it was intimidating, or amusing." She stifled a laugh.
"Just hold it," he warned sharply as he tightened his grip, "You start giggling again, I may fall off again. Plummeting through the air towards an unforgiving sea is a once a day experience in my book."
The huge tower rose out of the sea, magnificent and threatening, until you saw it in color.
"That isn't dazzle painting," Roxanne said as she tried to explain, "And just painting it pink would probably be too phallic for them, but . . . why?!" She pointed at the nightmare before them.
"Scare off Leviathanesses maybe?" her Master offered, "Let's get out of here. If we hang around too long, they'll get suspicious."
"How? Anything that flies or swims probably stops to stare," Roxanne said, "If they don't fall out of the sky laughing or being sick."
"I have to admit," her Master told her, "My first thought was 'What keeps it afloat?'"
"Lots of Viagra? Sorry," she replied.
"Good an explanation as any," he replied as she swooped through a turn to head back to the cruiser.
The call to general quarters had drawn both men to the CIC, while their Harems headed to gunnery or damage control stations. The radar painted the picture clearly.
"They have us boxed in," the Captain explained from the plot table, where radar and scouting reports were coming in to be assembled. "That aft group will never catch us, but it means we can't turn around."
"Nice trap," Miguelito said, "We advance to our target, and they all close in on us. Or we destroy them, and lose time. If we reverse course, how close is that rear group?"
Now the Captain smiled. "If we zig-zag, here, then to here, our friends would close in, and then reverse course here . . . " she let it hang for the two humans to figure out.
"We'd bring all of them within gun range," Janus said, and answered her smile, "Even is they maneuver, they'd could be brought under fire fairly quickly."
"If we could move at 90 knots to . . . but we can," Miguelito said, then stopped, "Can we shroud this ship from their sensors?"
"No," the Captain said, "But we can make multiple sensor images. Some will match our performance, some mimic the known performance of this ship."
Janus grinned. "Anything moving at 90 knots will obviously have to be a decoy," he said, "That's better than invisible. I'll tell Roxanne and Aurora they're back on propulsion duty." He paused to consider. "Are you going to show them your trick?"
"Heavens no," the Captain said, "The last thing we want, is for them to know we can fly."
"Halt the ship!" Roxanne shouted as she and Aurora pushed the ship into as tight a turn as they dared. While the shafts could take the strain of being pushed, they were extremely vulnerable to tangential forces.
Aurora released her hold and raced for the anchor chains and windlasses at the bow. She could pull sideways with those.
The XO ran to the stern. "What's wrong?" she demanded of the FarFuck'd.
"I think we figured out why they were pushing us this way, and why the slowest ships were trailing us." With the ship diverted, the two FarFuck'd headed towards the CIC, other look outs were also racing to report what they'd seen.
"Two, maybe three Leviathanesses," Aurora told them, indicating the point on the chart, "If we were on the water, we would have run right over them, and reinforced hull or not, they would have gotten us."
"Increase altitude to 70 fathoms," the second officer ordered, "I'm glad we're still in this rain squall, but we'll be out of it shortly."
"By that time," the Captain said as she arrived, "We'll have brought those monsters under fire." She looked at the arriving Navy commander. "Commander Genek, blue shells. Three should be sufficient. They'll either dive or attack once we hit them."
"What exactly do those shells do?" Roxanne asked.
"Do you like sleeping soundly at night?" Commander Genek asked.
Roxanne nodded.
"Then don't ask," the Commander replied, then grinned malevolently, "I'll let you carry one to the gun."
The FarFuck'd held up her hands and backed away.
"Anyone else want to know?" the Commander asked, when only horrified expressions surrounded her, she smiled. "I didn't think so."
The Commander nearly dropped one of the two blue-tipped shells she was carrying. "How did you figure it out?" she whispered her anguished demand.
He leaned close as he carried the third and whispered, "I thought about two things, one, what's the deadliest nonradioactive material available, and how would you contain it. Letting a pyrophoric reaction of the binary ingredients generate that evil stuff is what I would do. Making sure they aren't hypergolic is a good idea, in case of a spill. Blowing yourself up with your own weapons is always a bad idea."
"Let's just keep this between ourselves," the Commander whispered back, "If any other League discovered we could manufacture something like that, even a weak version, they'd go nuts."
"Nobody would believe anyone would make that stuff on purpose," he replied as he headed back towards Claymore with the shell.
The sight of three Leviathanesses roiling the water and dying in agony pleased none of the crew. All who had telescopes or binoculars still lined the railing to watch the death throes that had begun moments after firing the shells into their huge bodies.
"If it had really been a fight . . . maybe I wouldn't feel so . . . dirty," Cheryl said as she handed the shared telescope back to its owner.
