Pokemon is a copyright of Nintendo. Pokègirls and Pokèwomen come from the Pokewomon Forum at http://disc.server.com/Indices/169881.html. "Wild Horses and Pokègirls" is the creation of Metroanime. C&C, MSTs are welcome E-mail:
. . . The Amazon-chan moaned sleepily. The idiot is finally taking advantage of the situation, about time. Her pleasure at having her breast fondled, ended as a stabbing pain literally tore through her chest. She screamed as she bolted upright. A knife poured blood out of its handle, a knife stuck in her chest. She spotted the man racing out of the tent, before it collapsed around her. She tugged on the knife and felt the answering tug on her ribs. Her fate became clear.
. . . The man dashed out of the tent, and pulled on a rope that pulled the tent stakes free, collapsing the tent, while he ran to several large containers. As the Amazon-chan fumbled her way clear of the crumpled tent, the man stood nearby, and stood ready. He sprayed her with the liquid from the two collapsible bottles, he waited a moment. Then the Amazon-chan realized what she'd been doused with, as the coal from the fire hit her. She didn't even scream as she went up like a torch.
. . . She rolled, as all are taught, only to tangle herself in the tent. With the Amazon-chan tangled in its flaming confines, the man stood impassively and watched for a few moments as she struggled. Then he shook his head and pulled a length of heavy pipe from the pile of supplies. He swung down hard, and connected, making a sickening crunch, but still the flaming mass moved. He hit it again, and again.
. . . A piledriver would show more passion, Eriko thought as she squirmed in her tree 'hide' looking down on the action. Movement stopped, but still the pipe fell. The wet impact of steel on flesh stops, reason stops, and even exhaustion can't stop him.
. . . He finally stopped, seeming to see the battered, flaming mass, instead of a target, and he stepped away from it. He dragged the pipe back to the supplies while wearing an expression of grim purpose. He pulled a shovel and quickly mixed any burning bits with dirt. Except the largest. That done, he set the shovel with the murder implement and stepped away from them.
. . . "It's all right. I won't hurt you. You can come out now!" he shouted.
. . . No! Eriko wanted to yell, as Erika dropped out of her hiding place among the trees that ringed the campsite.
. . . "Do you think you killed her enough?" Erika complained bitterly. Her camouflage fatigues somehow incongruous on a Nurse Joy.
. . . "I don't like the Sanctuary Goths, or their slaves. If you think I'm going to let them try again, you are crazy," he replied angrily. The short-cropped graying hair was as blood- spattered as the rest of him. Erika stepped back from the figure.
. . . Now you notice all the blood, Eriko thought as she waited, so she could drop directly behind him.
. . . The man jumped.
. . . "Oh!" Erika realized, "He didn't know I was there! He just yelled."
. . . "Not entirely true," he replied as the Nurse Joy rounded on him.
. . . "That was mean!"
. . . "That was survival," he answered coldly.
. . . "Look, the League still has some questions for you," Eriko said as she pulled off the watch cap and replaced it with her usual, battered Stetson, the one with the replica badge on it.
. . . "Officer Jenny, I'm sure they do," the man answered as he picked up the shovel, to extinguish the last two fires. The campfire, and the murder.
. . . "Are you just going to leave her like that? Leave her for the Ferals to eat?"
. . . "The pain inflicted or the callousness? To which do you object?" he asked Erika, "Why do both of you have brown hair? That directly contradicts the 'dex. The facial features speak to Japanese or Elven ancestry."
. . . "We were both born with brown hair. Just because we Thresholded, that doesn't mean we have to have that hair color."
. . . "It's permanent," Erika said, showing her non-pink roots, ignoring the fact he still had a long-handled shovel in his hands, "And what did you mean about Japanese or Elven? What's 'Japanese'?"
. . . "The island chain of the Edo League, the people tended to higher and more pronounced cheek bones and finer features, similar to the elves of legend. They also had other similarities to the elves of legend, good and bad."
. . . "You're going back with us," Eriko told him, folding her arms and trying to appear the policePokè in control.
. . . With the smell of roasted Amazon-chan wafting through the air, I'm not very convincing, she thought, Damn few Tamers can fight one. I've never heard of a Tamer killing one that wasn't his.
. . . "Fine, officer, as long as I'm under arrest, and formally charged."
. . . "For your protection."
. . . "You didn't protect me from her, I did. If you won't listen to me, why should I accept your authority? You could have prevented them from kidnaping me, a few miles outside of the League's capital, along the most traveled roadway in the League, perhaps in the world."
. . . "We didn't exactly have a tremendous amount of warning," Erika replied, and ignored her police sister's frown.
. . . "So you felt it necessary to kill someone like this?"
. . . "What other choice would I have? And don't tell me a Level 5, there's no proof that erases enough of the memory to prevent restoration of a core personality. All you'd need is a core assassin personality preimprinted with the target, hidden somewhere the Level 5 doesn't reach."
. . . "How do you come up with these ideas . . . of course, right, no problem," the Nurse Joy shook her head and said.
. . . "Someone who got kidnaped, tortured and stranded because of his hobby, by a bunch of people who never considered the possibility that our group wouldn't be all powerful, and even if we were, we wouldn't dream of helping Sanctuary, except to become extinct. Everyone of us knows the S-Goths are bad guys, whether they're moustache-twirling villains or well-meaning extremists is the point of contention. To chalk it up in the villain column, they ate Kerrik 'to absorb his spiritual essence and powers, and to prevent this world from profaning his body.' Hotaru and Kishi are safe, 'cause they're in Texas, and I thank God I couldn't remember Prof's or FF's real names while they were questioning me."
. . . "Quite an outburst," Eriko said patiently.
. . . Do I cuff him? He may not be as powerful as the S-Goths wanted, but he knows things that nobody here does, the Officer Jenny wondered, He doesn't seem as harmless as most Tamers do without Pokègirls.
. . . "The Megami said I have a lot of repressed anger regarding this incident."
. . . Eriko looked at the smoldering corpse. "I never would have guessed," she said, as the Nurse Joy across the campsite squirmed. "We have to take you back. The League can help."
. . . "The League wants the same secrets Sanctuary does. Frankly, they could get all the same information by reading the 'dex I took from the S-Goths. I haven't read every story or every entry."
. . . "I think they're more interested in your scientific and engineering knowledge," Eriko admitted, causing the Nurse Joy to gasp and cover her mouth, "Why lie? They have the books, but that's different from actual practice." She looked at the man. "I think you understand that too."
. . . He smiled bitterly. "Unless I'm under arrest, I'm going my own way. I could use those same secrets to my benefit, without a leash."
. . . "I might remind you that you don't have the protection that others have had, and without a Pokègirl, a Feral Titmouse could kill you."
. . . "You say that as if it were a bad thing. This isn't my home, this isn't my planet, this was a hobby until I could hone my craft enough to publish my own stuff. Do you honestly believe the League is going to actually try to send me home? They may try to send someone to my home, to do what the S-Goths tried to do from the creation end, but there's absolutely no guarantee that they'll do that. Besides, if the S-Goths really did get seventeen of us, this world is about to enter a period of malaise, and then change drastically."
. . . "We aren't bad companions, and not all Pokègirls are evil, sir," Erika said as she stepped up beside him, treating him like a skittish patient, "Some of us are nice."
. . . "Aren't you afraid I'll knife you in your sleep?" he asked, and sneered.
. . . She frowns, then smiles. "Not really. I'm not a Sanctuary agent, I'm an SLIS agent."
. . . Eriko slapped her own face. "Erika!"
. . . The Nurse Joy turned to face her sister. "I read those stories, especially his, while you were reading the research material," the Nurse Joy countered and stepped closer to the man, "He respects that sometimes they/we aren't nice, because more people would be hurt if we were nice, but most of us try to be good. So, if you don't agree, we won't be nice, but we will be good. And thank you for that, I understand it was your idea." She took his hand with both of hers and smiled at him.
. . . "Sam Vimes and a book one of my relatives wrote were the inspiration," he said and was struggling not to return the smile.
. . . Soften him up, Eriko thought, And since I'm the Pokècop, I get to play 'bad cop', thanks sister-dear. He'd better be ready for what happens if he ever takes your hat off. But he knows about that little secret too, doesn't he?
. . . He looked from the Nurse Joy to the Officer Jenny. "Same hairstyle, nearly the same facial features, are you two sisters?"
. . . Evade the original question with a different one, she thought.
. . . "Identical twins," Eriko replied, "Before we went through Threshold."
. . . "Why did your parents name you something to similar?" he asked, "It's got to be hard to tell apart."
. . . "So when they called us, both would come," Erika answered, "We usually go by Eko and Kay."
. . . "So you're Eko," he said to Erika, "and you're Kay," he said to Eriko.
. . . "The other way," Kay giggled, and smoothly took his arm as she leaned against him.
. . . Very good, I'd probably put him in a stranglehold about now, the Officer Jenny thought.
. . . "Erika, Kay, Nurse Joy. Eriko, Eko, Officer Jenny," Eko explained.
. . . "I think she's really a Calamity Jane," Kay whispered, "But don't tell her that."
. . . She knows I'll frown at that, Eko thought as she surveyed the man's gear.
. . . "How did you know she was a plant?" Eko asked, back to investigating.
. . . "Besides the tattoos she tried to hide? And that I recognized her from the group that kidnaped me? I guess it was totally random," he said as he untangled himself from Kay, his back to her frown, "I always wanted to lure someone, who could break me in half without trying, into the woods to kill them. It's been a dream of mine since I was born."
. . . "You need better dreams," Kay said as she approached again, brushing against him as she stepped up to the wrapped corpse and tried to pull some of the melted and charred fabric away.
. . . "It's going to require a forensic lab to look into your claim."
. . . "Do you really think the League, or Sanctuary, are going to allow absolute verification?" he asked, "They'll leave it a mystery. I doubt they really want to know everything anyway."
. . . "You have a talent for guessing right," Eko said.
. . . "You have no idea," he said darkly.
. . . Eko glanced at the nearly fawning Joy and continued, "While they want you back, they want that you exist kept secret. Can you imagine the stir your presence will cause? Or of any of the others?"
. . . "That's why He showed up as a carpenter," the man said wryly, "Sorry you couldn't meet up with Kerrik before they got him, or are you more a Zikore fan?"
. . . Eko frowned, more frustrated by the fact the man infuriated her all out of proportion with any of the reasons she could explain. "Also, you are under arrest."
. . . "Really?" He seemed to rise to the challenge. "What's the charge?"
. . . "Lighting an unauthorized bonfire in a League forest preserve. It may only get you a slap on the wrist, or a scolding from the judge, but the charge will stick. I guarantee it."
. . . He bowed mockingly. "That does seem to cover things," he said, "Shall I pack up my stuff? I assure you, I'll cause no trouble."
. . . "I doubt you'll resist arrest," Eko said, "But you've already caused more trouble than you know."
. . . The drive home began rekindling his flagging energies. I've never wanted to deal with that nonsense, he thought as his eyes scanned the highway, All the way home - What the!? He pressed on the brakes. Where would somebody get a tree that size?! There's no tree that size near the road, he thought and scanned the area for how to drive around the roadblock that covered all four lanes of the freeway, There's no trees that size in a dozen miles!
. . . His eyes went wide as the car's back end lifted and the car began to flip. Before the car pancaked, it began spin through all three dimensions, never touching the ground. What's going on? he thought as he felt himself pinned again the side of the car and nearly suffocated by the seatbelts. Then the car landed hard on all four tires and rocked for a moment.
. . . Before he could stabilize himself, two hands crashed through the side window, and dragged him out through the remains of the window. The purple-haired woman in the muscle T-shirt threw him to the ground.
. . . "Now too tough now are you?" She punched him in the stomach so hard, he passed out.
. . . Coming awake, coming out of a dream, he thought, Only pitch blackness around. Good night vision aside, even I can't see in this darkness. He noted the two other sounds on the far side of the tent. Those two are going to be trouble. More than I'm already in. Either the Joy's a good actress, or she's already going 'Look at My Master'. The Jenny's got an attitude problem, but I can guess what it is. I'm out of her experience and I'm a threat to order, and therefore her view of the universe. Sorry, I didn't come here of my own free will, and I'll go home as soon as possible. Probably into an even bigger mess. Of course no one will believe I just drove out and walked back in.
. . . He lay back down. Of course the Jenny, Eko, put herself between me and the Joy, Kay. She's afraid Kay is already getting a little too grabby, and I agree. They're both cute, but the last thing I need is a Pokègirl, let alone two, once-twin sisters. I certainly couldn't take them home. It might not start the backlash that Sukebe's escapades started, but it would raise too many questions. 'Home or Death' not a very cheerful motto I admit, but the only one that fits the facts.
. . . He tried to go back to sleep, and ignore the noises the Joy was making. Noises that kept including his name.
. . . "The city's back that way," he said, pointing back down the trail.
. . . Finally, something concrete he doesn't understand! Eko thought, I shouldn't feel triumphant that I outsmarted him, but it is satisfying.
. . . "Don't get too wet," Kay teased, "He'll notice."
. . . She frowned at her sister, before explaining, "The nearest Zeppelin terminal, is this way."
. . . "Okay, about midday I'd like to stop for a while."
. . . "Why?" Eko almost regretted asking.
. . . "I've got a Chekhov's Gun, and I'd like to sight it in," he replied.
. . . "Uh, okay . . . " Eko said, "I'm not going parse that statement."
. . . Kay giggled. "So you did know somebody was there, and somehow knew we weren't hostile."
. . . "I guess we writers do have some powers, just strong enough to sense which way a story is going, and I think I'm learning to sense the tone. So right now, I don't think we're going to be attacked by Ferals. Any Taming is going to take place as part of the background - why'd you shove her in the bushes."
. . . "So she'd be in the background," Kay said, smiled, "You can shove in her busheys." She spotted Eko standing up, and reached out.
. . . Eko grabbed her hat with both hands. "DON'T you DARE!"
. . . "What would happen if I stole and switched both your hats?" he asked, causing both girls to smile hungrily and bow towards him.
. . . "So the Zeppelin terminal is this way, then that's the way to go," he said hurriedly.
. . . The pair straightened up, obviously disappointed, and had to jog after the man as he headed up the trail.
. . . "You overplayed it, you scared him," Kay accused quietly.
. . . "I?! I did exactly what you did!" Eko replied, "If you're so eager to get into his pants, why didn't you just tell him to find out."
. . . "I'm 'so eager'! Last time you wore my hat, you put the chief of police, and the Sherif in traction, and it practically took a healing cycle to get the smiles off their faces," Kay hissed back as they closed, "What did you do, anyway?"
. . . "Have you noticed they always eat cheese at every meal?"
. . . "That was Momma's secret," Kay replied in a shocked tone.
. . . "So how much are you gonna pick up at the store before we get on that Zeppelin?" Eko asked, and grinned as they caught up.
. . . "What were you two whispering about?" he asked as he kept jogging.
. . . "Momma's old recipes," Kay lied.
. . . Which she got from her grandma, the Sexycuter, or The Sexicutioner, Eko didn't explain, 'Lot of nervousness about some recipes' he thinks, 'Was their mom a humanitarian?'
. . . "So they thought you could change the world with a wave of your magic wand?" Kay asked, and grinned at the implication.
. . . "Get your mind out of the gutter," he replied, "They thought that enough of us, brought together, and properly motivated could achieve that. I don't know what they're basing that on, or how they overlooked the fact if we could perform that change under duress, wouldn't they be the first target of any change? Besides, Deus ex Committee would work better if we were still in a position to interact with the rest of the community. And there are influential members they can't touch because they live where the entire region, even the entire idea of the region is different. Water now, dry land then; mountainous now, flat then, etc. They realized quickly, that without some of them, none of this would change."
. . . Kay asked, "Why not make this a paradise -?"
. . . He winced and dropped to a walk at that question.
. . . "Are you all right?" Kay asked, although even Eko looked worried.
. . . "Just remembering the response I got, the last time I answered that question. The long and short is, we didn't create this world. We just extended and fleshed it out."
. . . "But you created the Sunshine League," Eko protested.
. . . "Not alone, and not in a vacuum. I took the input of others and tried to create a consistent whole. But even then, it was a series of enhancements and exceptions to the previously existing laws and rules."
. . . "So you can't even change your own League?"
. . . "Not without taking in to account the attitudes and desires of others," he answered.
. . . "Then those others should have been their first targets, the people who had absolute control of their Leagues," Eko said.
. . . "You would think that, but I guess they grabbed who they could," he replied.
. . . "Why are you so eager to leave?" Kay asked, getting closer to him, again.
. . . "I wasn't dissatisfied with the life I was living. This was never my dream world. It was an interesting place to write about, but not somewhere I actually wanted to live."
. . . "Surrender your Pokèballs - "
. . . The shot blew the Tamer's elaborate hat off. "The next one blows off your Taming gear, and I'm not talking about your Pokèballs," he told the frightened Tamer.
. . . "His pokey and balls," Kay said and giggled.
. . . The Tamer tiptoed away.
. . . "That is something I always hated. Some moron is going to stand there shouting the attack names to someone who knows them, as if you enter a battle and you suddenly can't think for yourself."
. . . "How did you know he'd do that?" Eko asked.
. . . "Anyone who leaps into the middle of the road wearing a hat like that? There's no way he isn't an idiot," he replied.
. . . The Officer Jenny just shrugged.
. . . Eko looked through the binoculars. "High and to the left."
. . . The man adjusted the sights. "Ready?"
. . . "Range is clear."
. . . He fired the rifle, striking the heavy stone dead center.
. . . "Right on target," Eko said, "What's the point of shooting a rifle? Or a pistol for that matter? Most Pokègirls are immune to guns."
. . . "Lesson one, guns don't work because most Pokègirls dodge, and most Tamers don't shoot their potential fuck-toys where it hurts most. And while a gun might not kill a Pokègirl, it will make one almost instantly capturable. Lesson two: most of the weapons they used during the Revenge War were 9 mm and 5.56 mm rounds which are designed to kill people, eventually. A merely wounded soldier takes himself and two additional soldiers from the battlefield. Unless the army is in the habit of abandoning their wounded, which is very bad for morale. Point is, they won't put a person down with the first hit. The round from a .45 or a B.A.R. will. So it isn't so much 'killing a Pokègirl' as it is putting one down. You beat up a Pokègirl enough so the ball can capture her. You hit her dead center with a 45, or a head shot against an armored-type with a B.A.R., and catching her might be very easy."
. . . "So guns are a tool to catch or capture a Pokègirl, but not to kill her?" Eko asked.
. . . "Exactly. You put one down hard enough, killing them shouldn't be a problem." He crawled away from the heavy rifle. "Okay, let's work on the first lesson. Come over and get that rifle butt tight in your shoulder." He moved her and the rifle to the correct position.
. . . She didn't mind the intimate contact, nor the closeness of the man. "I've been trained with weapons."
. . . "Pray and spray, I'll bet," he said as he adjusted her, "Now, just aim at the target, don't try to force it. One shot." He raised the binoculars. "Range is clear."
. . . The gun boomed and kicked.
. . . "Low and to the left. Leave the sights as they are, but raise your aim point three inches, and move it right about two inches."
. . . BANG.
. . . "Dead center," he told her and patted her on the shoulder, "Very good."
. . . She smiled and ruthlessly stifled an urge for more. Let Kay play that game. I'm working, but it is a useful bit of knowledge.
. . . "There's less recoil than most rifles I've used. Because it's gas-operated and heavy?" Eko asked.
. . . "And you're shooting with a bipod. This one isn't capable of select fire, and as expensive as the rounds are, I'm not eager to convert it, whether it's legal or not. Of course, what's legal out in the wilderness, isn't necessarily legal in town."
. . . Eko considered, "I think the only gun control laws apply to the biggest cities, where you're more likely to have a human shoot a human. Even the limitation on hunting shotguns has been removed."
. . . "Because guns don't work on Pokègirls," he finished, "Well, this one will, if you're careful about your choice of targets."
. . . She looked over at him and smiled, and he smiled back. She looked away and nervously asked, "Are you trying to make me your gun-girl?"
. . . "Like I said," he explained, "The problem is hitting them. If I can't hit a target, and you can, I'll hand you the gun. While bullets cost money, lives are even more expensive."
. . . She nodded.
. . . Kay covered her face while she shook her head. "You two were lying together, he's finally relaxed and even happy, and you didn't roll over, give him a kiss, or a hug, or tell him 'if you're willing to put your life and safety in my hands, can I place mine in yours' and then work into a Taming, or something more subtle?" she whispered to the furiously blushing Officer Jenny. "My sister's evolved into a Seraph . . . or a PsiDyke."
. . . "Maybe I don't want to drool all over him, like someone around here!" Eko whispered back, "Maybe you should just pull down your pants and take it up the ass from him."
. . . Kay quietly snarled, "At least I'd be getting some. What's the matter, afraid of someone out of puberty?"
. . . "Got a 'Daddy complex'?"
. . . "If I have to separate you two, I will," he told them from ahead.
. . . "Now you'll go all sweetness and light over him," Eko hissed, "Maybe you should stay back here where you can watch his hypno-butt."
. . . "Look you two," he said as he walked back, "I don't know what's the problem, and it's probably none of my business, considering I'm your prisoner, but you two need to either get rid of it, quit working together, or not talk about it."
. . . "Oh course," Kay said shyly, "I'll walk point." Kay glared at her sister. "One of us should have been all along."
. . . Eko stalked away to take point. He shrugged and fell in behind. Kay caught Eko looking at her walking fairly close behind the man. She'd smirk, reach down and make grabbing squeezing gestures. Eko would roll her eyes and face front again. Kay only grinned. She grinned more when he'd turn around to stare at her.
. . . Delirium: pain, weariness, even exhaustion are forgotten. One foot in front of the other, one foot in front of the other. Over and over, again and again, without ceasing.
. . . "Halt," one of them commanded.
. . . Normally a blow falls if I stop, he thought in a daze, Most of me is freezing, but my guts are burning up, but I think I figured out why. I had a black out on the road or a hallucination, wrecked the car, and I'm in Hell. It's the obvious explanation.
. . . "He's not as weak as I figured, just slow," the electric purple said.
. . . The one with the tattoos down both arms glares at her, and purple hair draws back. "Who told you to assault him? It's hardly the most persuasive 'hello'," she said.
. . . As if I'd help who you seem to represent, he thought, They aren't all the simulating, but enough to mark you as the enemy.
. . . "At least sit him down," tattoos orders, "He's already acting more like a Doll than many Dolls do."
. . . It helps to know you're dead. And if I'm not, I can detect Peritonitis. So even if I'm not dead now, I soon will be, he thought as he sat and tried not to vomit at the sharp spike of pain.
. . . "Once we get them all, things will change," tattoos assured the others, "For the better."
. . . Whose betterment? If this is what I think of it, or even a simulation, things won't get better with your kind in charge. Bigotry will always be bigotry, whether from and oppressed people, or their former Masters.
. . . "How can he keep going when I'm freezing?" someone lese asked, someone who'd avoided his line-of-sight.
. . . The tattooed one touched him, without permission, almost businesslike. "He's burning up, that's how," she said, and stepped back to chew her lip, "What did you do to him?"
. . . "One punch," electric purple replied angrily, "Not even full strength."
. . . "Terrific, you probably broke something." The tattooed one grabbed his chin. "Why didn't you say something!?"
. . . "Wh - at's - to - say?" he croaked, his mouth and throat parched to dryness.
. . . "We'll get you to medical help. We won't let you die," she said, and forced herself to smile. She obviously thought it was reassuring. "You'll see." She released him and turned away, catching her self as she started to wipe her hand on her shirt.
. . . There's a thousand things I'd like to say, he thought as he dully looked at her departing, But confusion and a beating are all I'd expect. And I don't wish to suffer either.
. . . "Were you going to march him down to Bastion, or maybe Hammerhead Island?" a disapproving voice asked, waking him from his stupor.
. . . The gentle pressure on his gut made him recoil and cry out. But the pain is a distant thing that doesn't seem to touch me, he thought as he uncoiled.
. . . "You idiots also should have realized he'd suffer from the Red Plague!" the voice said, "He's not immune from it, like almost everything else alive. He's probably so loopy right now he wouldn't be certain he's on the Earth."
. . . "Then heal him," a purple voice demanded.
. . . "It's not that easy. We'll have to cut him open, lavage the peritoneum . . . "
. . . That sounds fun, he thought.
. . . "The seal the damage, then cure both infections. Did it never occur to you morons that a human, keeping up with Pokègirls, and refusing food, water and bathroom breaks for three days! Just might mean there's something wrong with him?" the angry voice asked, only silence answered her.
. . . "All right," the voice said, "We'll get him fixed up. One other thing, if he was as powerful as you seem to think, why'd he let you do this to him?"
. . . Consciousness slipped away from him, before he heard the reply.
. . . Kay heard the noises from the sleeper on the far side of her sister. She glared at her sister, who was likewise wide awake, and steadfastly ignoring it. She could take advantage, just to cuddle, but NO! She poked her sister in the arm, and when she had her attention, pointed to the red cross on her hat. Even if you don't have to help, the thought, I do!
. . . Eko looked at her, frowned, and returned to staring at the ceiling.
. . . Kay frowned then put her hand on her sister's mouth and crawled over her, so she was lying belly to belly, inviting a spanking. As if she'd give me one, Kay thought, Too bad. Maybe that kind of thing turns him on, or 'rescuing' me. Not the Eriko would help, she's gotten really stuffy this mission. I wish I knew why. Oh, I can guess about a dozen reasons, but I just can't prove one. She slid off Eko and curled herself around the huddle figure. I saw the tape we captured of the interrogation. They all held up well, each in their own way. Stoicism, wisecracking, blood curdling screams before the torture. Sanctuary wasn't gentle with them. No wonder he doesn't trust us, and no wonder he has nightmares, she thought, I also don't think I should have left without an Angel or a Seraph. If what he's written is accurate, he would have an implicit trust of those Breeds, while Officer Jennies and Nurse Joys are kinky sex fiends, which while true, doesn't help our cause any. I can control myself, but after what happened, I just want to cuddle him until he doesn't fear anymore. And his assumption that he has to protect us from what happened is just so adorable and cute!
. . . Eko covered the pair with Kay's blanket, letting Kay slip under the man's covers without disturbing him. She settled close, careful not to grab or touch, simply enjoying the scent of sweat and the feel of warmth.
. . . He started violently, then looked back over his shoulder at her.
. . . "You're safe."
. . . "That's one opinion. I somehow doubt that. I doubt that very much," he said, silently ignoring her unspoken indications.
. . . At least he didn't chase me off, Kay thought as rested against him and just listened to him fade back into sleep. She was slowly drawn into sleep herself.
. . . Dreams came. Terrifying and disturbing dreams. Her in blood-splattered uniform, her nails grown to claws, searching through a building for a victim, a violent, bloody battle and feasting on the heart of her victim. Desolation, aloneness in mind and soul, Ferality, like a ravening WolfQueen or a Sharptits: circling, darting in to snatch away her rationality, her humanity.
. . . A maze composed of beautiful, eagerly-willing Pokègirls, their marvelous naked bodies, their beautiful smiling faces, and bloody hands and forearms to take her hands. Yet one hand remained behind their backs, holding gods-only knew what. Wandering through the maze, them snatching at her clothes, her hair, all the while, smiling, smiling, smiling as the blood from some unseen source splattered their bodies, their faces and eventually even their smiles. The only sound, the sound of her breathing, and then the sound of her screams.
. . . Then she stood alone, naked. The harsh light from overhead worried her.
. . . "And what do you think you are doing?"
. . . "Show yourself!" she challenged.
. . . The figure that appeared didn't look like any of the Legendaries, or any other high-powered Pokègirl.
. . . They look like ordinary humans, she thought, then spotted the tatoos, Oh, crap.
. . . "You would interfere with powers and forces you cannot hope to comprehend."
. . . "Are you going to force me into your service? Or kill me?"
. . . "While subverting an SLIS agent would amuse us, we have more important tasks. You will surrender him to us. You will have no choice. If you do not, he will be made a Pokègirl and will come in your despite."
. . . "You will be stopped."
. . . "Not by a pair of bickering sisters who can even seduce one human male," the figures laughed as she awoke.
. . . The two girls' splashing had suddenly gone silent. That's a big red sign to get out of the water, before they take advantage of numerical as well as other advantages, he thought as he scrambled out of the river. No you don't, he thought as he spotted the NurseJoy making a beeline for his clothes.
. . . "Nope," he told her as he reached the goal first. "Not this time." He waggled his finger at her.
. . . She just grinned and ran off.
. . . "Where are my clothes?" the OfficerJenny bellowed as she stormed through the brush, and saw him. She returned to the river and submerged herself up to her chin in the cold water.
. . . "Wait there," he trilled, "I'll get you some clothes." He charged after the NurseJoy.
. . . "I want my uniform back, Kay!" the Jenny shouted, "I want my hat!" she added at the top of her lungs.
. . . He caught up with the NurseJoy, and caught her by the waist band of her slacks and her collar.
. . . "You wouldn't! I'm all dry! No, don't! Pleeeeeease!" The Joy landed unceremoniously in the cold water.
. . . "She's got the rest of your stuff," he said. "Except your hat." He held it up and set it on a bush. "Happy bathing."
. . . He walked off to leave them be.
. . . "If you hadn't been splashing," Kay accused, "He might have peeped!"
. . . "What were you thinking?" Eko replied, "That if you stole his clothes and mine, we'd do - what? You'd be the only likely suspect."
. . . " 'Suspect!' You, him, naked, alone, vulnerable, and you come up with 'suspect'?"
. . . "In freezing water? Have you completely forgotten human biology?"
. . . "You could have at least tried to warm him up."
. . . Oh brother, he thought, This is not what I needed. A simple arrest, that's all. Nope, not to be.
. . . The growl was almost ridiculous. The six-year-old-sized kit yowled like a wildcat as she jumped out of the underbrush onto the path the group walked along. Neither the Jenny, nor the Joy were in position to intercept the kit.
. . . He caught her around the waist and held her sideways, while her legs and arms flailed at the air. She continued her animalistic cries as she struggled, her white hair lashing around.
. . . "Do you need any help?" Kay asked as she watched the girl struggle and yowl.
. . . "I think I've got her. I'm gonna let her tire herself out a bit, then hold her upside down for a while. That should calm her down enough for the next step."
. . . "She's a little young."
. . . "Sick!" he replied.
. . . "Even Chibis look 10 to 12-years-old," Eko said, "She has to be a kit. Dark skin and light hair, she has to be an elf-type." Eko aimed her 'dex at the girl, adjusted it and aimed again. "This isn't possible. She has to read, even as 'unknown'."
. . . "Reset it and try again," he told her and swung the girl upside down, holding her by her ankles. She renewed her frantic gyration, enhanced by the effect of him blowing on the backs of her knees. Her shrieks took on a different tone as she swung her arms and legs madly. Even this activity died down after a while. He swung her back on her feet. She wove drunkenly from the exertion, and her blood returning to normal. She sunk her teeth into the heel of his hand, drawing blood. Rather than letting her escape, he held her around the waist, off the ground. With one arm around her waist, and the other hand covering her mouth, he waited, grimacing as she tried to bite him again.
. . . "Get away from her," Kay assured him, "I'll take care of her."
. . . "Just be ready to heal my hand. If I'm right, this should work," he replied, "If I'm wrong, Eko can beat her up."
. . . The Officer Jenny frowned, but watched in fascination as the kit's struggles slowed, then stopped altogether. The man set the kit down, and she turned around slowly, her violet eyes staring into his. She still had his bloodied hand grasped in both of her smaller ones. She seemed to see what she'd done clearly. She closed her eyes and bowed her head, then her little pink tongue slowly lapped at the blood and the wounded flesh.
. . . Kay stifled her gasp as the lapping seemed to be removing the wound, as it removed the blood. Once the wound and blood were gone, the kit opened her eyes and looked up at him and hugged him tightly. Tears ran down her face and she snuggled against him.
. . . "Unbelievable," Eko murmured as the girl stepped away from the man, both smiling all the while.
. . . The gunshot that slammed the kit to the ground brought all of them around.
. . . Eko felt herself drop into 'cop analyzing' mode. The shot had thrown the Chibi/kit to the ground and had infuriated the man.
. . . Then the Tamer has to laugh and boast, she thought, not listening to the words, but watching the interaction, And the boss becomes calm. Outgunned and outmatched in the traditional sense, he's from an older tradition. The Tamer hasn't realized this isn't the paradigm he's used to, where the arrogant, teen-aged Tamer sees his Pokègirls as weapons and fuck-toys. An old guy who's been around, and lived with the responsibility of defending himself . . .
. . . The man's pistol centered on the Tamer, and the boy's sneer increased as his Mini-Top interposed herself and licked her gun. Wrong, you just surrendered mobility, and you just claimed responsibility. You dodge, he hits your Tamer. You don't dodge, he hits you. Stupid.
. . . The man dropped his aim point slightly.
. . . The Mini-Top grinned. "Your gun can't - "
. . . BANG!
. . . The shot hit the bunny-type square in the face and flipped her backwards. The gun rose and - BANG! The Tamer's nose sprouted a red spot and the back of his head blew out. The Mini-Top managed to crawl to her hands and knees, presenting her goodies as a perfect target.
. . . BANG!
. . . "AIIE!" the Mini-Top squealed as she tried the pull her legs up and hold her hands over the wounded spot. The Jenny squirmed at the Mini-Top's reaction to that hit. The Mini-Top gasped for breath at the pain and didn't react as the man closed, and put the last shot through the skull just above the jaw hinge. The Mini-Top's brains were a red mass on the ground. The entire battle lasted less than eight seconds.
. . . 'Lesson one, guns don't work because most Pokègirls dodge, and most Tamers don't shoot their potential fuck-toys where it hurts most', in the twat. OW! she thought and writhed again at the memory of it.
. . . The atavistic creature, who'd been foolishly challenged by a modern Tamer, looked over the dead Tamer, and the girls. His mask of calm eased slightly as he saw Kay treating the girl, who seemed less hurt than expected. "Since you didn't hurt me or mine, I'll give you a choice. One, you can surrender, and we'll turn you in at the nearest Pokècenter." He stepped back to check on Kay and the kit, but never took his eyes off the pack who stood frozen in shocked horror. "Second, you can run away, and pray to chance that you make it."