"That's war," her Master explained, not bothering to watch, "A fair fight is the last thing you want. If you feel bad about this, imagine what is going to happen to those pirates closing in from all sides. At this water's temperature, even Pokègirls won't survive for long. And we're a long way from rescue. The Captain has already decided not to pick up survivors, or drop supplies." He looked at Cheryl's angry expression. "I didn't force her decision," he said defensively, "There is the law of the sea, and then there is the practical problem of feeding and housing a group who'll probably outnumber us."
"Won't the Navy pick them up?" Gwendoline asked.
"Yes," he admitted, "But they're days behind us. And if you were a pirate, especially a Sanctuary-loving Limbec, which would be your preferred fate?"
"Not being a pirate," Gwendoline said.
"They've at least done something to deserve it," Cheryl watched the last of the shredded monsters fall still, and it's corpse slip beneath the waves, "They are just predators."
"I know, and they just got in our way." He patted the Megami's shoulder. "Get some food and some sleep, it's gunnery stations at 0230."
Three teams of self-named predators advanced through the night. The Royal Navy of the sail era would have called the flotilla leaders third-rates, a term that would have infuriated their crews, more than the other ships being fifth and sixth rates. Despite it only being a measure of design and tonnage. All the lookouts on duty saw a flash In the distance, different from the lightning that had been playing throughout the scattered rain squalls the ships had been advancing through. One bored lookout high in the rigging of her ship began counting the time from the flash, to the arrival of the sound, to calculate the distance, and whether to warn the night watch of the danger of lightning.
She was still counting as a much closer explosion below her nearly threw her from her perch. She looked in horror as dozens of fires sprang up in the rigging, and on deck. Her cries of 'fire' were superfluous, and cut off a moment later, as a second explosion shattered the mast upon which she rode. Finally, as the flaming deck rushed up at her, she heard the boom from 12 miles away.
Even through the scattered rain, the fires could be seen. "Eighteen ships, all gone," he commented, "Modern guidance and prox fuses along with old-style heavy guns, and even a fleet of wooden walls is no match," he said sadly. If he was crying the rain showers hid them completely. "Maybe because I never dealt with the Limbecs in my stories, and knew the Navy and the Legion dealt so harshly with them already . . . " He gestured at the fires that marked the flotillas' annihilation. " . . . but this just feels like murder."
Naomi hugged him from behind, wrapping her arms and tail around him as she rested her head against his neck. Don't say anything! she reminded herself, I wonder if the other authors get so melancholic about when their plans work? I sometimes wish I could talk to one from the Harems of those others. Find out if they go from gentle, to murderous and back to ashamed, it's almost predictable.
He stood in the darkness, until the ship's course carried the fires away from his sight. Naomi stayed with him. Resting her body against him, both of them ignoring the slight rain.
There's going to be trouble now, she thought with a mix of frustration and relief as he turned to head back inside, He doesn't want to hurt them, but he can, so easily. And that somehow offends him. Anyone else would have insisted on a boarding action, or a rescue, and all the terrible problems that would entail. But because practicality reigns, he thinks he's heartless, she thought as she towled off her fur before she climbed into the bed with him and pulled him close. She hid her smile as he wrapped his arms around her.
The chief psychic of the Third Guards looked at her commander. "Whatever destroyed them, they took it for lightning. The Leviathanesses are also gone, and I have no idea how. No ordinary artillery should have penetrated their hides, let alone killed them."
"Where are they now?" the apparently human woman asked.
"Back on their original course, coming here. Their reinforcements, if they aren't just a deception, are days behind them," the psychic said.
The commander paced as she considered. "Can the strike team get aboard, and return?"
"Not at this range," the psychic admitted, "In ten hours, perhaps. In fifteen, definitely, but they are more likely to be ready in fifteen."
"In twelve hours, send them out. Once they return with the prize, it doesn't matter what that cruiser does. We'll only need a couple of hours. Then this base will have served its purpose. What was ours will be ours again, and we can silence all the mewling children who think they're the rulers."
"With respect ma'am," the psychic said, "None of us are happy about dealing with - him. Considering what his kind can do to psychics. Even the Tyrannodames are uneasy, and that's something I thought I'd never see."
"He's human, and we all know what that means," the commander grinned as she said it, "As for a ship full of Megami, they are also inconsequential. They can't fight what's coming, and they can't keep their hands as clean as the Celestial Alliance wants to. If they aren't here when the work's actually done, oh my, we didn't do what they told us they wanted us to do."
"Yes, ma'am," the psychic said, and waited until the woman was out of sight, before she pulled the paper and began putting the finishing touches on her Last Will and Testament. "If the Tyrannodames are scared . . . "
Shana and Ronette paced nervously. "The others have him all secure?" the Ophanim asked more sharply than she felt.
"Of course," the SmartDoll said and frowned, "Magical, psychic and physical barriers. No one's getting in there. Threshold, if the entire Third Guards attacked, they wouldn't get through."
The appearance of two Tyrannodames silenced any further talk as the pair attacked. The arrive of first a squad, then a platoon more of the Tyrant girls told Shana that the author might not be their target.