. . . The horror of the girls at that possibility should tell him something. The fact they're all just standing there should tell him something, she thought, But I don't think he cares at this moment. The King Is Dead, the new king doesn't want the job. The Jenny pulled her 'dex and begins scanning the collection. Nice bunch . . . something familiar about this list.
. . . "Third, you can die. Those are your choices. I suggest you chose quickly, or I'll choose option four, which you really don't want to know about."
. . . One of the girls glanced at the others, then at the Jenny and Joy, then raised her hand. "Uh, can we come with you."
. . . 'You beat our old Master and killed his Alpha, can't you take us along?' the Jenny mentally translated, 'Please, Master?'
. . . "Was that one of the options I gave?" he asked, carefully picking up the kit one-handed, while the other kept the pistol on target. The kit held on tightly.
. . . Ah the longing, a man protecting a kit. I'm surprised he can't smell them. Is he smart, or is he stupid? Eko wondered at the man, and the collection of Pokègirls who stared at the scene with a hunger no food would ever satisfy. If you ordered them to line up side-by-side, on all fours, they'd do it, if they thought it meant being part of your Harem. Don't you get that? Or don't you care? Eko wanted to ask.
. . . The girl looked around nervously. "No."
. . . "Then the answer is . . . ?"
. . . If he'd kicked her where he shot the Mini-Top, she wouldn't look that bad, Eko looked over at Kay, who was frowning and shaking her head at the whole scene. Crap, there's always a drama queen.
. . . "I don't believe you'd shoot an unresisting Pokègirl," the Jugguar told him, and took a pose to show off her curves and breasts, arms over her head, shoulders back, one leg held up. She held the pose with an aura of utter indifference as he handed the kit back to Kay and approached.
. . . "You're right," he told her and she gave him a look of triumph.
. . . "You're gonna be soo-rry!" Kay teased.
. . . He really is that angry, and that crazy, Eko thought.
. . . "Bullets cost money," he told her smilingly, and pulled the blade, "Knives are just fun." The smile vanished as he set the blade against the breasts she was so proud of. "Don't move, you'll only die harder."
. . . "I'll admit my error, and I would ask if it's too late to choose option one?" the terrified girl blurted out in one fast squeak. She also stepped back so the knife was no longer touching her. She looked at Eko with a questioning stare.
. . . Eko made the winding motion, indicating he was crazy. The Jugguar nodded, tried to smile at the man, then stepped back into line. The man didn't spare her a look as he stepped around and retrieved the Tamer's belt of Pokèballs. The girls rapidly vanished into them. He handed the belt to Kay, and the Tamer's 'dex to Eko.
. . . "It's locked. I can't get anything," he explained.
. . . "Some of them would have been nice," Kay said as she examined the belt with far more than the regulation six balls. She frowned when he only shrugged as if there was nothing he could do. She stood up and held the belt out to him. "If that's all they matter to you. Why don't you just smash them all?! That will surely kill them, as surely as your knife or gun!"
. . . "What are you talking about?" he asked. He seemed to be honestly confused.
. . . "Those girls, you didn't even look at them," Kay hissed in anger, "You didn't even give them the slightest chance! WHY NOT? That's all I want to know: why didn't you give them a chance?"
. . . He pointed at Eko. "I got law enforcement sitting right there, and I don't have any kind of licence," he replied heatedly, "The motherless kit she can overlook, but a whole Harem? I'm not even going to ask."
. . . "Oh," Kay said, "And . . . us, the same thing?"
. . . Eko didn't hear his reply, because she'd cracked the 'dex's security and the horror within spilled out. "This can't be!" she breathed. She rushed over to scan the man's face with her own 'dex. "Okay, that's a close match." She scanned the fingerprints and took a blood sample.
. . . "Something wrong?" he asked.
. . . "You'd better get her ready to move, and all our stuff packed up," Eko said.
. . . Kay picked one of the Pokèballs and released the girl, a very nervous Heroine. Eko rounded on her immediately. "Did you know you were working for Trauma Team!?"
. . . "He's Team Trauma . . . no, Trauma Team?" the Heroine asked as she cringed away from the Officer Jenny, "That would explain a lot."
. . . "Who's that?" the man asked as he pulled a long, heavy case from the baggage.
. . . Eko ignored him to interrogate the Heroine, "Where's your camp?"
. . . The Heroine began to tear up. "I don't know, he just let me out of my ball, after . . . " She began to cry.
. . . "I'm supposed to be the heartless bastard," the man told ko quietly as he walked past her, "Why don't we follow the smoke?" He gestured at the horizon.
. . . "Fine, you carry our young charge," Eko ordered the Heroine, "And if she's hurt, I'll personally skin you alive. Then we'll see what the boss decides, if she's not hurt bad, he may just put you out of your misery. If she is - you'd better pray he doesn't have any grapes, cheese or barbed wire. If he goes looking for some, just kill yourself."
. . . "I'll watch them both," Kay volunteered, and headed off to see to the kit.
. . . The goggle-eyed Heroine just nodded as she followed the Joy.
. . . He caught Eko's arm. "What's wrong?" he asked quietly.
. . . "He has a partner, and she's nearby," Eko answered.
. . . "I gathered that."
. . . "She's as bad as you are," Eko said.
. . . "I very much doubt that. If I let the monster out, you're better off hiding in a hole on the far side of the world, and pulling it in after."
. . . "This is a little like murder," Eko complained as she looked through the binoculars, and he set the rifle on the bipod, and looked over the sights. "I thought you'd use a telescopic sight."
. . . "Those are too hard to keep in alignment," he whispered his reply, "And I'm not good enough to pick out a target at that range. It takes a trained sniper, and a trained spotter. Three hundred yards gives us all the range we need. You've confirmed she is who the 'dex says she is. And the reward says 'dead or alive'."
. . . "I'd feel better fighting our way in, and at least trying to arrest her."
. . . "Go ahead," he said, "I'll just pack up and leave."
. . . "That's what I thought you'd say."
. . . The woman in the 'R' T-shirt sat on the throne, giving orders, oblivious to her fate. The submissive woman who sat at her side, stood to pour more wine, and her head exploded as she began to pour.
. . . Eko grimaced. "Not bad, but I assume you were aiming at her chest."
. . . "Legs of the seated one," he replied, "So you'd have someone to question. It would also put the entire Harem out of action, they'd never follow Miss Mouse, even though she's the real brains." The next shot blew through the heart of the Pokègirl on the throne as she sat, pulled her hair and screamed.
. . . "Thanks," Eko said, "Dealing with Delta-bonded crooks is always acrimonious."
. . . "We've kicked over the ant hill, lets go collect the ants."
. . . The girls were an easy catch with their Mistress and the Alpha gone. Eko took blood samples to confirm the identities of the fallen. Then released the Pool Mouse they'd found, and walked back to their camp with everything that had been in the Trauma Team's camp.
. . . They spotted the Heroine cuddling the kid, with Kay watching closely.
. . . "What's she doing out?" he asked angrily. The object of his wrath stepped back.
. . . Kay patted her hand. "She's mine," Kay said, "I work for the Pokècenter system, so I'm taking the donation early."
. . . He shrugged. "On your head," he said dismissively, missing or ignoring the quizzical look from the Heroine. "What's so terrible about Trauma Team? They didn't seem so terrible to me."
. . . "They're usually on the delivering end of tactics and ruthlessness like that," Eko told him, "You do realize, when word gets around, that little trick of yours is going to be useless."
. . . "By the time that happens, I'll either have a new trick, or I won't need the old one."
. . . Eko and Kay looked at each other and shook their heads.
. . . "So, are you my Master," the Pool Mouse asked, a mix or expectation and fear. The Heroine listened intently for the answer.
. . . The man looked at Eko. "Are you going to answer her?"
. . . "Yes, I guess I am," Eko answered darkly, glaring at him the entire time. Eko tried to smile as she looked back at the girl.
. . . "Can I have a name?" the Pool Mouse asked.
. . . "You don't have a name?"
. . . "They - " The Pokègirl scuffed at the dirt. "They just called me 'Pool Mouse', when they didn't call me something unpleasant."
. . . Eko looked at the man, who grinned in response. "You were so eager for me to enjoy the benefits and responsibilities of ownership," he said, "Now you can show me how fun it is to have someone totally dependant on you for the slightest decisions."
. . . "I'm beginning to think the Limbecs have a point," Eko grumbled.
. . . "Just trying to help." He grinned and walked away.
. . . Officer Jennies don't normally go into screaming conniptions, so the sight of one screeching every profane word or phrase, in every language she knew, and throwing everything she could uproot and throw in any random direction, was a sight to see. But it was throwing her hat on the ground and jumping up and down on it that frightened all the Pokègirls.
. . . She stormed off after the man, with smoke pouring out of her ears.
. . . "Somebody needs a Taming," the Heroine whispered to Kay, "And I think he's gonna get one, whether he wants it or not. Can I help? And can I have a name too?"
. . . "Can't you pick out one for yourself?" Kay asked incredulously.
. . . The Heroine looked embarrassed.
. . . Kay glanced around. "It seems there's nothing around here to throw."
. . . The Officer Jenny came crashing through the brush, ignoring the footpath her quarry had taken, to make a straight line, least-time approach.
. . . Rather than be cowed, her target immediately attacked. "Now you see what I meant. I don't want the responsibility any more than you do. I was happy with my life. Now I have all these other people who think I should be gleeful about being completely in charge of everything. Those two don't even have enough gumption to pick their own names."
. . . The Jenny advanced, throwing her clothes aside as she did, until she stood before him naked. "Look at me. LOOK AT ME!" she shouted, "Am I pretty? Do I inspire even the slightest sexual interest?"
. . . "Yes," he said mildly, placating her, "Then I'm reminded that the free sex carries a heavy price tag. It means I have to provide for you, see to your health and welfare, decide for you on issues that an adult human reflexively decides on their own. Have you actually read what I wrote? Yes, the Taming was there, but it was never the important part of the story. It was the interaction of the personalities, the way they overcame adversity." He sidestepped her approach, and began picking her clothes off the ground. "Either from without or within. But I'm not one of those heroes. I'm a writer, I didn't choose to be here. If I had, I would have studied the Kama Sutra, not Sun Tzu, Pratchett, Hawkings or Deming. I would have browsed the alt-sex chatrooms, not studied science, history and engineering," he said as he collected the last of her clothes.
. . . "How can you be so cold-blooded?!" she demanded angrily.
. . . "Because I am what I am," he said as he tried to hand her back her clothes, "I'm sure once we get to town, you can get a Taming cycle. Because Taming a prisoner is illegal. You should know that." He handed her her clothes.
. . . She threw the clothes into the brush and stalked back to camp.
. . . "You knew I threw them in poison ivy," Eko accused as she walked on, wrapped in a blanket and covered with a foul-smelling ointment.
. . . "Sorry, I can't tell poison ivy from regular ivy without a guide book," he replied.
. . . "And all you could do was smear this awful paste on me!" Eko shouted at Kay.
. . . "You should have asked him to do it," Kay replied, "I'm certain he wouldn't - want - an - officer -suffering." Kay couldn't restrain herself from laughing aloud.
. . . Eko fumed. "Maybe if I was one of those busty, brainless types."
. . . "That'd be easy," he said.
. . . "Really?" Eko perked up.
. . . "Yeah, I'd stick you in your Pokèball and trade you in at the next Pokècenter."
. . . "Oh, so there is hope that - AUUGHR!" Eko rounded on Kay. "Can't you do something about the itching!"
. . . "I can't scratch that itch," Kay replied innocently, before lapsing into giggles again.
. . . "Are they always like this?"
. . . "No," he told the Heroine, "Get a few drinks in them, and they start shooting at each other."
. . . "They shoot each other?!"
. . . "At, never hit. The spinning hip dance is just scary."
. . . The Heroine looked at him, then fixed her gaze on the road ahead.
. . . The straps held him in place. The nakedness added to the feeling of helplessness, but was needed for the real purpose. Conductivity. The electric-type sent the charge through the wire-mesh chair. The electrodes drawing off the current directed the charge. The straps also held him in place as the charge triggered convulsions.
. . . The charge stopped, and he went limp.
. . . "Do you expect us to believe that such creatures as you only knew each other by pseudonyms?"
. . . "That's how we did it," he told them, and spent an eternity of agony and convulsions.
. . . "Why don't I believe you?"
. . . "Because you've been acculturated not to." He braced for another electric charge.
. . . "Speak."
. . . "It was a game, a hobby, the point of it was role playing. Some of us wanted to separate our work by genre. There was a host of reason, and no reason to pierce the veil. Everyone accepted they were all nom de plumes."
. . . "You must have ferreted out the real names of the others? A bright man like you?"
. . . Heap the contempt on thick why don't you? I should give up the name of another, like one of them gave up me? he thought.
. . . He said, "Out of courtesy I never tried."
. . . The jolt was shorter.
. . . "You must have found out accidentally."
. . . "You have psychic-types, I've got no defenses, why don't you go look?"
. . . "You might be damaged."
. . . "You're going to turn me into a Doll or Tyrannodame chow, what would it matter?"
. . . The jolt was longer, higher voltage. The cycles increased so the convulsions came faster and harder. He lay exhausted when they stopped. You vary cycles, you'll hit the right one and kill me and won't even know why, he thought with perverse satisfaction.
. . . "Names."
. . . "I don't - " Sharp single shock. "You can do that 'til the cows come home. I don't remember."
. . . The shaking was long and hard.
. . . "Names."
. . . "You might as well get your jollies, it's not helping my recall."
. . . Several short separate pulses, and he lay still. Who's she talking too? he wondered, hearing the hurried conversation in a language he didn't recognize, The torturer is getting bad news. Ba - no - don't give - hurts! he wanted to scream as the jolts continued seemingly forever.
. . . They released him. "What did you do?" the torturer demanded.
. . . "That I'm aware of, nothing."
. . . The shock was short but brutal.
. . . "Maybe I should let a Domina at you."
. . . I'd make her kill me, he thought, not caring if he was mentally heard.
. . . "Our psychic is curled up in a ball. All she says is 'Thasalia' over and over."
. . . Not a bad translation, 'the sea'? he wondered.
. . . "No clue." The shock hurt worse this time.
. . . Okay, one more like that and it's dislocation city, he realized, I also beat their psychic somehow. I guess we do have some passive abilities, like information overload, the psychic must be 'drowning' in a sea of information. All the worlds I'd hoped to create. I just wonder why I'm not freaking out. Either their torturer is really inept, or I've developed full-blown Dissociative personality disorder: I'm me, the body is him over there.
. . . "I'll ask you again, names."
. . . "Just kill me." Shocks ran through him.
. . . "We can make your pain less . . . general. Specificity has its advantages."
. . . "You don't believe me, and you're going to destroy me anyway, so what's the point in explaining anything?" he asked, and was shocked again for his defiance. "Sanctuary's all ready gone you know."
. . . The shock went on long enough, and hard enough tat when it stopped, he felt his wrist, and the opposite shoulder were dislocated, pain from his abused muscles in his legs and arm told the story.
. . . "You couldn't break the others, could you?"
. . . The pain of the damaged joints and torn muscles he felt through the pain of the shock. He tasted blood. I could just bite through my tongue, I'd bleed to death, he thought, Not a happy thought, but it would get me out of here.
. . . "No clever quips?"
. . . "Howard Lovecraft, August Derleth, Clark Ashton, Bolivar J. Shagnasty, Joseph Friday, Michael Colesmith," he told her.
. . . "Quick! Take these down!"
. . . "Frank Bacon, Arty Socrates, Billy Sophocles."
. . . "I told you we could break one. The others were an accident."
. . . "Anthony Tiger, Mitch Frong."
. . . Someone raised his head. A NurseJoy's face appeared, obvious due to her pink hair.
. . . "He's just about gone," she ordered, "Get him to medical."
. . . "What's he mumbling?" another voice asked, an unfamiliar voice.
. . . "We can't stop now," the interrogator's voice said, "It can . . . "
. . . The man carried the small girl out of the tent and carefully slipped out of the camp. As the sleepy girl slowly woke. She looked around the area she found herself in.
. . . "Master?" she asked of the man kneeling in front of her as she sat on a flat rock.
. . . "You and I both know you're keeping a secret. I don't know if you have to share it with the others, but you do have to tell me."
. . . Tears flowed and she threw her arms around his neck. "Don't let her out! She'll hurt you! She's mean! She thinks I don't know about her! But I do!"
. . . "Then help me. You're as strong as she is, and we have a secret weapon," he whispered as he hugged the girl back.
. . . She broke the hug and leaned back. "We do?" she asked excitedly.
. . . "Yep." He held up a copper bracelet of braided wire. "I put this on you, and if you concentrate, she can't hurt me."
. . . She grinned and hugged him tight. "I will. I will," she promised as he put the bracelet around her wrist. "Remember, she's sneaky, and she's mean."
. . . "So am I," he assured her.