Acer sat on her Tamer's lap, her arms, legs and vines wrapped around him, enjoying their time together. The fact she had orders to keep him tied up and gagged probably was encouraging all the frantic struggling that had him rubbing against her so pleasantly. Now he's going to try something sneaky, she thought as he seemed to accept his relative immobility, while the bulk of his Harem charged in to defend Daria or Fred, whichever was the target of the assault.
"No," she told her Master, and then couldn't fend off an attack of the giggles as he glared at her.
"You know as well as I do that it might be a ruse," she scolded her Master, "And you're too . . . too . . . too . . . " She struggled to find a word both accurate and not insulting. " . . . too you to go run and hide. Unless it's part of a stratagem."
He growled at her, but she was more worried about something else. "Can you go back to wriggling and straining," she cooed, "Your body against mine, it reeeally felt good."
Her Master didn't disappoint, although he was very loud about it. Louder than she was.
"Why Daria?" Miguelito voiced the question that the badly wounded Ronette had practically been screaming in the sickbay, until they sedated her.
"Any chance of calling up their spirits and asking," Janus asked Isaik.
"I already did, they had orders, that's all they knew," the young Eidolon admitted.
"Suicide is not our way," Blossom said, seemingly deeply disturbed by her Breed-sisters' behavior, "We may fight until destroyed, but deliberately taking your own life to prevent capture makes no sense with for a Breed whose commanders regularly call up and torture the spirits of the dead for information. The only defense is not telling people why they're doing what they're doing."
"Any luck waking Shana?" Miguelito asked, "She may be the only one who has even a remote guess."
The Titmouse shook her head.
"Was she in the line for the throne or something?" Janus asked, when no answer came, "Fred! Was Daria in the line for the throne?"
"No," the Tomboy replied, as she rocked back and forth on her heels, "The leadership doesn't work that way."
"It's not your fault," Janus said.
"Then how come the only three people not bloody are you, me, and Acer?" the Tomboy replied, "They knocked me out with one punch. One stupid punch."
"Maybe if she'd practiced, instead of moping," Roxanne muttered uncharitably, resenting that Aurora, Rainbow and Cheryl were in the infirmary, while the kidnaped girl's personal friend only had a bruise.
"Enough," Janus said quietly, "We've got 10 hours to decide what to do. Awful as it sounds, bombarding the tower might make the most sense."
"Delivering a bomb would work even better," Miguelito said darkly, then glanced around, "They took just her. I doubt we'll ever see her again, and I doubt that anyone we care about is still aboard that station. Or will be when we enter gun range."
"Something the size of a skyscraper won't be a match for the main guns of this ship," Janus agreed, "And even if they have heavy lasers, this ship can fire from below the horizon."
"Not from beam weapons mounted over 193 feet above the ocean," Miguelito said, "Even then, we could engage with a good hope of success."
"I don't see how," Blossom said in amazement.
"Because we could perform a rather dramatic misteleport into the water. A small mass remaining energy instead of reintegrating properly. That would shatter whatever water-tight integrity that structure possesses. Then we move in and engage."
"I'd rather not have people tossing around nukes," Commander Genek said, "Or toss stuff down from the L5 station."
"Shouldn't you be in the infirmary?" Miguelito asked.
"I couldn't stay cooped up in there," the battered and bandaged Oni admitted and sat down gratefully, "Not with such high strategy being plotted out here."
"An infantry assault would make the most sense, under the cover of heavy naval gunfire," Blossom suggested, then glanced around, "We need to know what they are doing here. As well as why the Scarlet League is sitting here with their collective thumb up their ass, ignoring it all."
"And the only way to do that is with infantry," Commander Genek agreed.
"As the main source of this necessary infantry, why do we care?" Janus asked pointedly "The Capitol League and the WAPL was practically run by 'softer' S-Goths. They had infiltrators in most other Leagues. I developed the SLIS from corrupt cops into the S-Goth hunting agency they are, specifically to counter that very tendency. It was the one thing the Five Families and the forces of Caesar's Prank could agree on. So the S-Goths buy off the Scarlets with a Rhett Butler or some fancy tech, and it's suddenly 'fiddle-dee-dee, hear no evil, see no evil'. What's so surprising about that? It's not like we need evidence to take people to court. The PLC is an unindicted coconspirator with the S-Goths, and aren't likely to do anything any way. It also means they don't need the seaways to move their supplies. Since Scarlet also borders the Cape of Good Hope, they could just portage or fly them over Scarlet territory."
"So are we abandoning any chance of rescuing Daria?" Blossom carefully asked her Master.
"I believe you were concerned about us going in and blasting the place," he replied, "Now are you suggesting we kill our way in to rescue someone who in all probability is not there, and then fight our way out?"
Blossom bowed her head. "Yes."
"Half our fighting strength is already down in the infirmary for the duration, and I don't see the Megami adding much in the way of effective reinforcements," Naomi said, her arm in a sling, although they knew in 10 hours she and most of the others would be back in fighting trim, "This isn't the Boobfins' fight either."