. . . "Give her a good spanking!" she said, and the change began. In moments, the waif-like form began to fill out, her arms and legs lengthened to nearly match his height. The lithe, voluptuous figure stretched as her clothing changed from the simple shift, to a black dress that showed off her new sensuality. A wide slot from collar to navel and a skirt of wide leather strips allowed easy access, and myriad patches of strategically placed lace played peek-a-boob, and showed off as much skin as possible. The whole thing clung like a second skin from throat to hips. Little silver slippers adorned her feet, slowing her toned calves and legs.
. . . She opened her eyes in midstretch, and froze when she saw him. "You!" Her hands curved into claws and she lunged forward . . . and stopped dead, shivering. She shook herself, aimed her palms at him and pinched her face with effort. This time her hands glowed with St. Elmo's fire and multicolored sparks jumped between her fingertips.
. . . She pulled her hands back and stared at them. She tugged at the copper wire encircling her wrist. "That little bitch! She couldn't possibly do this!"
. . . "She didn't," he told her, "She had help."
. . . The gorgeous Pokègirl looked around, as if searching for something. Then she stared at him and scrambled back to put the rock between herself and him. "No, you couldn't have, you wouldn't have! Not even you could have Tamed a kit! Not a little girl!"
. . . "There are other ways, with Pokèkits, I simply used them. I also suspect that it did something to you as well." He stepped up on the rock, the girl braced up, trying to look in control. But her relief when he just sat down, spoiled her illusion. "Something unpleasant." He smiled at her. "I've seen junkies begging for a fix, hurting for a fix, who would do anything for it. As scared as you are, that's what you look like. I told you the trick only really works on Kits, and since you're a transmute and not a metamorph, when she stopped being Feral, so did you, but it's slipping for you. You can feel Ferality closing in. You know at full strength, you could outthink and overpower a little girl, but you can't now, can you?"
. . . She raised her fists to strike. He grabbed and held her wrists, feeling her shivering. He pulled her towards where he was seated.
. . . "Bastard!" she whispered as she leaned against the rock.
. . . "That would put me one up on you," he told her as he smiled at her distress. He swung his legs down off the rock, and released her wrists. She retreated. "Sooner or later you're going to fall, psychologically or literally."
. . . "I'll kill you!" she lunged at him, knocking him supine onto the rock, then spring onto it, straddling his waist and reaching down to claw his eyes out.
. . . "What will your boss say?" he asked, making no move to defend himself or counterattack. She stopped as suddenly as she'd started. "That look of confusion, and horror, would truly be heartrending," he told her and thrust his hips at her, knocking her off him and onto the ground, "Except I know your breed, and your mission." He reversed the earlier hold, sitting on her lap and pinning her wrists against the rock. "What does your boss want?" he asked, "Altruism isn't her long suit. Curiosity is, but what about?"
. . . She balled her fists again, and he released her wrists.
. . . "Hild won't be happy that the 'kit' completed her mission, and you failed."
. . . The fevered, hungry look now added fear to the mix, and she hit him, but there was no force behind it. "Damn you! Damn you! Damn you!" she chanted as she hit his shoulders, anger faded to desperation and greater weakness. He stepped out of range, and the girl's arms fell to her sides.
. . . "Okay, you can go," he told her.
. . . She stared at him in confusion. "Go? Go - where?"
. . . "Back home. Tell mom you got caught and can't trust whatever you learn and send back."
. . . "No," she whispered.
. . . "Okay, I'll put you in your ball. I'm sure a Taming cycle will cure your condition."
. . . "No." She shook her head to emphasize.
. . . He turned around to walk away. She jumped to her feet and rushed around him, to stand in his way. "Aren't you . . . going to do something?" she asked coyly, smiling at him and fidgeting with the straps of her skirt.
. . . "Why would I?"
. . . Her eyes darted about frantically, as if trying to spot the answer. "I'm your Pokègirl."
. . . "You're Hild's Pokègirl."
. . . "I can be your Pokègirl."
. . . "But you're a bad Pokègirl."
. . . She recoiled at the accusation, but rallied, "I can be your bad Pokègirl." The happy smile was there, but the desperation in her eyes, and the tears trickling down her cheeks told the lie.
. . . "What were your orders?" he asked firmly.
. . . She smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing her body against his. "Why do you want to ask that? When we can - talk - about other things?"
. . . "What were your orders?" he repeated firmly, and he pushed her away.
. . . Her lip trembled. "I can't"
. . . He raised his hand to wave. "Good - "
. . . She latched on to him, then loosened her grip when she realized she might be hurting him. "Are - aren't I soft, in all the right places? Aren't I willing, in all the soft ways? Aren't I yours?"
. . . "What - were - your -orders?" he replied.
. . . "If I tell you . . . ?"
. . . "I'll give you a spanking."
. . . She writhed as she stood, not erotically, but like a worm on a hook. "I - she -" She released him and collapsed to the ground, hugging herself tightly. "There are no orders." She looked up at him with tears streaming down her face.
. . . He looked down at her. "You're either sincere," he said, giving her a flicker of hope, "Or a terrific actress. Hild doesn't work that way. She doesn't give presents. She puts her tools exactly where she needs them to be. So try again, or enjoy going Feral, enjoy thinking about Hild rewarding you for your failure, and enjoy doing all that alone."
. . . Her collapse was total this time. She fell to the ground and curled up in a ball. Her quiet sobs were completely understandable. He knelt next to her. She looked up at him, with sad, hope-filled eyes.
. . . "That doesn't work for puppies, and it won't work for you," he said, "What is your mission?"
. . . She hung her head. "You and the others, you're invisible. Not to someone who can actually look at you, but once out of line of sight, you vanish. So do any Pokègirls who are yours. The NurseJoy vanished, but the Amazon-chan and the Officer Jenny remained visible. If I could get in among your group, Hild could track me." She looked up at him again. "But now that won't even work."
. . . "What's her plan?"
. . . The girl tried to rally her strength. "If I tell you, will you . . . " Despair gripped her as his expression didn't change. "If Sanctuary gets all of you, all the old-timers, and the most prolific newcomers, this world will end. Sanctuary thought they could deal with the Legendaries, if they could get you. The Legendaries realized they could use all of you against Sanctuary." She crawled up, and put her head in his lap. "They didn't want it to end. No new life, no restful times, just oblivion. It's been hinted at before, it corresponds to when the main archives went down. They needed Kerrik because he's a Moderator and the most prolific author, they needed you because you're an archivist, and fairly prolific yourself." She raised her head and smiled. The smile vanished against the stoneface staring at her. She gulped and continued, "They took 17, before the process broke down."
. . . "How many survived?"
. . . "No one knows, you're invisible," she said, she sat up and rested the heels of her hands on his shoulders. When he didn't throw her back, she began slowly rubbing her fingertips on his shoulders. "I'm just a tracking beacon." She smiled nervously at him, trying not to look at his expression. "I'm not here to hurt you." She glanced up at him, then looked down again immediately. "You know my - creator - hates the S-Goths, and that they'd come after you. And that you'd go back after them. I'm sure I can protect you from them . . . " She looked up and held his gaze this time. " . . . any way I can."
. . . She sighed, sat back and slumped. "You don't know what it's like. Do you know why Pokègirls need Masters?! Do you care?"
. . . "Whether I do or do not, is irrelevant. I'm interested in getting home, not being drawn into a hopeless battle against Sanctuary."
. . . "You may not be able to go home," she said, "There may be no way to reverse the process, to get home." She leaned forward, careful not to touch him. "Would staying here be so bad? My - Hild, you are my Master, my creator doesn't want to control you. She knows you'll do what has to be done. She doesn't want to control you, she wants you to be who you are, and do what you will do." She shifted, shimmered, as if trying to return to her childlike form, but she remained. "She's not interested in hurting you. She's interested in what you shake loose," she added plaintively. She stared at his stoic expression, and squirmed. Then she steeled herself and sat up straight. She grabbed his hands and put them on her breasts. "I'm yours, whether you say so or not. What you did to the - kid, can't be undone," she softened her tone, "I can be very nice. I'm also very powerful. And I'm yours. You can kill me, you can send me away, but that doesn't change that fact. You know if I go back to Hild, she'll probably destroy me, and the kit. Not your problem, I know."
. . . He pulled his hands away and stared at her. "Do you know what happened to the last Pokègirl who betrayed me to her true Master?"
. . . She nodded nervously. "I saw." Her composure broke and she ripped her dress open. "Then just kill me, tear out my heart, sent me back to Hild, rape me like an animal and carve out my guts!" She collapsed to the ground and curled up in a ball. "Just tell me, just tell me."
. . . He grabbed her chin and twisted her around so she looked at him. "Let's get one thing straight. I created your Breed, and never published it before. I knew all the answers before I even asked the questions. You knew that, and still you held back answers. Why should I trust someone who would not speak what we both knew?"
. . . "Then kill me," she whimpered.
. . . "How about I just leave you like this? Uncertain, afraid, alone. Would you like that? Remember, I already know the answer."
. . . "No, Master, I would not like that," she said carefully, not daring to hope.
. . . "Then if you knew this would happen, why lie about such a triviality?"
. . . She tried to bow her head, but his grip kept her looking at him. "I . . . I was more afraid of Hild, than of you."
. . . "She'll probably just kill you. I'll be more . . . inventive. Are you willing to risk that?"
. . . "I'm just something to allow Hild to track you."
. . . "And what happens if you disappear like the Joy?" he asked.
. . . "I won't," she assured him, "Hild isn't so foolish that she couldn't track me or the kid, anywhere, even if her first method fails." She looked up at him, lifting her chin out of his hand. "My loyalty will be to you."
. . . He stood, and stepped back. He considered her as she knelt before him.
. . . "So, I know your powers. What kind of control do you have?" he asked, "Could you create a tent?"
. . . She looked at him hungrily. "Yes, Master . . . may I?"
. . . He nodded, hiding a slight smile that buoyed her hopes.
. . . "I'm impressed," he commented on the large, but simple-appearing tent, expertly staked and tied.
. . . "Thank you," she said as she nervously stood. She still kept her eyes downcast, but stole glances at him.
. . . "I think . . . "
. . . "You think?" she asked, desperately hiding her own smile.
. . . "I think I'm going to keep my promise."
. . . "Your promise?"
. . . He sat on the flat rock. "I think I'm going to give you a spanking."
. . . "A . . . ?" Her initial confusion gave way to eagerness. "Do you want a proper chair, or a paddle?"
. . . "I think my bare hand will do," he said, "Don't you agree?"
. . . She practically dove the distance between them to land feather-soft in his lap. Her skirt flopped up onto her back. "You should spank your Pokègirl. Make sure she knows who is boss."
. . . "So," she risked showing some spirit, "What makes you think I'll just submit." She wiggled her bare bottom.
. . . He growled at her, making her rethink her timing. "You won't be so tough as a Pokèballed Feral, and a Level 5 probably won't touch the kid. Just you."
. . . She cringed for real.
. . . "Bwahaha! Fear my eeeevil!" he told her.
. . . She relaxed, and glared at him. "I can be pretty evil too," she replied, "When my Master tells me to be. Ouch!" She reacted to the swat on her behind.
. . . "Would you care to put it to the touch?" he asked, and smiled at her in a way that gave her shivers.
. . . She gulped, nodded, then whispered, "I understand."
. . . "Also, you two are going to have to learn to work together."
. . . She frowned. "As my Master commands, but I still think she's a useless tag-along."
. . . "She's also your public face," he told her, and swatted her lightly, "You should learn to work together."
. . . She nodded and shifted slightly to make the next strike more like she wanted.
. . . "You could use magic to force me," he said.
. . . She pointedly looked at the tent she'd created, and the unknown delights inside, then looked back at him with a mix of exasperation and trepidation.
. . . With Ferality so close, and your uncertainty about my reaction to your powers, that's not a battle I'd want to win, let alone wage, she thought, You want to get Tamed. That's uppermost in your mind.
. . . He gave her a light swat. "I expect an answer."
. . . "Calling your Master stupid is bad policy," she replied, then whined after he swatted her, "Oh Master, why do you have to hit your Pokègirl . . . in such a weak and pathet - YIPE!!"
. . . "Better?"
. . . "Somewhere between the two," she said, as tears streamed down her face, "And targeted more carefully."
. . . "I hit what I aimed at," he told her, and ignored her look, "The stinging will be gone soon. Just a reminder you aren't invulnerable all over."
. . . You're afraid if I hurt you too much, you won't get Tamed either. I know your need, your hunger, and your fear of being denied, he thought, I put it on a page, and it's all clustered on your face, warring for which gets through the strongest.
. . . "Your poor smooth, white skin, marred by those little red marks on them."
. . . "I don't MIND!" she shouted as he smacked her bottom hard enough to make his hand sting, "I'm sorry Master, chasten me Master," she tried to sound sexy, but only sounded desperate.
. . . "Are you a bad Pokègirl?" he asked, laying on several lighter swats.
. . . "I'm your bad Pokègirl," she said
. . . "How many strokes?" he asked, swatting her bottom, "One?" He swatted her. "Ten?" He rapidly swatted her, making her squirm. "A hundred?" he asked as he massaged her sore bottom.
. . . "Until you believe I am truly sorry, Master."
. . . He blotted her face with a cloth, cleaning the blood from a lip she didn't realize she'd bitten. She took the cloth and rolled it, holding it in her teeth. She looked back and nodded.
. . . He gently slapped her crotch, making her whole body arch. Then the hard blow to her bottom.
. . . "Mrph!" she squealed in surprise and wriggled happily, trying to shove her butt higher. Next, a fast series of light swats, then a pause. He waited, then ran his nails across her labia. She screamed as if he'd shot her there, then sagged as she realized he hadn't ripped her with his knife. She laid her head down, gasping loudly around the gag.
. . . He alternated between hard and soft strikes, while his other hand lightly stroked her back. Some of his attention raised gooseflesh on her, only to have it fade with the next slap. He slowly discovered the places that would make her wriggle despite a hard slap on the bottom.
. . . My hand probably hurts more than her bottom, he thought, But I don't want to change sides, and break the momentum. He attacked her ticklish spots, while still swatting her bottom.
. . . She squealed and squirmed, but try to remain across his lap. He felt himself getting harder as she eagerly enjoyed the discipline.
. . . He looked down and saw how swollen her labia had gotten and her erect clitoris, and he smiled as he changed hands, swatting her lightly with his off hand, while he slipped his other hand between her legs. She squealed and shook her head, clamping her legs down on his hand.
. . . He smirked as he could just flick the tip with his finger tip. He smiled evilly as he stroked just the tip with his finger, while he paddled out a toccata on her smooth butt, alternating cheeks, even striking the side. She's even noisier now, but if she wanted me to stop . . . he thought.
. . . She arched her back, and let the gag fall out.
. . . She's gonna break her back, he thought.
. . . "Eidolon," she gasped. She whirled to face him.
. . . At least I knew enough to let go, he thought as he stared into the face of insanity, Okay, I don't remember writing this into her breed.
. . . She grabbed his throat bracing her hands under his jawbone. He responded by grabbing what he'd just held and squeezing slowly. She hissed and stretched to her full height.
. . . "We aren't going to hurt each other, are we?" he asked, holding the pressure.
. . . She shook her head and released his neck, resting her hands on his shoulder instead. He released his grip. She pivoted and threw him towards the tent, he turned sharply to enter it and the landing was feather soft. He got a knee up, so when she leapt through the door with an expression like a cat pouncing a mouse, she had to halt in midair like a puppet with tangled strings.
. . . I think I over did it, he thought.
. . . "These are the only clothes I got, can I -"
. . . She ran her fingers down his body from throat to crotch, and his clothes magically ended up in a pile at the far side of the tent.
. . . "I hope - "
. . . Her kiss interrupted him as her tongue sought his, her hands found his manhood and held it gently.
. . . Definitely over did it, he thought as she broke the kiss.
. . . "Eidolon!" she told him angrily as she rotated in midair. Once her back was to him, she lowered herself onto him, fitting him inside as she went. She began bobbing up and down, leaning back, leaning forward, adjusting, moving faster, moving slower, all the time the head rubbing against something while the shaft was held in her pussy. When her shoulders slumped and she started oscillating like a Cheetit scratching, he got the idea.
. . . Found your g-spot eh, he thought as he watched her ass, I can imagine your face, eyes rolled up and tongue hanging out, not dignified, but enjoying yourself. He slid his middle finger up her anus.
. . . "Eiii - dol - on!" she squeaked as he wriggled his finger inside her.
. . . What are you rubbing on, ah that's it, the cervix? he thought as he pressed on the flesh to increase the contact on the other side, Different strokes for different folks.
. . . She stopped for a moment, then raised herself slowly up, then down. Then several. Then she began her quick bobbing again, only to stop, gasp, wait and restart.
. . . I thinks she's enjoying it, he thought as she stopped again, I just can't tell, and I can't tell anything from the story tone. Somehow, watching somebody's back, acting out an itch-scratching scene from Rin and Stimpy isn't how the stories depict it.
. . . "No teasing, no delays," she whispered huskily as she sat up. Her hands guided him inside and she rode up and down, kneading her breasts and gasping. She pistoned faster and faster, her hands rose and she clawed at the tent, tearing great rips in it. Her hair lashed her bare body as she rose and fell.