"Even maintaining our 4 to 1 ratio," Seadamar said, "Our chances of defeating the rest of a 150 man force is not promising."
"That also assumes they've only got one regiment," Fred said, still hugging herself and rocking.
"Running away and nuking the site from orbit is becoming more attractive by the minute," Janus said.
"Then why aren't you declaring that to be our course?" Miguelito asked.
"Because if there's a chance . . . Daria came to us," he said sadly, "To me, and tried to work out a deal. I'd rather not throw that away on a 'maybe'. There's also a feeling I can't shake that there's a lot more to this than we're seeing from here. That we have to go and find out. The best description I can give is that someone is shaking the foundations of the world. I didn't want to bring that up, until you'd all put in your two creds worth. I take it you all want to try to rescue Daria?"
Those around the table nodded.
"You have reinforcements you can call in," Angie Douglas spoke up, "SLIS agents, your other characters, other assets."
"Carmen's busy elsewhere, Jeff Davis would probably gut me if we met, Granny . .. " he thought aloud as he ran down the possibilities, "I guess a spoiler or two wouldn't be amiss. Reinforcements we need, reinforcements we shall have."
"We're gonna be heroes!" the Bunnygirl squealed as she bounced, "Isn't that wonderful Master! Ouchie! The ceiling's got my ears! Leggo! Get your own ears!"
"Terrific," her Master replied as he looked around the wardroom at the others. He kept looking at the three identical SLIS agents, with the three identical and impossible Harems. He shook his head. "I need a drink."
The overweight boy with the two Penances looked askance at all the Megami, especially the well-endowed ones, who kept brushing against him and smiling invitingly. His two Penances were grinning while they stalked the Blessed Jokette, who seemed to be enjoying entertaining the Megami kits by not noticing the hunters, including the Chibi Chimera, and Chibi WolfQueen.
"You are insane," the Megami-Sama in the green and purple dress told Janus.
Miguelito wasn't helping, sitting over in the corner laughing so hard he had tears running down his cheeks. The SLIS agents were of no help, too nonplused by their identical trio of colleagues to act as a bulwark on sanity.
"They told me this was a weird assignment," Agent Wendell said, "This takes the cake."
"The plate, and the table too," his MaryAnn Drews added, before being put in a headlock by his Pengal and dragged away.
"You're wrinkling the material!" the MaryAnn Drews complained. On her way into the other room, the Pengal snagged one of the overly happy Bunnygirl's ears. The trio of Angie Douglasses, and her Harems followed the protesting Bunnygirl. Deniece followed that group, while Denephew found a seat to observe this other briefing.
The older, gray-haired man seemed to be the only one taking all of it in stride. While his partner, and his partner's little brother seemed completely stupefied by the entire experience.
Once the hatch closed, Brian loosed the rest of his Harem, and took a seat at the table. A loud slap from Amanda knocked him to the floor. The tall, athletic woman got up and moved to the other side of Eugene. The boy's two Penances snuggled against him happily. Amanda/Brian wasn't the only incident of glaring and mutual suspicion around the table.
"We haven't got much time, so I'll give it to you straight. The S-Goths have a major base outside the Scarlet League. A contingent of S-Goths were negotiating a treaty with elements of the Sunshine League. You may have read about the fuss in the Capitol League recently."
"Yeah," Jeremy blurted out, "Somebody nearly torched one of their cities!"
"There's a lot more to it. Someone else killed Jenova, removed her head, and mailed it to the S-Goths, care of the Capitol League's upper hierarchy."
"Gross," the Jokette said, and looked at the disbelieving Celestials around her, "What, I can't have standards?" The Celestials all shook their heads and looked away.
"Their base security forces kidnaped one of the delegates, the niece of one of their higher ranking leaders. Considering that the kidnappers assaulted her security force, I can only guess it's an internal political operation."
"So why are we getting involved?" Cameron asked.
"Because I have intelligence that it is far more than that," Janus said, nodding to Eugene, "The Celestial Alliance has already shown their hand here. If they are more than superficially involved, the plot may extend a good deal further."
"So what are we hitting?" Blackberry asked.
"These are some external photos," Angie the Titmouse said as she put the prints on the table, "We haven't gotten close enough to get detailed scans of the inside."
"That's our job! Right?" Jeremy insisted, ignoring the pained expression on his sister's face.
"Yes," Janus said, "Miguelito will head up the scouting forces. Angie Douglas be leading the heavy assault force."
"What are the rules of engagement?" Summer asked, the chibi Chimera's snake-like tail asked.
"Initially, avoid contact as much as possible. Once they know we're there, deal with all problems as you see fit. Our only goal is to get the hostage, and get out, with a minimum of casualties on our side."
"Why not simply gas the place?" Hazel asked, then frowned at the other frowns, "Nonlethal gas, put them all to sleep and just creep in and out."
"If I thought it would work, I'd give you each a box of markers while we got the hostage. The problem is, we don't know the layout, the air shafts, or even if the building is shielded against NBC attacks."
"Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical," Cameron said.
"Oo, you talk so sexy!" Hazel purred, ignoring Brian's warning growl.
"That's what the Jokette I killed thought too," he replied and grinned at Hazel, causing Hazel and The March Hare to move away.
"Quite an assault force, 9 Seraphs, two Dryders, 4 HyperDolls, 3 Neo-Iczels, Demon-Goddesses, a WolfQueen, a Chimera, and those are only the highlights," Miguelito said, "That's better than two full platoons."
"The scout force will consist of Jeremy's and Miguelito's entire groups," Janus told them, "With Forseti and Gennie as reinforcements."
"How the Hell do you know her name, old man?" Brian demanded.
"I am a powerful mage, who can read a report before I attend a meeting," Janus replied.
"I think I'd better go with the rabbit as part of the scout force," Hazel said, and nodded at Janus.
"Good point. Take an Angie with you, since she'll be in charge of the overall op, she'll know what we're doing. We'll have a bit of rearranging, to bring your groups up to squad strength."
He laid out the squads that would be under Angie's command, while Miguelito, Jeremy, and their Harems went to the other room to discuss their plans with the others.
Janus looked at the faces of his creations, no longer his puppets to dance to his tune, but people who were as alive as he was, and just as filled with emotion and thoughts as he was. I never had perfect control over them most of the time anyway, he thought, I just have to survive this.
"We have to be ready to go in two hours," Janus said.
"Why not take our airship in?" Eugene asked, "It's faster than this boat, and nearly as heavily built."
"Because they'd blow it out of the sky," Seadamar replied, "Besides, we need a scout for the Limbec Pirate forces in the region. We destroyed a squadron north of here. They could have another force to the south. If they do, we need to know about it."
"SkyCaptain will love that," Amanda said, "Fly around looking for the enemy. Then no way to bomb them."
"If she wants to get a quick lesson in correcting naval gunfire, I think it could be arranged," Commander Genek said, "Or, I can go with her and keep her apprized of the success or failure of the rest of you. Because once you get the girl, I think Death, Hell and Destruction is going to chase you all the way home."
"Too right," Amanda said.
Angie looked at the stunningly calm and collected boy, moving from concealment, to concealment, as utterly invisible as if magic cloaked him. That's just - unearthly, she thought as she pulled back into her hidey-hole as a patrol walked right through the middle of Jeremy's group, and never reacted.
The office they'd found had been a God-send, containing a computer terminal and a map for the electrical systems of the tower. Once you know where the power goes, you know where the real work gets done, she thought as the little man continued his hacking into the system, and Deniece prepared another flash transmission to the ship, We have a landing site, and we have a target.
The lights dimmed again, and came back to full strength. "That will be useful," Miguelito said, "I think I can use that to cut the anti-teleport field completely, for few seconds. When it comes back up, everyone will blame those power surges."
"Why do I think this is going too easy?" Angie asked quietly.
"Because you haven't considered just how much power this place is built to deliver, and what percent it's drawing," Miguelito answered, "We could drive that cruiser a 150 knots through the water on what this tower is putting out, and considering that the resistance of water goes up with the cube of the speed, and she normally requires 120000 SHP to go 33 knots."
"A lot," Angie said.
"Indeed," he said as the lights dimmed again, "Hmm, those are almost predictable. They are drawing over 125% of rated capacity."
"To do what?" Angie said.
"I suggest we let the assault team decide that," Miguelito told her.
Angie nodded. "Can you predict the next one? And give coordinates for the power draw?"
"I believe so, and a large open area near the machinery. I don't know where the control systems are."
"Good enough, Deniece, send the message, and then find us a way to get up there." Angie considered the possibilities.
"There they are Commander," SkyCaptain said of the fleet out the window, "Pretty as you please, ironclads all, so your little white phosphorus/starshell trick won't work on these."
"The Daisy Mae has real shells for ironclads," the Commander said idly, "Fifty of them. I hate fair fights."
The SkyCaptain snickered. "Arrogant bastards, too bad we didn't keep a few of those Widows, one to a ship, and watch the mayhem."
" 'Widows'? Plural?" the Commander asked.
"Yep, there was a storage bank chocked full of them. Some idiot was gonna use them to kill a friend of ours. We dumped'em in a volcano, let the heat broil them as they rematerialized, so they never thought to phase or sumthin'."
"We'd better get back to the ship, and let them know what's coming. And that it's a lot closer than they thought."
"We'd better check the last quadrant as well, that's where I'd put a little ambush force. If I were them."
"Agreed," the Commander said.
The room seems to form around us, rather than us appearing, he thought as he looked over his small part of the heavy strike force. A ways away, electrical arcing could be heard, already the smell of burning copper and insulation smoke was hastening their movement. Shouting in a foreign language could be heard. They're going to blow this place up themselves, he thought as they ran out of the area, and to the next, splitting into two columns to surround the force engaged in doing whatever.