. . . Her gasps became whines and she shifted to increase friction, or just change the contact to get a different sensation. "Why? Why?! Why!? Why?!" she whimpered as she slowed.
. . . "Why can't I finish!?" she wailed in frustration and despair.
. . . She pulled herself clear and both hands plunged to her crotch, desperately fondling, stroking, pinching. "I can feel it, I can feel it. Let me finish!" whispered as she moved faster and more frantically.
. . . He pushed her aside and reversed the stance with her laying beneath him and him astride. He pulled her hands away and slid two fingers across her lips, while rubbing her clitoris and pushing inside with his middle finger.
. . . "She won't let you," he told her, "She knows you aren't mine, not in your heart," he told her as he idly played with her rock hard nipples, setting off more whimpers.
. . . "Why would she do this?"
. . . "You're lying, to me, to her, to yourself," he told her, "You can't do it all. Not yourself."
. . . "Master, cum inside me, make me your Pokègirl."
. . . "Convince her," he told the frustrated Eidolon, "Convince the child who knows you're a liar."
. . . She shook her head, tears falling out of the corners of her eyes.
. . . "It's that, or never get what you really want," he explained.
. . . She curled up into a ball, her hands between her legs, more to stave off hopelessness, than to achieve climax. She whimpered and shuddered.
. . . He watched her reach over and drag her dress to her, then look at it in disgust.
. . . She realizes she's back in her shift, and her six-year-old form, he thought. The dress vanished. Impressive, and good to know. I'm still amazed the tent eliminated the wet spot.
. . . She glanced around and saw him. "Master?"
. . . "I know having the woman pass out is supposed to be the acme of skill," he said, "But having her fall asleep, is a bit of an insult."
. . . "What do I do now?" she asked, and rolled over to face him. She saw he was fully clothed and seemed to be taking things in stride. She crawled closer, and flopped down just out of her arm's reach. "You can't trust her Master."
. . . "I trust you."
. . . "She's not me, I'm not her. You can't trust her Master. She's a liar, she hides things, and she likes to hurt people." She inched closer with each statement.
. . . "Do you think letting her go Feral will help?" He reached over and ran his fingers through her fine, soft, hair.
. . . "She won't be able to hurt you, Master."
. . . "Do you trust me?" he asked.
. . . She pulled herself close and hugged him around the neck. "Of course, Master!"
. . . "Then let her go, watch her, but let her at least try to earn your trust. Let me help her."
. . . She pouted cutely. "Okay." Then her face screwed up in confusion. "Why'd she like the spanking so much? And she did."
. . . "Think about how lonely you'd be when you can't even have a hug or a spanking. Then you find somebody, and do something wrong. He could just send you away, instead he spanks you and keeps you."
. . . She nodded. Her arms and legs lengthened, her figure filled out and the shift became her sexier garment. She pounced on him immediately, her smile was playful, rather than desperate, as she ran her hand down his shirt, letting her magic unbutton it, while she used her hands to unbutton and unzip his pants, then pull down his underpants. She engulfed him and began bobbing her head up and down, while gently massaging his balls.
. . . At least she's gotten past having all the charm and desperation of a drowning woman seeking air, he thought and was hard again as she leapt up. He caught her wrists.
. . . "Gently, gently. Savor it, that's what's got her convinced you don't care," he said and smiled, "We'll get it done."
. . . She yanked her arms away and defiantly announced, "Eidolon!" And her defiance vanished like food around a Grizzlar. "Eidolon," she tried to explain.
. . . "Quit trying to force it," he said, and ran his fingers over her arms, "It'll come."
. . . She put her index finger on his chest. "Ei - idolon."
. . . "I get it, very funny," he told her, "Do it your way, but enjoy it."
. . . She nodded, then slipped him inside herself and began bouncing up and down, mauling her own breasts. Her eyes rolled up and her tongue hung out as she slowed her strokes and her grasping hands stood still.
. . . So undignified, he thought as she stopped and her pussy clamped down on him, At least she didn't just go slack and fall over this time, he thought as he luxuriated in the feeling, finally ejaculating. It didn't stop the massaging contractions of her pussy.
. . . When she finished and raised herself up, she looked around in confusion.
. . . Taming Shock, he thought, She's never been Tamed before. He pushed her over.
. . . She clumsily fell with a peculiar squawk. As she lay there, gasping and staring up at the ceiling, he gently kissed some of her more ticklish spots while stoking her inner thighs. His wandering fingers approached, but didn't touch her crotch. She wriggled happily, letting him raise gooseflesh on her, her blush spreading as she anticipated. She groped her breasts and he pulled her hands away. "My turn," he told her sternly, "My way." He pulled a couple of the tie-downs he'd located while she'd been dreaming, and tied her wrists and ankles. She lay spread-eagle while he moved slowly, a touch, a tickle, a kiss, all sensitizing her skin as she looked up, or tugged at the bonds.
. . . "Patience," he scolded her, "You aren't getting it now, you're going to have to accept at my pace."
. . . "Eidolon," she whined, and wiggled to draw his attention where she wanted it.
. . . He ignored her erect clitoris and blood-gorged lips, to continue exploring her body. Better I know what can set her off, he thought, So I can, when I want to.
. . . "Eidolon!" she shouted as he bit her neck.
. . . "Should I bite somewhere else?" he asked as he moved down her body, and hovered over her breasts.
. . . "Eidolon! Ei - eidol - ei - Eidolon!" she insisted as he very gently bit her nipple, and squeezed the other. Not breaking the skin, but holding it. Her legs moved like a pair of chained snakes, while the rest of her held very still. Until he released and began moving again. She tried to turn over to clamp her legs shut. The bonds prevented that. "Ei! Ei! Eidol! Ei Eidol, Eidolon, Ei Eidol," she pleaded with him. He knelt between her legs. "Eidol, Ei, Eidolon, Ei Idol," she told him, while her eyes teared up, and his hand softly stroked her erect clitoris.
. . . "You know I can't understand you," he told her, "And I'll do whatever I want."
. . . "Ei Eidol Eidol, Eidolon Eidolon," she said hopefully, then broke down in tears as he dipped his head.
. . . He took her clit into his mouth, and ran his lips and tongue over it. His hands ran over her inner thighs. Anticipation is half the game, he thought, Performance is the rest.
. . . "Ei - Ei - Ei - Eido - Eidolon," she panted as her pleasure and expectation of intimate pain heightened her sensitivity.
. . . "EIDOLON!" she cried in a harsh whisper.
. . . So, females can squirt, he thought as she relaxed. Damn, he thought as he rushed to release the restraint before she rechibified.
. . . The others were wide awake as he carried the sleeping chibi back into camp.
. . . "You aren't walking too well, boss," Eko told him, sounding highly displeased by the obvious answer, and the implications.
. . . He just grinned at the Officer Jenny.
. . . "She's a kid!" she repeated.
. . . "Only most of the time," he replied, "The rest of the time. Well, she's always got a very . . . interesting personality."
. . . "What did she say?!" Eko demanded.
. . . "Ouch, oh Harem Master, ouch! I'm a bad Pokègirl, OUCH! I'm your bad Pokègirl! Ow-Itch! You're getting me all hot Master!"
. . . "I get the idea!" Eko shouted and glared at the sleeping chibi, who seemed to be laughing in her sleep about the antics of the adults, and the description of the spanking.
. . . The sound of shuffling bodies woke him. He noted the chibi-form playing backpack, her arms around his shoulders, and her legs around his waist.
. . . As he tried to see what else in the tent was moving, he thought, Someone wants to cuddle her new Master.
. . . The shadows revealed the trifold nurse's cap as the figure lay down beside him. "Is it all right?" she asked.
. . . Almost, but not quite, he thought, but wouldn't call her on it.
. . . "I'm afraid all I can do is sleep."
. . . She slipped under the covers and snuggled against him. The smell of shampoo and soap predominated as she lay against him.
. . . Okay, officer, he realized, I get the message. I just wish I was more comfortable doing what's necessary.
. . . Many saw and stared at the group on the road.
. . . So Kay dresses as an Officer Jenny, and Eko wearing the Nurse Joy's outfit, he realized, And they are getting more nervous by the minute. I don't think they realize that people are staring at the brown-haired Officer Jenny and Nurse Joy, not that they can see through the disguise.
. . . The kit's giggles at the pair nearly jumping, when one old woman gave them a stunned second glance, didn't help. The kit's scream didn't help either. "Off the road!" the kit shouted, bodychecking him into the brush alongside the path.
. . . A Chocoboob raced past, with a Coyotits in hot pursuit. The pair hurled the Jenny and Joy as a bruised heap into the brush on the other side.
. . . "One of these days, I'm going to have to figure out why I wrote those two into the Pokègirl world in the first place," he said, "I think it's clear." He ducked down in expectation, when nothing happened he added, "Yes, it's clear."
. . . "We have to go ahead," Eko told them as she hung up the phone that seemed to be the only decoration of the landing field's out building. "The lab that produced some extremely savage G-Splices was destroyed in the area, by Washu. They lost track of a few of them, and the Zeppelin isn't going to come in and land until we've cleared the area, or verified positively that they have been destroyed."
. . . "Who ran the lab?" he asked.
. . . "A Doctor Clay, he supposedly went over to the criminal side because of his jealousy over her work," Eko explained, then stared at him, "You know something, don't you?"
. . . "Only from the source material that both Washu and Doctor Clay were copied from. Their rivalry was far from friendly, and neither one of them could be trusted as far as a Titmouse could toss Typhonna," he said, "She's either selectively slanting what she's told you, or she's left out something critical so she can swoop in to be the hero later."
. . . Kay said, "But Washu is the Greatest Scien - "
. . . " ' -tific Genius in the Universe', or League or whatever. It's easy to look smart when you withhold critical information and tell people they're dumb for not knowing. The original was also one of the creators of her universe. It's hard not to win the game, when all the other players have to figure out the rules as they go along. If that's the case, look for who came in second and third for true genius, or won one hand spectacularly. When it came to questions her god form didn't already know the answer to, she was an abject moron."
. . . "What kind of question wouldn't a god know?"
. . . " 'Is there anything greater than myself?'" he said, "Considering she was part of a trinity, the answer about herself is obvious: all three of us together. If about the trinity as a whole, by simple inference the answer is 'yes'. The universe is naturally very stingy with uniqueness. You get one, or you get one that rapidly becomes a boatload. You don't get just three, all nearly identical. Three is either Father, Son and Holy Ghost (female in the Hebrew), or Maiden, Mother and Crone. Not three nearly identical items."
. . . "You really don't like her," Kay teased.
. . . "I'm an engineer, and a damn good one. The first requirement of a good engineer, or a good scientist, is integrity. A quality Washu is spectacularly lacking. I don't trust her, and neither should you. She isn't just a liar, if she told me something I knew was true, she'd put a layer of doubt over that fact."
. . . The pair exchange worried glances. "Stay near the building," Eko told him firmly.
. . . "Of course, how else would I hear your call to come charge to the rescue?" he replied, exasperating the Officer Jenny. The kit didn't help by giggling.
. . . The chibi squealed as he tickled her. Despite the sounds like she was being murdered, or evolving into a Jokette, she loved every moment of the attention.
. . . "I caught you," he told her as he tickled her more.
. . . Gasping for breath, she held up her hands in surrender. He stopped, and she pounced, hugging him fiercely. She felt her heart racing and the relaxation from her previous combat readiness. She snuggled against him, feeling the safety of his presence, and the security of his presence in the future.
. . . Maybe when I'm older, she thought happily, But ole' Underground will probably want him for herself. She frowned at the thought of her other, hidden self. There she is, she thought as she spotted the lurker at the edge of the clearing, She seems so sad, so full of longing. She wants my Master too.
. . . "She's still there, still watching," the chibi said, "We should catch her."
. . . "Are you up for a fight? If it comes to that?" he asked, "But I don't think it will. I think she's an Angel or a Seraph, but in case she's not."
. . . "I'll protect my Master," the little Pokèkit said ferociously as she hugged him tighter. She released him and dropped to the ground. "So what do we do?"
. . . "Hide and seek. I count to twenty, you hide, I come looking for you, and you try and get back to the base. If I can catch you before you make it back, you're 'it' and have to search for me. If you get to the base, then I stay 'it'. That give us a good excuse to run around looking for each other. Let her get used to the idea. So we'll play a couple rounds straight, and then we'll try to close in with her."
. . . "Makes sense. I'll go hide, you go count." She paused, and considered, getting an insight from her other self. "And I'll throw in a little theatrics. A father playing and comforting his kit will attract a Celestial more than almost anything else. I do know a few things from The Underground."
. . . "I wish yo two would learn to play nice together."
. . . She shrugged and waited for him to close his eyes and start counting, then she dashed off to a hiding place near the curious, yet skittish girl. There she desperately tried not to look at the girl, except to track her Master's movements. He darted out and began searching for her. You shy away, not understanding he's only looking for me, she thought as she considered, When do I go? Now! She ran for the base, and he turned to cut her off. She dodged and he zigzagged to keep himself between her and the base. He finally caught her, picking her off the ground and hugging her. She felt herself relaxing in that grip and hugging him back.
. . . She lost herself to the body-warm, mind-cool feeling that came with holding and being held. Is this what Underworld felt when Ferality was - when Master pushed her Ferality away? she wondered, Feeling safe, and wanted? She cracked an eyelid and looked at the mysterious stranger who'd moved to the edge of the woods that surrounded the clearing. The girl stood beside a tree, her hands idly running over the bark. Is that what she wants to do to Master, or what she wants Master to do to her?
. . . She released him, and leaned back. "I want to try something," she told him, "Just play along."
. . . "I thought you were sure about her," he said.
. . . "I - am . . . but I want to be really sure. Go hide in that copse of trees, and play along. I want to see how she reacts."
. . . "Okay," he said and escorted her back to the base. "You get a good look at her?"
. . . "White wings that seem kinda nervous, and armor."
. . . "A Seraph, I thought they were rare."
. . . "I dunno," she admitted, "Something different about her. Does a Seraph come looking for somebody, or do they stay back?"
. . . He knelt and carefully pulled his 'dex, so they could both read it, and their quarry couldn't.
. . . "Don't scan," she whispered her warning, "I can sort of feel it, maybe she can. That may be why nobody caught her. They pulled out their 'dex, she felt them scanning and she ran away."
. . . "Maybe," her Master considered what she'd said, and what the 'dex displayed, "They wouldn't attack, but they wouldn't come in this close either."
. . . "I guess she - kinda looks funny. Maybe it's just the hair, but she doesn't look like Kay or Eko."
. . . "Okay, I'll be careful." As soon as she started counting, he sprinted away.
. . . He slipped into the copse of trees. He couldn't see the strange Pokègirl, but he could feel her. So she's important somehow, he thought, That could be good, or bad. He maneuvered through the trees, until he stood only a few feet from where she concealed herself. He crouched down in the bushes, and had kept his back to her, seeming to concentrate on the little girl counting beside the tree. Once she stood away and began searching, the newcomer approached him.
. . . Don't move, don't react. She hasn't made a noise, or let her shadow fall on you, so there's no way you could detect her, he reminded himself as the little one looked around and wandered aimlessly, and the newcomer closed close enough to touch him, and nearly close enough to feel the warmth of her skin.
. . . "Master?!" the little girl wailed in despair, and sat down to wipe her eyes, "Master!"
. . . "Olly Olly Oxenfree!" he called, causing the mystery girl to retreat. He broke cover and headed at a dead run to the sobbing little kit, scooping her up as he got close.
. . . "You okay?" he asked.
. . . "Yeah, I got her to step into the clear," she whispered as she held him, "Rock side to side, please."
. . . "You want a ride, or . . . "
. . . "I can see more, and convince her to come closer. She's in the clearing. The white wings, the armor, but her hair's weird, and her face . . . she's pretty, but . . . strange."
. . . "All right, I can live with that. Let's see if we can catch her," he rubbed his nose on hers.
. . . She giggled and hugged him tightly. "I wish I could be your Pokègirl, instead of a kit."
. . . "You're doing just fine as a kit," he scolded her, "I've got your colleague to act as Pokègirl. And if we get this girl, we'll have someone else to watch her, right?"
. . . "Yeah," she released him, he set her down, and she ran for the base. The odd Pokègirl concealed herself in the brush, because he didn't see her when he ran across the clearing to hide where she could watch him. I think she's getting the gist of the game, he thought as he closed in on his previous hiding spot, and felt her near him.
. . . When she touched his hair - Don't move, don't scream, don't react, he told himself, as the initial contact lengthened, Now I can feel her breath, the warmth of her body, but ignore than, until . . . She touched his neck, and he caught her drifting hand and stood the face her.
. . . Her beautiful face with it's frightened expression and teary eyes, stood at odds with her raised, aura-wrapped fist. The wide pug nose and brown eyes that seemed all iris make her look like an anime girl, he thought, and noted the bare tail with the tuft of hair at the end, Or a cow . . . a G-splice? Milktit and Seraph?