Alba hopped onto his shoulder, gripping his hair and jacket to keep her seat. "Something's going wrong with their gate, and Daria is fighting them, my Mistress's Master," the little Handmaid said.
"You understand all the screaming?" he asked.
"Yes, M&M," she said and giggled, "They are quite vexed."
"Good to know," he thought as they headed up a ramp into the control area.
"EEEK!" the screaming Bunnygirl ran into the middle of a crowd of Dameosaurs, "Monsters! Monsters all over the place!" She gestured wildly and jumped up and down excitedly.
"Where?!" one of the Sanctuary soldiers shouted as she shook the blithering idiot.
The Bunnygirl sobered and looked confused. "Have you looked in a mirror lately?" She fell to the deck, laughing uncontrollably. "You should see your face, but you'd scare yourself!" the Bunnygirl squealed in hysterics.
The Dameosaurs exchanged glances, and with wicked grins, all assumed their battleforms. Sharp claws clicked on the metal deck. "Oh Bunnygirl?" the leader said sweetly.
A sound like the noise of a tuba birthing a litter of bagpipes blasted through the corridor.
When Stupid Fuzzbutt raised her head, all the Dameosaurs lay dead or twitching in agony as they died. "Yay! Yay! Yay! Another brilliant plan from my Master!" she shouted as she skipped happily to her Harem sisters. "Ouchie! The deck hit me! WAAHH!"
Angie watched the Jokette straighten up and pull her pants up. "That was - " the words just wouldn't come.
"A Megami-Sama's idea of humor. Compensation, since she took my Smilex away. 'Ever dance with the Devil in the pale moonlight?'" Hazel explained grimly.
"That explains the special effect, and why you - uh, glowed - before firing, but - "
"Officer," Hazel said in a warning tone, "Beware the Nice Ones." Then she grinned happily. "I wonder how many more we can kill before we meet up with the main group!" The Jokette collected her Alpha and marched on down the corridor.
"And he created me too," Angie whispered, then she shook her head, "I worry about that man. I really do."
The main lab was hardly the place for a battle, tight corridors full of gauges, metal tubes and wires. The inhabitants saw the attackers, the smoke coming from some of the panels, and fled. The assault force advanced steadily.
"Any idea what these are?" someone shouted to Cameron as he took a few moments to look at the equipment.
"They look like some of the memory storage units," he shouted back, "Human memory, but there's no practical application. You put them in a clone, or even an older version of the source, and they'd be a jumble. The data is dependent on the formation of synapses."
"What about overloading it? Pumping more power in?" Jeremy asked, "We made it, and Hazel's going with the other column."
"Welcome back. No kid, reducing the load on equipment makes it work better. Overloading it like this is irrational."
"Maybe not," Miguelito said as he ducked under sparks and proceeded on, "This is all Saint Elmo's fire, the real power is doing something else."
"Glad to see the adventuring bug got you too Professor," Cameron said as he continued his walk after the small man.
'General Quarter, General Quarters, all hands to anti-air positions, this is not a drill, all hands to anti-air stations!' woke Shana out of her drug-induced stupor. She looked around at the infirmary, and saw Rainbow levering herself off the table. Aurora swayed drunkenly as she headed for the hatchway. Shana saw the IV in Ronette's arm and decided to let her lie. "Somehow I think the boss needs us," she told the Tyrannodame.
"Not without me," Cheryl growled as she slipped out of bed, and dropped bonelessly to the floor.
"Oh yeah, you'll be a lotta help," Shana said.
"Don't have to outrun the monster," Rainbow said and nodded at the prone Megami, "Just gotta outrun slowest teammate. 'Sides, she can find the boss, we can't."
"Okay, up and at'em holy girl," Shana said as she hauled the Megami to her feet, "Take us to him."
The 3"/50's and 5"/38's were rapid firing, and the swarms of flying types were falling. The few who teleported to the decks found the 20mm were adequate for putting them down.
"Captain," Aurora said as she staggered into the CIC, "Lift the ship, then set watertight integrity, and cut the compensation, except inside. Use the main guns."
"We'll spin . . . like a bat!' the Captain said and turned to her second officer, "Give the orders, and tell Commander Genek to stand clear. Things are going to get a little dicey. Aurora, we'll need help repelling boarders who get inside."
The FarFuck'd smiled grimly. "Gladly."
Shana realized her mistake instantly, as at least twelve Tyrannodames turned to face her, Rainbow and Cheryl. The dozen bowed deeply and changed to battleform. "I thought you said he was here," she whispered harshly to the still tottering Megami.
"I screwed up," Cheryl admitted and looked at the forces surrounding them, "What are you doing to do, kill me?"
"Who commands?" Shana ordered as the stood straight and tall, determined to meet her fate as she faced life.
"I do, fortunately for you." The tall Warrior Nun walked from around the centerpiece of the back room. The tubes, cables and equipment of the centerpiece seemed to pulse and shiver with a life all their own.