. . . If she's a Seraph, or even mostly Seraph, she won't hit me, he thought as he caressed her hand, Either I'm right, or I'm dead. He looked her over. The armor is Armsmistress work. The metal looks like strips torn from a flat plate, he thought, as he tried not to stare, Except the breast plate was designed for someone very buxom, but not as buxom as she is. The white leather covering her bust bulged out through gaps her bosom pushed in the sections of armor, as a result, it dug uncomfortably into her body in other places. That's not leather armor, he thought as he brushed at her hair, Found some short, hard and sharp, like horns. That's leather skin. I think we found one of the rampaging monsters. I think we just might want to find and catch the others.
. . . When he lowered his hand, as if to touch her breast, she grabbed his hands with both of hers. She stared at him with alarm. When he didn't pull free, or push against her grip, she drew his hand to her cheek. She rubbed her cheek against his hand, enjoying the sensation, but unsure what to do next.
. . . "You can't speak, can you?" he asked.
. . . She bowed her head, then shook it, as if shamed by her 'failure'. She turned abruptly, as the chibi came through the brush. The larger girl's fear faded, and she looked at the little girl almost hungrily. She looked from him to her, with a heartbreaking longing. Still, she shied back when they stepped towards her.
. . . "We want to help you," the girl urged, carefully stepping towards the G-Spliced Pokègirl, "You're hurting, we can help."
. . . She turned her back on them, her shoulders hunched and shaking. The little girl looked at her Master and the pair approached. The little girl fastened herself to the Pokègirl's leg, while her Master stroked the G-Splice's wings. She looked down at the little girl, who positively beamed at her, while her wings fluttered. He stepped between her wings, moved her long hair aside and kissed the back of her neck, making her shiver more. He carefully wrapped his arms around her waist. She leaned into him, baring her neck for more kisses, which he gave. She made a small noise of pleasure, then whirled around so fast she knocked him sideway with her armored breasts.
. . . The girl was nearly bent double, clutching her chest and tears rolling down her cheeks. The kit was stroking the larger Pokègirl's side, and telling her quiet, soothing things.
. . . "That's definitely a case of 'hurts me worse than it hurts you'," he said as he climbed to his feet.
. . . "Master, I don't think she can remove that armor, the fastening are too complicated," the kit told him, then she whispered, "And I think she's really stuck."
. . . "I don't doubt that," he said, as he approached. He looked at her fearful expression. "We aren't going to hurt you, and as you just found out, that armor is more likely to hurt you than we are."
. . . The kit reached up and touched the skin bulging through the armor. The Pokègirl drew back instinctively, but paused as she noted what had been done to her.
. . . "Separating her from the armor will be easier if she isn't so tender," the kit said, "Somebody needs some hand holding, and the same somebody needs an engineer."
. . . "Put up or shut up, eh," he said, and smiled at the girl who watched them warily, "We aren't going to hurt you. And if we do, I suspect you could hurt us back a hundredfold."
. . . She smiled at that, and he guided her to a sitting position. The kit curled up in her lap and hugged her around the waist. The winged girl dreamily stroked the kit's hair, while he tried to figure out the closures and clasps of the armor.
. . . "Did you make this armor?" he asked. When she shook her head 'no', he added, "Good, because I'm going to insult it. Somebody didn't take a lot of things into account. Frankly, the pinching is bad enough, but as it is now, if I dropped a heavy rock on you, the armor itself would disembowel you. Also, these joints are stressed, if I just pop the connections, it might hurt, a lot."
. . . She frowned worriedly, but nodded.
. . . "Fortunately, I have some help. Brace the breastplate, I think I can separate the back and breast, then we can separate the metal from the flesh. Okay?"
. . . The girl nodded and let the kit stand in front and brace herself against the the linked metal slats. With them in place, he sprang the pinned closures, with a sound more like gunfire than metalwork. The girl gasped and practically fell forward. Only the kit's enhanced strength kept her from hurting or being hurt.
. . . "Help here," the chibi gasped, trying to keep the pressure off the girl's more sensitive areas.
. . . "Easy, I've got you," he said as he helped the girl lay down.
. . . "Maybe you should have been in front," she teased, then noted his expression.
. . . "That's one of the reasons I never wanted to live here," he said, studying the problem, "From the outside, it's like 'oh wow!' but sitting here, all you see is the hurt person."
. . . "You didn't mind spanking . . . her," she said as she lay down so she could hug the other Pokègirl around the neck. The winged girl hugged her close as a security blanket.
. . . "She was excited by the hurt, and she wasn't injured, that's a big difference. I think we have a problem. Assuming we can't cut the armor apart, don't worry we wont," he assured the frightened girl, "It would be - what are you laughing about?"
. . . The little girl sat up, still giggling. "Us," she managed, "Now that the back's off, it's easy, but I shoulda thought of this."
. . . "What?" he asked. "Oh," he added as she phased the metal armor, and set it aside. "I've certainly been taking my stupid pills."
. . . The kit laughed. "Don't be hard on yourself, Master. I didn't think of it until you mentioned cutting apart the armor, and I'm not sure it would have worked as well while she was encased in it."
. . . "Thanks, but that was pretty stupid on my part."
. . . "Forgetting why the lady's in those straits is even stupider."
. . . "I was going to ask," he said as he sat down beside the winged girl, "May we?"
. . . The girl's reaction was to carefully reach around behind their head and slowly but firmly draw them to her, to her nipples, to her milk. As the two began to suckle, the Pokègirl began making pleased lowing sound and massaged the back of their necks. Her tail wrapped tight around the kit's waist, and her legs wrapped around his. Her breath came in little gasps, setting her breasts quivering as the pair fed.
. . . "Maw, moo, maw," she gasped as the kit rubbed the full breast she fed from, and he rubbed the outside thighs wrapped around him. Her legs tightened, loosened and shifted as her cries grew more enthusiastic.
. . . Just caresses, despite the power to crush my pelvis like an egg, he thought as she pressed him deeper into her breast. At least I can still breathe, and so can the kid.
. . . "Full," the kit commented as she pulled her head away, "All full." She looked at the girl and added, "It's very good, maybe more later."
. . . The girl smiled and hugged the little girl.
. . . The scream like a big cat brought them all to their feet. "That didn't sound like an attack cry," he told them, and looked as the winged G-Splice ran towards the cry. He shrugged. "Follow the sound of the guns," he said as he ran after her through the brush.
. . . The girl in the water tried to flap her water-logged and mud-sodden wings to lift off, but only managed to drag herself down.
. . . "Get the fish," he told the kit, wo ran alongside him, "Then I can pull her out." The kit nodded as he pulled off his shoes and dove into the water.
. . . The river shouldn't be too deep, he thought as he swam, I should be able to get underneath and carry her out. He saw the thrashing girl, and swam around her, letting his wet clothes pull him down. Once behind, you push on what's available, he thought as he shoved her towards the bank, where she could get footing to climb out of the water. He walked ashore a moment later. The kit was giving the winged cat girl back her fish.
. . . The Cat-girl tousled the kit's hair, and devoured the fish nearly whole.
. . . And our other new guest looks on longingly, and glances at her breasts, he thought, The cat girl was her only customer, but wanted something as a change of pace.
. . . With the fish devoured, the winged catgirl stared curiously at the others.
. . . "I think you go with us," he said, as he let the two capture beams reduced the newcomers to red light. "I have a feeling that neither of them are the dangerous escapees."
. . . "They may be dangerous in their own ways," she told him.
. . . "Agreed, but it will be interesting," he admitted.
. . . The zeppelin wasn't large. The crab logos everywhere worried him as he approached. "Were you successful? Taking off like that?" He shifted the girl on his back to a more comfortable arrangement.
. . . "The monsters from the lab?" Eko asked, "We found the lab, practically empty. We didn't find any of the monsters the Professor warned us about."
. . . " 'Professor'? 'Call me lil' Washu' Washu?"
. . . "How'd you know?" Kay asked.
. . . He gestured at the ship. "The name Hindenburg on the side told me all I needed to know. I'll be staying in my cabin, eating Pokèchow with the door welded shut and my gun ready," he told them, "And I'll warn you again, Washu's inspiration never solved any scientific problem she didn't have a hand in creating. As for genius, it's very easy to be better at a game, when you know all the rules, and the others have to figure them out as they go along."
. . . "I don't understand," Eko said.
. . . "Simply put, don't trust her. She's a jealous sociopath."
. . . Eko and Kay shrugged. He warily followed them aboard.
. . . The zeppelin's cabin was small, the bed dominated the entire room. Like the hallway, crab decorations predominated. There isn't enough space to put anything else inside, he thought, No desk or chairs. A tour guide isn't needed.
. . . "Clothes can be hung against the walls, or just thrown anywhere," the redheaded Supebra Genius said, "I know you Tamers, so it's furnished appropriately." She bumped her hip up against his ,and giggled lecherously.
. . . He smiled indulgently. Someone doesn't know me at all, and never bothered to ask, he thought, And I'm going to leave it like that.
. . . "Bathroom?" he asked, pointing at the cabin's other door.
. . . "Shower and toilet," she said proudly, "Don't worry about using too much water, it's recycled. A brilliant system if I do say so myself." She smiled broadly. "If you want a bath, come up and see me sometime."
. . . Kay and Eko rolled their eyes at their host's near Feral behavior, from their vantage point a yard or two out of reach of an 'examination' of their 'psychological warfare characteristics'.
. . . "I'll certainly keep that in mind."
. . . So I can run away from it faster than a speeding bullet, he finished silently.
. . . "You certainly live up to your name," he said politely.
. . . The Pokèwoman's smile faltered, then she brightened. "Oh, you've actually seen the original source material!" She took a provocative pose. "How do I stack up?"
. . . "The original had the chibi Template, and stayed in that form most of the time," he replied, "And was the creator of the universe she lived in."
. . . She frowned at that, supporting her breasts with both hands. "I'd hate to lose my man-magnets."
. . . "Believe me, your personality more than compensates," he said sweetly, making her smile, "Otherwise, I haven't seen any real difference."
. . . Which is why I always hated that character: the narcissism, arrogance and sociopathy are all there, he thought.
. . . "Wonderful!" She hugged him.
. . . Mustn't run away! Mustn't shoot her in the head!
. . . "You'll have to tell me all about her."
. . . "And get you jealous of a goddess," he said, showing his actual disdain for the Pokèwoman, "I think not." Then he smiled.
. . . Better to make her think my true feelings were an act, he thought.
. . . "We aren't all that obsessive," she pouted.
. . . He looked over the top of his glasses and stared at her.
. . . "Maybe just a teeny bit," she relented.
. . . The stare continued.
. . . She waved her hands. "Okay, I won't ask," she said, and pouted.
. . . "Now if you'll excuse me? It's been a trying few . . . weeks. I'd like to get some rest. I doubt once we reach Nuevo Tenochtitl…n, I'll get any rest without threatening mass murder."
. . . The Supebra Genius's smile faded briefly. "Of course," she said, then it brightened again.
. . . "How did you know we're taking you to Nuevo Tenochtitl…n University?" Eko asked. Kay put her face in her hands and shook her head.
. . . "It's the only place that could help, other than Vale, and I don't see an SLIS agent taking me there."
. . . "I'll get these two situated." The Supebra Genius's lecherous grin returned. "Maybe something special for breakfast?" She laughed all the way down the garishly colored hall as she lead the pair away.
. . . Door opens out onto the corridor, and not enough loose material to build a proper barricade, he thought as he entered and closed the door behind him, Should have been pocket doors, so you can't block the corridor or hit somebody. He tried to carefully remove the sleeping little girl he still carried.
. . . She released her grip and hopped onto the bed. She looked around quickly. "Is she really gone?"
. . . "In more ways than one," he replied as he looked around for a place to set down his pack, "I thought you were asleep."
. . . "Playing possum," she said as she walked around on the bed, sinking nearly to her knees with every step, "I'd sleep on the floor. I was busy turning aside mind probes and jamming all the surveillance equipment. I told you I could feel a Pokèdex scan, I felt all those other eyes too." She shivered. "It's creepy, being watched, listened to, practically tasted, as you walk through this ship."
. . . "Just keep turning them aside, or can you create an overload pulse that will fry them all?"
. . . "I can't . . . but she can," the kit admitted with a frown. She pulled the two Pokèballs she's stuffed her shift with. She frowned at them, and put them on the bed.
. . . "I'm not ready to face all three of them," he admitted, "But I guess I don't have a choice." He sat on the bed and picked up the two balls.
. . . "Why didn't they search, or even scan, these?" she asked.
. . . "Because being terribly cute is assumed to be the same as being completely stupid. So you couldn't have been doing something clever, you were just trying stuff your shirt and look like a big girl."
. . . She sat next to him and smiled. "I wish I was," she admitted.
. . . "Enjoy being a kid. If you get much bigger, I'll have to quit letting you play backpack. Everything has advantages and disadvantages. Don't get so tied up trying to grown up that you lose the happiness you have now."
. . . She hugged him, and whispered, "I still don't trust her."
. . . He released the other two girls. "Don't trust her, do warn her," he said.
. . . The kit changed. The catgirl's fur stood on end, and the cowgirl prepared for a fight. The Eidolon looked at the two, then her Master. She frowned, but released the spell. Objects popped and fizzed all over the room as surveillance equipment of electronic, psionic and technomystic origin all met their untimely doom. The two newcomers jumped and dodged, looking around frantically. Then when it stopped, they focused on the Eidolon.
. . . "I think I'm gonna let her explain all this," the Eidolon returned to her child-like form.
. . . The catgirl growled her displeasure at the former occupant, and the smell of burnt circuitry. She leapt across the bed, to activate the room's ventilators.
. . . The pounding on the door made him recall both G-Splices, before flinging open the door.
. . . Eko jumped back from the cloud of smoke that poured out of the room.
. . . "She found a camera, and she dealt with it," he told the Officer Jenny who fanned her face to clear away the smell of smoke.
. . . "That doesn't explain all this . . . how many bugs were there?" she asked.
. . . "I don't think we compromised the structural integrity of the room by destroying all of them," he said, then smiled, "You want her to sweep your rooms too?"
. . . " 'Rooms'? She stuck the two of us in a large broom closet with fold down bunks. Now I know where she got the capacity for a bathtub. She took it from crew quarters. What's 'hot bunking'? I know what it sounds like."
. . . "It's two people having the same bed, except they don't use it at the same time. You have a 12 hour shift, then you toss Kay out of the bunk to sleep, and she works her 12 hour shift. The bunk never gets cold."
. . . The Officer Jenny shook her head. "Yes, can you sweep our room? Don't worry about the smoke smell, it's got to be better than whatever died in there before we arrived."
. . . He picked up the kit, closed the door, she sealed it and added the 'Do Not Disturb' sign, and they proceeded to the other guest quarters.
. . . "And somewhere on this ship," the kit said, "Somebody's throwing a tantrum."
. . . He returned to his room. A couple of technicians were trying to open the door. "I'm sorry, I assumed this crew could read," he said, "The little tag clearly says 'Do Not Disturb'."
. . . "We had a report of an equipment malfunction, we have to go in and check," one of the tech told him.
. . . "You need a key for that, not a crowbar."
. . . "SECURITY! Break-in, thieves, murderers!" the kit screamed so even Mountaintide could hear.
. . . "Sir, we really are - "
. . . "What's going on here?!" the steward, a large Herolee, approached.
. . . "They're trying to break in and kill my Master!" the little kit wailed, hugging him tightly, "They're bad, bad Pokègirls!"
. . . The two techs cringed at the volume and venom of the complaint.
. . . "They seemed to think a crowbar would suffice where a key was unavailing," he said, and unlocked the door. Not just the smell of burnt electronics drove the two techs back. "Ah, toss a smoke bomb in the vents, then raid the place. Very clever. Steward, I'd like these two removed. I'll deal with the smell."
. . . "I'm certain better accommodations could be arranged," the steward offered.
. . . "Nonsense, fires and explosions were commonplace around the real Washu, why should this one be any different." He stepped past and closed the door, locking it after him.
. . . The kit was already waving her hands, eliminating the stench of the electronics as she had in the other cabin.
. . . "You are evil," he teased.
. . . "I take after my Master," she replied, "They are going to need Breed names."
. . . "I thought scanning them into the 'dex would let everybody know they exist," he replied, "If they are Doctor Clay's work, Washu will want them destroyed, and without a license, I won't be able to stop it. You also need a name."
. . . "I'm sure Washu could get you a license . . . a Harem Master's license." She laughed at that.
. . . "Very funny, Isaac."
. . . " 'Isaac'? Isaac's not a girl's name," she said, "And what about letting the Pokègirl chose her name?"
. . . " 'He will Laugh' is appropriate, and if it was important to you," he replied, "You would have already picked one."
. . . "Isaik then," she said, "They'll keep trying. If what she said is true, the minute that door closed, and they had no surveillance, you disappeared and not even MoanTwo or Hild could locate you."
. . . "As long as I stay in the Sunshine League, what happens if I leave it?" he asked.
. . . Isaik shrugged. "If Underground knows, she hasn't let on. Maybe even Hild doesn't know."
. . . "Names, Angel is taken, so is Seraph, ArchAngel, Malakim, and Cherub. Throne, Wheel and Blessed anything don't really have the same impact."
. . . "Bust Angel," she said, then grinned, "It certainly describes her."
. . . "Okay, how about HeavenKat for the other, they have Hellcats."
. . . "Sounds good."
. . . "Get ready for the next round," he warned.
. . . She pulled the Pokèballs from her shift and thumbed the releases. As the pair appeared again, they bristled at Isaik's appearance.
. . . "She's mine," he told them quietly, "If you want to be mine as well, you'll have to accept her."
. . . The HeavenKat's growl was more subdued, but just as unfriendly.
. . . "Before you tell me you don't trust her," he said, "The local gendarmes are searching for a pair of escaped monsters. You'd probably fit the description. Turn around, if you are Doctor Clay's, you should have his mark on you. If you don't, then that opens a whole other series of questions."
. . . The two reluctantly turned around, then quickly turned back. He walked up to examine them. "What do we know about you two?" he asked.
. . . The HeavenKat growled, as if trying to answer. The Bust Angel just shrugged, then laughed as he touched her.
. . . "Ticklish?" he asked.
. . . She nodded.
. . . "Your friend here didn't reject your milk because she didn't like it," he told her quietly as he searched for the elusive mark, "She just wanted a change of pace. I don't think she understood how uncomfortable you'd be. After all, just one day shouldn't make a difference."
. . . The Bust Angel nodded.
. . . "Okay, I can't find it, and typically it's not that well hidden. You might want to think about a name for yourself. I've already decided your Breed name, but if you want a particular personal name, you should pick it," he said to the Bust Angel, then turned to the HeavenKat, "Okay, your turn."
. . . She grabbed him and tossed him onto the bed, bouncing Isaik off it with a yelp. The HeavenKat leaped onto it and him.
. . . "Can't we talk about this?"
. . . She growled a negative and extended one wing completely, nearly filling the room. She unbuttoned his shirt, and flexed her wing so he could examine it.
. . . "Uh, yes, thank you. You wouldn't considered letting me up, would you?"
. . . She leaned over and extended her other wing, while she finished unbuttoning his shirt. Her tail was busily worming its way under his pants' waistband and into his underpants.
. . . "Uh, yes, I'm sure if you had the mark, you'd show it to me. Can you let me up?"
. . . She moved aside, and when he sat up, she pulled his pants and underwear down to his ankles.
. . . "That's not quite what I -mfl," his last word buried in her breasts.
. . . The absolute storm of pheromones made him dizzy.
. . . She alternated between nibbles and gentle licks on his ear, while she held his face to her breasts. Her other hand ran her claws against his bare skin, forcing him to sit up straighter and press harder against her. As he started to relax, realizing her claws would not wound him, she began rubbing her crotch against his, moving faster and faster as her rough tongue ran over his shoulders and the back of his neck.
. . . She smiled as all his excitement seemed to concentrate where she wanted it. She shifted, letting him lie down as she slid him into herself. She rode up and down, stroking her soon-to-be Master with the tips of her wings.
. . . The Bust Angel had been massaging the kit's shoulders. When she too started to relax, the Bust Angel lifted her to her breast to suckle. The larger Pokègirl leaned her head back with a blissful expression as the kit began to drink deep.
. . . The HeavenKat frowned when her Master climaxed before she did. "Sorry," he told her. She patted his head and slipped down so she could lick him clean, purring all the while. She hid her frown that her Master seemed immune or exhausted.
. . . When the man fell asleep, and the kit lolled bonelessly, the pair of Seraph G-Splices exchanged looks. The Bust Angel shook her head and looked at the room's clock. The pair turned the man over. The Bust Angel got astride him and began massaging him, working out the kinks in her Master's body, and putting him deeper in sleep.
. . . When she finished, she looked at the clock, and woke the HeavenKat from her catnap. The two of them arranged the kit in the man's arms, and returned to the washroom. In the cramped space, they touched hands and concentrated. The vast, dark space replaced where they had been.
. . . Ah, good, the mouthy, arrogant voice began, You have acquired your targets.
. . . Yes . . . Mistress Hild, the HeavenKat growled out the thought, adding as much disdain as she could.
. . . The Legendary only laughed. You have your job, not because you love me, but because you will protect him. Your hatred and suspicion of me, serves my ends. She laughed at the pair's impotent fury. He intrinsically trusts and loves the Seraph breed. Now don't go and betray his love and trust, Hild sent them the teasing thought, and gloried in their stunned reaction, He could hardly resist you two. Mixing in the busty, motherly Milktit, and a girl who won't take 'not here, not now!' for an answer will put him in the correct mindset to do the work I require of him. He needs to be inculcated into the life and habits of a Tamer. He also needs to know that there will be someone who will absolutely keep him from descending completely into the abyss he will have to dance around. Someone to love him wholeheartedly and guard his soul, while he does what must be done. He could hardly ask for better than you two. Which is why you exist, and why you are here.
. . . Neither Celestial could hide her shock.
. . . Hild laughed at them. Go, be free, Contact me only when you decide my assistance is needed. I have enough slaves to take advantage of the ripples you free agents will create.
. . . And when we come after you, Mistress Hild? the Bust Angel thought sweetly, while her fists clenched and unclenched, eager to wrap around the Legendary's slim throat.
. . . You only have his human lifespan. You have only enough time to destroy one of the great menaces of our time. Not two. I am content that I will be placed lower on that list than Sanctuary, or others he is aware of, and the world at large is not, Hild's thought contained no concern, merely vast satisfaction and amusement. Then her expression darkened, and when she laughed again, the two found themselves back in the washroom, desperately needing a warm cuddle.
. . . New room, white, clean, smells of soap, but nothing harsher. Lights are low, enough to see, but not clearly.
. . . Someone washed me, shaved me, and put me in soft, white pajamas. The muscles no longer hurt, the joints are reset, the burns healed, but I have no strength for defiance, he thought. The fear of further torture colored his thoughts. There's nothing to be certain of, except the desire to return home.
. . . "Good evening, sir."
. . . He turned. She's pretty, but that means nothing.
. . . "The medical staff has got you back in tip-top shape."
. . . Then why do I feel like a dog's breakfast? he wanted to ask, but couldn't manage.
. . . The light flicked in his eyes, and he tried not to flinch.
. . . "You've had a rather busy time. If you'll give me your name?"
. . . No wisecrack, he scolded himself, Focus on a spot just outboard her left ear.
. . . "Sir, we know your speech centers weren't damaged in the attack."
. . . They waited. He continued focusing, she continued to make notations on a pad computer.
. . . "Your continued silence won't accelerate your processing."
. . . Loud speakers came on. "You might tell him that he's no longer in the custody of the Sanctuary Goths."
. . . The Pokègirl in the uniform closed her eyes and hung her head. "Yes. You are in an SLIS safe-house, outside Caesar's Prank. You're being prepped for transfer to the capital."
. . . She waited and waited. She frowned. "If this were an interrogation, then we wouldn't be here, we would have woken you from the condition you were in and applied our methods."
. . . The door opened. "Out. Now," came a voice that seemed somehow familiar, but unplacable. The somber redhead in a police uniform replaced the suit. She set the clip board in front of him. "All we need to know is: is this accurate?" she asked gruffly, then leaned forward and sniffed. "Fnord and his Archives! Turn off the lights in the room and let him sleep, and get him some glasses so when he wakes up, he can actually see. He probably thinks we're a flashback to his interrogation." She laid a hand on his shoulder and leans close. "We'll get you healthy first. Morons and their paperwork can wait," she tells him. A friendly hug, then a she tucks him in, lights overhead dancing briefly before going out. The sense of flying in soft darkness, snuggling into a soft bed, laid on his side, tucked into warm blankets, a kiss on his cheek, and quiet darkness. Sleep came, and dreams. Horrible dreams of what they did to the others.
. . . What they told you they did, he remind himself.
. . . Morning came, and the four of them clustered on the bed. The two older girls woke first, leaned up enough to exchange glances, and worried looks at the little one holding onto their Master.
. . . The HeavenKat made the stick in a hole gesture for Taming and nodded towards the awakening man. The Bust Angel nodded her agreement.
. . . "You two seemed to have slept well," he said, "The first part of domestication, 'do not kill me when I'm vulnerable.' Something cats still haven't learned, present company excepted."
. . . The HeavenKat made a throaty chuckle.
. . . "I know what you want," he accused, "And you need it too. Can I at least get a shower before - good grief! Don't you take 'no' for an answer?" he asked, as the Bust Angel picked him up and headed into the washroom. A moment later she had his sweaty, travel worn clothes off. "I could order you, you know," he said defensively, before being pushed into the small shower stall. She stood outside as she adjusted the water and located the soap and shampoo.
. . . "Okay, you have knowledge of human habitation, and hygiene. So you weren't Feralborn," he said, and sat down on the stool while she washed his hair. "I can do that myself."
. . . She ran the sprayer over his head, while carefully shielding his eyes with her other hand.
. . . "Okay, this is a dominance game, you play servant while bossing me around. Except I've never liked those games, or the cultures that support them," he realized, "I frankly doubt you'd like a submissive Master." He caught her hand. "But I - don't - like - being pushed around."
. . . She bowed her head and nodded.
. . . "I know what you need. I know what you want," he told her more softly, "But I'm not comfortable with this. I'm not a people person, and I've gotten the crap kicked out of me and shown that the people around me cannot be fully trusted. You playing the role that the little Infernal's other form did, doesn't make me any more comfortable. I don't want to play tug of war, or have to get as nasty as I did with her."
. . . She nodded.
. . . "I'll get to what you want. Just give me a little time to work up to it."
. . . She nodded again.
. . . "And before you get any ideas about Taming in the shower stall, forget it. One of us would have the controls stabbing us in the ribs, and probably flooding the place with ice cold water."
. . . She laughed at this, then cupped her hands.
. . . "Washu's tub? It's probably so full of cameras and gadgets that you'd electrocute yourself just climbing in, or get chained to the bottom with no way to release the restraints."
. . . She nodded, but stepped back, leaving the soap and wash cloth inside. She closed the door once he was inside.
. . . Hurry up, I'm waiting, he thought as he lathered up and rinsed off quickly. When he stepped out, she was still waiting.
. . . She handed him another washcloth, then put her hands together as if praying.
. . . "Yes, I will," he said, and moved the stool close enough to the shower that the hose from the hand-held could reach. She sat down. "Won't your wings and hair take a long time to dry?"
. . . She smiled and shook her head.
. . . Why do I think I'm being set up for something? he wondered.
. . . She carefully used the shower to wet herself, carefully avoiding getting her hair or wings wet. Then she handed him the soap as she sat with her back to him.
. . . "Counter aversion therapy, start with something not of concern, then ramp up."
. . . She nodded and smiled as he ran the soapy cloth over her back and arms. Then she stood to let him wash her legs. She chuckled as he stopped, just short of her goal.
. . . "That you'll have to take care of yourself. Not being a horny teenager changes behaviors."
. . . She nodded as she finished, before letting him rinse her off. He took care not to wet her hair or wings. She stood and pointed to her nipples, then at him.
. . . "But you washed those, I watched," he whined.
. . . She glared, then got the joke. She squatted, lowered her head and pawed the tile. "Mrrrowr," she lowed.
. . . "Okay! Okay! Maybe I'm blushing, but I'm not that red!" he insisted.
. . . She stood, cocked her head, and let out the most innocent, "Moo?"
. . . "Yes, I got it before, you needed a milking," he told her as he sat on the bathing stool.
. . . She knelt before him and leaned in. She shivered as he put his arms around her waist, pulling her close and began to suckle. She threw her head back and let her wing feathers brush against his bare back. Her breath came in gasps as her Master drained one breast, then the other. Her fingers ran madly through his hair, while her wings and tail held him tightly against her.
. . . As he finished, finished drawing strength from her body, health from her love, she felt the curtain of Ferality rising. She reconcealed what her sister had given her, and carefully watched him dress. She felt her body responding to him. Wanting more of the same. She controlled her desire as she walked after him, looked at the expectant face of her sister, and the concerned expression of the chibi.
. . . The urge to just wrap herself around him, keep him warm and safe forever, and to teach him the joys their bodies could experiences was both embarrassing and overwhelming. She smiled at that. "That bitch Hild's plan is perfect," she growled, and suddenly realized she'd said it aloud.
. . . "Hild, eh?" her Master said with a sardonic air, that made her want to cuddle, or pummel him. Instead he looked straight at the chibi who stank of Infernal power. "Why has Hild taken such an interest, that she sends two additional guardians?"
. . . "Three?!" she demanded.
. . . "Yes, you, the HeavenKat, and the Eidolon, the kid. I suborned the kid's loyalty to Hild, at least partially, which I suspect was Hild's intention all along. And you two would never willingly serve, that's three."
. . . "We need . . . to talk," she said.
. . . "Agreed, but I need to finish dressing."
. . . The HeavenKat rubbed herself against him, and purred.
. . . "Somebody likes you just fine," the kit giggled.
. . . "There's more to do, and ever-shrinking time to do it," he explained.
. . . "I do not trust her," the Bust Angel said, "Nor should you."
. . . The kit stared at the pair. "For Ferality, I thought you had to . . . or did you use the trick you used on me?"
. . . The two G-Splices stared at him in horror, but he was lost in thought.
. . . "You're right, that shouldn't have worked. Proper Taming requires the Tamer to be in the proper mindset, absorbsion of human DNA, and the Pokègirl to orgasm, so . . . "
. . . Neither of the G-Splices were looking at him, each other or the kit.
. . . "I'm not into S and M enough to force a straight answer from you two. As for Isaik and Underground, I've already shown Underground what I can do if she disobeys. And she didn't like it," he told them, noting the girls' shivers. He sat on the bed and the Eidolon snuggled up against him.
. . . From the expression on the HeavenKat, he guessed, Somebody stuck their tongue out at someone else. He watched the two G-Splices exchange glances. They may school their expressions, but their wings and tails give them away.
. . . "We accept your judgement, but we will watch her," the Bust Angel said.
. . . "Good," he replied, "Now, I can't call you Bust Angel, HeavenKat and Underground all the time. I expect you to choose names for yourself, you're too young," he added to the Eidolon's child-like form.
. . . "I kinda like Isaik."
. . . The HeavenKat growled interrogatively, her ears flicking with irritation.
. . . "I would expect you'd take a name you could pronounce, or use a dictionary." He tossed the girl a pocket dictionary he'd scrounged. The cat-type opened it, and paged through it, clearly searching for something within. The other two fidgeted nervously. "So only one of you can read?" he asked, "Funny, the nonverbal one can read." He glanced around, then explained, "Deny someone the ability to read, you deny their power as an intelligent person."
. . . "Words are just magic to them," the Eidolon agreed.
. . . The HeavenKat approached with the dictionary, her claw directly over one word.
. . . " 'Maus'?" he asked, "That's German for mouse."
. . . "Mazz," she managed and grinned.
. . . "Maus it is," he said and matched her teeth-bared grin, "Somebody's a comedian." He got a throaty purr in response. "Okay, you might want to help each other."
. . . "She's going with 'Underground'," the Eidolon said, " 'The kid already calls me that'."
. . . He shrugged and looked at the last of the three, who seemed to be dancing on a hot stove. Only her armor kept her jiggling from being totally distracting.
. . . The HeavenKat handed him the dictionary.
. . . "I don't think 'Borden' is appropriate." He looked up. "They made glue out of the parts of the cow that couldn't go into leather or meat."
. . . "How about Warden?" the Bust Angel suggested.
. . . "It's your choice, not mine. Maus, Underground, Isaik, and Warden. There's some thing you need to know," he admitted.
. . . The kit materialized inside the circle she'd drawn in the air. She glanced around the bathroom, before she hugged her master, then handed the pack of equipment to him. Separately, she handed him a set of keys.
. . . "So it's still there, and still untouched?"
. . . "Yes, it had a cloaking spell on it. It has a much better one now," she said proudly and grinned.
. . . He smiled at that.
. . . "Why not simply go there?" she asked as she walked out of the bathroom and jumped on the bed to lie down.
. . . "Because I only have suspicions, not facts. And the gear is more important."
. . . "Master, it looks like mismatched junk."
. . . "Only to someone who doesn't know what it is," he replied, and grinned.
. . . In a room crowded with complicated, glass tubing filled with bubbling liquids, randomly mixed with various electric devices, Washu yammered on about a device that measured something that had absolutely no benefit to science, or the rest of sentient creation, "Getting a faint signal out of all the background noise was a true exercise in genius!"
. . . Meaning: there's no proof that you accomplished your goal, let alone found anything of eventual utility, he thought as he passed another vaguely frustrated and bewildered lab assistant Pokègirl, Like those poor bastards who calculated then tried to explain epicycles, when planetary orbits are elliptical.
. . . "Have you tried any other single-crystal materials?" he asked, to seem interested, "To get an additional data point in your investigations, perhaps another material would have a better signal-to-noise ratio."
. . . She looks like a BunnyGirl trying to solve a triple integral.
. . . "Why would I?" Washu said, and stared at him quizzically, "I have the signal, now I just have to figure out what it means."
. . . He tried to keep the tension from his face. Just shut your mouth, and remember 'it's just a movie.' No it isn't, she's wasting real time, real money and real intellectual capital by effectively masturbating with them, he thought.
. . . "It's so difficult to train my assistants to operate the equipment properly, then I'd change it all, and it would take months to generate a new profile." Washu dismissed his idea. "You should leave such things to competent professionals."