Shana recognized the leader of Sanctuary's Expeditionary forces, those who fought in foreign lands. "Kamara," she said, "I wouldn't have expected you to tolerate the kidnaping and abuse of a child."
"There are balances in this world," the Warrior Nun said sadly, "And it's too late to change what the child was created for. You may return with us, in full honor, and safe passage for your allies to such destination as is their choice. Beyond that, I can promise nothing."
"The authors - "
"Will be dealt with. They will probably all be slain, they know things that we cannot have returning to where they might change the world. I'm sorry, your peace mission is at an end."
"And how does one not on the Council have the authority to tell me anything," Shana asked, then glanced at the Tyrannodames, "Besides the appeal to force."
The noise from the machine ended, and the Warrior Nun relaxed. "Finally."
Then the doors blew open. "You were supposed to make her say 'you and what army,' then we'd storm in," Shana heard her erstwhile Master tease, "We've been waiting for cue for ten minutes."
The twelve Tyrannodames and the other security forces turned, and began gaging their chances. Although Kamara smiled, as if completely satisfied. "An author, have you trained him Shana?"
"I have," Cheryl said fiercely as she succeeded in standing on her own.
"Ah, the blademaster Megami, so he might be a match for . . . an Ingenue, or a Kitten?" Kamara said, and chuckled, "Wouldn't it have been - "
"Silence!" came another voice, and even Kamara cringed at that tone.
"Daria?" Fred cried and ran to her friend, seemingly hale and hearty. Until the girl flattened the Tomboy with an Aura of Command, and an Aura of Fear.
"Who gave one such as you leave to touch me?" Daria asked coldly, "You will come as I will, and you will do as I say."
"Yes, Mistress," the Tomboy whimpered as she groveled on the ground.
"You are here for the - "
"This is Lindi Valiant, folks!" Janus shouted over the S-Goth's words, "She bred a clone, let her grow up, and when someone killed the original, she had them install her spirit and memories in the new model." He grinned at the fuming S-Goth. "What's a matter? Tats give you hubris as well as hepatitis? You think I wouldn't figure it out?"
"Yes, and how fortunate you're here to kill her," Kamara said gleefully, "And that I'm inclined to let you try." She grinned at the stunned leader of the S-Goths. "Some of us had plans too, your Majesty."
The Tamers
Eugene Maxwell
'Old Man' - Cameron Simone
'Wild Thing' - Jessica Ventura
Kelvin's Choice (Janus)
The Watcher
'Jeremy' - Jesse Ventura
SLIS Agents
Angie Douglas (x3)
Oliver Wendell
Kevin Thomas
Kelvin's Choice (Janus) - Harem
Isaik/Underground - Eidolon (Hild's agent)
Warden - Bust Angel (Hild's opposed agent)
Maus - HeavenKat (Hild's opposed agent)
Seadamar - GunValkyrie
Alba - HandMaid
Aurora/One Medallion/Earth -1 - FarFuck'd
Roxanne/Two Medallions/Earth -2 - FarFuck'd
Blossom - Tyrannodame (Kitten's Harem)
Rainbow - Tyrannodame
Angie - WarMech Titmouse (Angie Douglas's faction)
Sabrina - DildoQueen (Kitten's Harem)
Hatta Mary - Fiendish Cherry
Acerpalmatum - Chikotit
Jen - HyperDoll
Cheryl - Megami
Naomi - Tigress
Eriko (Eko) - Officer Jenny
Erika (Kay) - Nurse Joy (SLIS agent)
Hester - Jugguar (Kay's Harem)
Adrian - Heroine (Kay's Harem)
Pool Mouse - Pool Mouse (Eko's Harem)
`Eugene's` Harem
Flower - MilkTit (Alpha)
Downy - Seraph
Skull Cap - Alaka-Wham
Kittypussy - Boobcat
Angel - `AILF`
Tai - Penance
Sam - Penance
`Amanda's` Harem
Slinky - Lamia
BoobyTrap - DigTitTrio
Tableau - PsiLady (Alpha)
Mademoiselle Bouillabaisse 'Mad B' - Sapphron
Shadow - Angel
SkyCaptain - SkyCaptain
Taylor's `Harem`
Muffin - Seraph
Bismarck - Seraph
Biscuit - Seraph
Cookie - Seraph
Baguette - Seraph
Dumpling - Seraph
Kolache - Seraph
Eclair- Angel
'Old Man' &'Wild Thing''s Harem
Red - Tanuki (Squad `Beta`)
Gray - StretchyMaid
Forseti - chibi Chimera
April - Billie head
May - Lioness head
June - Dragoness head
Summer - Snake head
Sally - ArchAngel
Sarah - Unicorn
Karrie - Rapitaur
Jamie - Dryder (Group Alpha)
Toni - Magic Knight (Fire)
Elaine - Magic Knight (Water)
Ariel - Magic Knight (Air)
Jenny Lydia - Dark Kitsune
Simon - MaryAnn Drew
Rolli - Tick-Tock
Magenta - Maggieton
Wilma - Balanced
Betty - Positive
Gladys - Negative
Prima - Charred Fireburst (Squad `Beta`)
Maria - Marowhack (Jessica's Alpha)
Antoinette - Bardess
Voltaire - Francinestein
Doctor Marilyn - Alaka-Wham
Jeremy's Harem
Deniece - CameraGirl
Denephew - CameraGirl
Sherry - Kung Ewe
Jean - Alaka-Wham
The Harem (known by Brian), (known by Stupid Fuzzbutt)
Stupid Fuzzbutt - Bunnygirl
Flopsie - PsiDyke
Hazel - Blessed Jokette
Bigwig - Xerablondi
The March Hare - Megami-Sama
Captain Campion - Officer Jenny
Holly - Nurse Joy
Mopsie - MaryAnn Drews
Cottontail - MaryAnn Drews
Bugs - Seraph
Thumper - Demon-Goddess
Gennie / General Woundwort - Chibi Wolf Queen
BOOM - G-Splice (effectively Charred Battle Battle Angel {Fire-type})
Blackberry - Tenebrous Love Dove
Easter - Blessed Nidogg
Angie's Harem(x3)
Sam - Neo-Iczel
Happy - Demon-Goddess
Jodie - HyperDoll
Oliver's Harem
Gina - Mary Ann Drews
Annette - Pengal (Alpha)
Kevin's Harem
Jenna - Succubus (Alpha)
Lady Dectus - Dryder
Scout Force
'Jeremy' - Jesse Ventura
Angie Douglas
Deniece - CameraGirl
Denephew - CameraGirl
Sherry - Kung Ewe
Jean - Alaka-Wham
Stupid Fuzzbutt - Bunnygirl
Hazel - Blessed Jokette
Mopsie - MaryAnn Drews
Cottontail - MaryAnn Drews
Bugs - Seraph
Thumper - Demon-Goddess
Antoinette - Bardess
Voltaire - Francinestein
Doctor Marilyn - Alaka-Wham
Assault Force, Angie Douglas Commanding
Eugene Maxwell
Flower - MilkTit (Alpha)
Downy - Seraph
Skull Cap - Alaka-Wham
Kittypussy - Boobcat
Angel - `AILF`
Tai - Penance
Slinky - Lamia
BoobyTrap - DigTitTrio
Tableau - PsiLady (Alpha)
Mademoiselle Bouillabaisse 'Mad B' - Sapphron
Shadow - Angel
Sam - Penance
Muffin - Seraph
Bismarck - Seraph
Biscuit - Seraph
Cookie - Seraph
Baguette - Seraph
Dumpling - Seraph
Kolache - Seraph
Eclair- Angel
'Old Man' - Cameron Simone
Red - Tanuki (Squad `Beta`)
Gray - StretchyMaid
Forseti - chibi Chimera
Sally - ArchAngel
Sarah - Unicorn
Karrie - Rapitaur
Jamie - Dryder (Group Alpha)
Jenny Lydia - Dark Kitsune
'Wild Thing' - Jessica Ventura
Toni - Magic Knight (Fire)
Elaine - Magic Knight (Water)
Ariel - Magic Knight (Air)
Prima - Charred Fireburst (Squad `Beta`)
Maria - Marowhack (Jessica's Alpha)
Simon - MaryAnn Drew
Rolli - Tick-Tock
Magenta - Maggieton
Flopsie - PsiDyke
Bigwig - Xerablondi
The March Hare - Megami-Sama
Captain Campion - Officer Jenny
Holly - Nurse Joy
BOOM - G-Splice (effectively Charred Battle Battle Angel {Fire-type})
Blackberry - Tenebrous Love Dove
Easter - Blessed Nidogg
Angie Douglas
Sam - Neo-Iczel
Happy - Demon-Goddess
Jodie - HyperDoll
Sam - Neo-Iczel
Happy - Demon-Goddess
Jodie - HyperDoll
Sam - Neo-Iczel
Happy - Demon-Goddess
Jodie - HyperDoll
Oliver Wendell
Gina - Mary Ann Drews
Annette - Pengal (Alpha)
Eriko (Eko) - Officer Jenny
Erika (Kay) - Nurse Joy (SLIS agent)
Hester - Jugguar (Kay's Harem)
Adrian - Heroine (Kay's Harem)
Pool Mouse - Pool Mouse (Eko's Harem)
Kevin Thomas
Jenna - Succubus (Alpha)
Lady Dectus - Dryder
Roxanne/Two Medallions/Earth -2 - FarFuck'd
Hatta Mary - Fiendish Cherry
Acerpalmatum - Chikotit
Naomi - Tigress
Isaik/Underground - Eidolon
Warden - Bust Angel
Maus - HeavenKat
Seadamar - GunValkyrie
Alba - HandMaid
Blossom - Tyrannodame
Angie - WarMech Titmouse
Sabrina - DildoQueen
Jen - HyperDoll