. . . I am a competent professional, he thought, I was trying to decide if you were. All your mind-numbing speechifying means you can't even simplify your operations enough that your brilliant assistants can follow you, and actually assist you in your work, he thought, If you can't simplify a principle to a paragraph or a simple equation: E=mc^2, 'systems under stress adapt to relieve that stress', etc., you haven't found the real answer yet.
. . . He picked at the 'lunch served'. I think she tells us the ingredients to disgust us, he thought as he walked down the narrow dining room and collected Kay's and Eko's uneaten meals, to add to his own, A doggie bag, and a bovey bag, to separate the vegetable and the protein.
. . . He got up and left the dining room with the collected food.
. . . Eko and Kay followed him out. "You didn't seem impressed by the Professor's equipment," Kay said, getting a giggle from Eko. The Nurse Joy blushed. "I didn't mean that!"
. . . "I wasn't impressed by that either. Science for the sake of science is fine, but if you're pushing back the frontiers of ignorance, somebody besides you has to be able to figure out what you're doing. I saw 30 processes so advanced, complicated and tricky to operate that none of her assistants knew what they were doing. A collection of Ingenues would do as well. She's keeping Pokègirls who could help with real research from doing that. Hoarding them so they can't help others do something that might make a difference to the world." He paused, and changed tacks. "Your raid on Doctor Clay's labs, you said 'practically empty', did you catch anything?"
. . . "A few seemingly harmless near-Ferals. Washu still insisted we put them down."
. . . " 'Putting down' a sentient creature used to be called murder, or at least killing. Were any of them in pain, or suffering, or did they just want out of their restraints and a cure for their Ferality?" he asked.
. . . "Washu - "
. . . He stopped spun to face them, getting right in Eko's face. "I asked you!" he interrupted harshly, "A pair of trained observers of victims, crimes and crime scenes. I already know what Washu said. I knew before we set foot on this zeppelin, if you recall."
. . . "I saw . . . frightened creatures . . . animals, not Pokègirls," Kay admitted, and glared at Eko. "Maybe some of them could think, but I doubt any of them were sentient."
. . . "Food animals or pets," he said, "Then why destroy them. They were harmless."
. . . "They appeared harmless," Eko pointed out angrily.
. . . "So, if a Pokègirl is gentle enough to be taken by an unarmed man, and you have orders from the goddess Washu - then - what?" he asked. His piercing stare frightened the Officer Jenny. "Well, it's good to know where your loyalties lie." He turned and continued walking towards his quarters. His fast, long stride forced the two Pokègirls to run to catch up.
. . . "Uh, are you going to invite us in?" Kay asked, smiling coyly.
. . . He stared straight at the Officer Jenny. "I really don't know. Are you sure Washu would approve?" he asked.
. . . He left them looking confused and ashamed as he closed and locked the door behind him.
. . . "Why didn't you make this a paradise?" she asked, as her blow hurled him across the cell and into the wall. "We could have all been happy," she said as her follow up punch smashed into him.
. . . "Did you get your jollies by making us suffer?" Another blow landed, smashing into him.
. . . "You don't want to know, you just want to blame," he said.
. . . She hauled him to his feet and tried to hold him off the ground, but her arms' shortness prevented it. She shook him with every point she made. "Okay smart guy, now I'm listening. Why did you make this place Hell on Earth, with idiots all around who think people are there to be stepped on for power, for money, for sex, or for any of a hundred other reasons?"
. . . "Because if I didn't make it like my world, nobody would have read the stories," he told her.
. . . She threw him across the cell hard enough to dislocate ribs.
. . . "Just cause you can't measure up to a kapoeraista, don't blame me," he told her, and was unconscious before the beating ended.
. . . The pair of Pokèballs were fished out of the front of the kit's dress. "They didn't say anything." She stared at the balls as she complained, "Are they that stupid?" She looked back at her Master.
. . . "Careful, you'll be talking like 'Underground' soon," he teased as she released the girls. Isaik frowned at him as Warden and Maus materialized. The pair exchanged glances, then looked around.
. . . "You never told us who we're hiding from," Warden said, "Just that we were hiding. Although after hearing the rest of the story, I'd believe anything."
. . . "Yzzz," Maus growled and nodded.
. . . "A Nurse Joy, an Officer Jenny, and a raging sociopath," he replied, "I don't have a license yet. Considering the alternatives, I'll need to get one soon."
. . . "Good enough," Warden said as she sat on the bed. She frowned as Isaik sat beside her, but relented as her Master picked the kit up, took her place beside Warden, then set the kit back in his lap. Maus immediately took the other side and leaned against him hard enough to push him into Warden.
. . . "That's dirty pool," he said.
. . . "Thzz," Maus growled, and pointed at the kit curled up in his lap.
. . . "On her part, or mine? A little forward aren't you?" he asked Maus, who gave a teeth-baring grin in response.
. . . "You've been looking at us," Warden said, "We've been looking at you. We belong to you. None of us would have it any other way. That's the way of Pokègirls. You don't beat us or threaten to let us go Feral . . . "
. . . "That puts you over most Masters. You've seen how the crew of this ship acts around Washu?" Isaik pointed out, "And how Eko and Kay react? Even if they worship her, they are all still afraid of her. We aren't afraid of you."
. . . "Frrr," Maus growled.
. . . "Afraid - for me, not - of me," he said.
. . . "We aren't shy about saying we want you," Warden said as she removed her painfully tight armor, "It's something else I'm after, and you want that too."
. . . "Me too!" Isaik shouted, then glanced worriedly at her Master, "Please?"
. . . "Of course," Warden said as she laid down. Her Master set the kit on the opposite side. "Drink, please."
. . . Isaik moved immediately. Their Master was a bit more circumspect. Warden hugged the kit, to help her keep her balance. Her Master leaned close, and she ran her fingers through his hair, and across neck and shoulders, while Maus draped herself on him, hugging herself tightly to him.
. . . Warden's lids grew heavy as tremors flowed through her. Her eyes rolled up and she clamped her jaw shut to avoid crying out at the orgiastic feeling of being gently suckled dry. Finally, after riding waves and waves of soothing ecstacy, it faded.
. . . The little one raised her head. "Full," she said sleepily.
. . . Warden glanced at Maus, who picked up the kit to carry her to the wash room.
. . . Both arms wrapped around her Master as he continued.
. . . Quietly, gently. He needs a secure spot on which to stand. My Harem Sisters and I can provide that.
. . . All too soon, it ended.
. . . "Sorry," he admitted.
. . . "It's all right. There'll be some for tomorrow," she soothed, "You look like the kit. Ready to fall asleep."
. . . "Yeah," he said.
. . . She carefully rolled him onto his stomach.
. . . "I'm afraid I'm too sleepy to Tame you."
. . . "You'll be fine in the morning. A good meal, a safe sleep, and everything will be fine in the morning," she told him as she slowly began massaging his shoulders and back.
. . . "Shouldn't I . . . "
. . . "I'll teach you, later," she said soothingly, "Just enjoy it. The two of us will look after you two," she told him as she worked. The other two returned and lay together on the bed. The kit clinging to the HeavenKat's chest, and the cat-type hugging the kit with her arms and wings. He laid his head down and let Warden's gentle hands rub or grind away all his tensions.
. . . The Mechamusume froze as the man cornered her in the hallway.
. . . "I understand your kind loves ancient artifacts."
. . . She relaxed slightly as the conversation moved out of realms she feared to talk about. "Yes. Things from your time, and before. They may be familiar to you, but they are of great interest to us."
. . . He produced a set of keys and jingled them suggestively.
. . . "Car keys?" she asked with near religious reverence at what she knew was a lure. "With a remote unlock."
. . . "No, but it's true as far as it goes," he replied, "What are Washu's intentions? She is guarded around her new, potential experimental subject, but she can't keep her mouth shut about how clever she is on other fronts. So she must have run her mouth about her plans for me."
. . . The girl turned away. She shook her head. "I can't"
. . . "What you said was true, but was not complete," he said and jingled the keys again, "These are keys to a car, that is in this world, was never made."
. . . The girl felt her heart thudding in her chest.
. . . "A fully operational - early 21st century - automobile. Not a restoration, not a knock off - stock, as it came from the factory. Owner's manual, maps from the era . . . " he told the girl, as he turned her around to face him. He smiled as the mixture of lust and greed stole over her face. "Half a tank of period gasoline. And - " He held up a small square of paper. "I can sign the title over to you. Right here, right now. Your's, all legal and above board, and not Washu's."
. . . The girl was rubbing her thighs together, thinking of what she could do with such a treasure. Then she remembered the price for the treasure. "I can't."
. . . "All protected by a cloaking spell that this key will shut off. And the coordinates within one yard, that will let you find it."
. . . The girl looked from him to the keys wondering if she should just tackle him to get the keys, or Tame him in the middle of the corridor.
. . . He jingled the keys again, drawing her back out of her thoughts. "All yours, legally, and above board. If you tell me about what Washu is planning." He smiled as her fear, lust and greed warred for control.
. . . Fear found itself outnumbered three to one, as decency added to the others forces. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."
. . . "What?" he demanded.
. . . He ran the whole way back to the cabin. He wrenched the door open, and the smell of scorched electronics again filled the room, and then poured out into the corridor with the smoke. Even a human's nose could lead him to the two half-melted Pokèballs sitting on the bathroom floor. He ran to the place they'd been hidden and found it empty. As he fell to his knees, he touched the ball he'd kept with him.
. . . "I'm sorry, I should have kept you with me," he told the two girls slain when their Pokèballs had been destroyed.
. . . His despair and grief turned to rage. He slammed and locked the door, then returned to the bed and pulled the BAR from beneath. He paused to stare at the rifle. His expression hardened, and he set it aside.
. . . She planned this, he realized as he calmed down, I'm supposed to act like an angry Tamer. But I'm not a teenager, I'm not a native, I can react as she doesn't expect. A way that will strike at her reputation and ego, and leave me free.
. . . He pulled out the remaining Pokèball and considered his next move.
. . . His packing was nearly done, when the knock came on the door.
. . . "Come in," he said as he packed the last of the necessities away. Especially the girl who climbed on his back as Kay entered.
. . . "I heard, I'm so sorry," the Nurse Joy said.
. . . "It changes nothing. After all, Pokègirls are just property. I shouldn't mourn two gone to a horrible fate," he told her as he walked to the door.
. . . "I thought you were different," she said quietly.
. . . "Oh no, I'm leaving you and your sister to face this alone," he told her as he walked towards his goal. A few yards short, Kay blocked the way.
. . . "I can't let you go further." She glanced at the rifle he had slung over his shoulder. "And especially not armed," Kay warned.
. . . He laughed, stunning her. "What? I'm supposed to charge in guns blazing, and take revenge for those two girls?" he asked, then laughed at Kay's expression, "I'm not going to do something stupid that will get me locked up 'for my own good'. I'm simply going to survive. I'll mourn the murdered innocents later."
. . . "Professor Washu said -"
. . . "Washu the Bungler had you or Eko destroy them because she thought they were the masterwork of her rival. She was completely - wrong," he interrupted, not shouting or even raising his voice, "I wouldn't take Washu's word that two plus two equals two squared, and I certainly wouldn't bother to listen to her explanation of such -"
. . . He kicked back as hard as he could, then turned around and kicked the fallen Supebra Genius in the guts. He ignored the retching Pokègirl. "Case in point. What kind of idiot stands behind someone to make a grand, 'surprise' entrance, and doesn't at least face sideways so someone can't kick them in the crotch like that?" He saw Eko coming up from behind, having followed the fallen Washu. "See, I didn't kick her in the head and damage that brain you worship." He turned back to Kay. "Let me tell you one other thing: Washu didn't kill those two, Eko did. There were only two other people aboard who could have gotten into that room, you and her. You wouldn't have used a blaster on a Pokèball, that leaves only one suspect." He ignored the gasp and look of betrayal from the Nurse Joy. "Irritating, but predictable that neither of you considered that if a squishy male and a little kit were able to defeat and capture two such monsters by ourselves, either the intelligence was wrong about them, or Washu continually lied to you. Someone like Washu would get the law to do her dirty work. I do wonder how she got hold of a blaster, and gave it to a cop without raising alarms. Those are supposed to be illegal. So if you two are so in love with the law, and the word of a corrupt authority, that you'd slaughter a pair of harmless innocents, I am not going to take my chances around you two!"
. . . "I -"
. . . "I had orders!" Eko shouted.
. . . "So did others, and 100 million died later. We put down what had raised up. I'm not hanging around to see you justify yourself. I'm leaving," he told them as he stepped around Kay.
. . . She caught his arm. "Where will you go?"
. . . "We're at 28,000 feet," Washu gasped as she tried to sit up. She wiped the vomit from her mouth. "You'll never survive the fall, and we're over the ocean, at night, you'll have no references."
. . . He pulled his arm free. "I'll take my chances. We're in International Waters. Your laws don't apply here. I agreed to accompany you, and you broke faith. You've been part of what Washu and her colleagues have planned," he replied, "Better out there, than here!" He walked to the external hatch.
. . . Eko rushed at him, but Isaik gestured, paralyzing the Officer Jenny.
. . . "I am here," she reminded them.
. . . Kay approached, but neither touched him, nor blocked the way. "Please. Don't do this."
. . . "Can you restore those two?"
. . . Kay hung her head. "No."
. . . "Then there's nothing to discuss." He opened the door and leapt into the freezing air, diving in a head down position. The chibi held tight as she silently counted down from 73.
G-SPLICED, the Mad Scientist's Experiment: the Heavenly Defender Dairy Cow Pokègirl (SERAPH/MILKTIT) BUST ANGEL
Type: Near Human
Element: Flying/Magic/Fighting (Celestial)
Frequency: Extremely Rare
Diet: herbivore, can digest almost any plant material
Role: results of experiments: defender of love and justice, milk producer, emergency food provider
Libido: High
Strong Vs: Bug, Dark, Ghost, Ground, Normal, Plant, Steel, infernal Pokègirls
Weak Vs: Electric, Flying, Psychic
Attacks: Bear Hug, Busting Out, Butter Up, Cream, Dive, Double Kick, Dynamic Punch, Evade, Focus Energy, Focus, Heal, Kick, Magic Fist, Magic Kick, Mana Bolt, Milk Drink, Mountain Hold, Punch, Reflect, Resist, Tackle, Typhoon, Warm Milk, Wrestle
Enhancements: Enhanced Strength (x15), Enhanced Speed (x3), Enhanced Reflexes (x4), Enhanced Durability (x5), Enhanced Intelligence (x3), Toughness, Semi-elastic skin, fast recovery, slight animalistic features, breasts produce from 1 to 15 gallons of milk per day; internal glands can alter the milk to various states
Evolves: Unknown (if at all possible)
Evolves From: Unknown (if at all possible)
. . . A G-Spliced is usually the result of some researcher's mad experiment. As being such all their important stat tend to be quite varied and such. This type of gene-splicing tends to have chaotic factors, so the outcome may very well be unexpected. Even to the creator.
. . . Hybrids: Are when two species of Pokègirls are combined. The result being something that's base is not exactly natural. Such as Griffins, in the early days before they developed into a viable species when their numbers climbed. As being there was no natural cat/bird creature before Sukebe. These are one of the more common categories of G-Spliced.
. . . Bust Angels appear as normal-looking girls with small, slightly curved horns and soft; leather-like skin; having long, flowing hair of any color, that tends to be light colored; eyes that can be any color, but typically their iris nearly fills their entire eye; long cow-like tail and large, feathery white wings. These wings are not part of their arms, allowing them to fly and attack simultaneously. However, doing so is more difficult for them than it would be for a true bird Pokègirl, so they are weak versus Flying-types. They are obviously muscled, but their toned form hides an incredible, disproportionate strength. They wear armor similar to the Seraph and Armsmistress, but the armor has a few drawback, as most breastplates don't handle the Bust Angel's major ability well. Most are quite busty, it's in their breasts that their real advantage and disadvantage comes from, and not just because they're spectacularly large.
. . . A Bust Angel's breasts are constantly lactating, producing delicious milk to drink. When milked completely, they are never smaller than a C-Cup, but it's rare to see them at such a comparatively small size. A Bust Angel produces up to 15 gallons of milk per day, they can choose to reduce the production, but never less than a gallon a day. Their breasts contain glands that can create milk-based healing potions, sedatives, hormone-affecting drug, or a hypnotics. Each breast can create a different effect, allowing them two a day (unless they aren't milked, then the effect remains until her breasts are drained). The skin of their breasts is surprisingly elastic, capable of easily supporting all 15 gallons of milk. A Bust Angel's breasts being that full is uncomfortable, becoming more painful the larger their breasts get, especially if they are wearing their armor. If their breasts go unmilked for more than a day, they cannot wear their armor over their chest, as a consequence, they will seek a milking every day. Any Pokègirl who drinks Bust Angel's hormone-affecting milk will lactate for roughly a week afterwards, their breasts swelling to accommodate the milk they're producing. The milk of those Pokègirls will not cause other Pokègirls to lactate, and their milk is merely normal, healthy and delicious. Unlike a Milktit, a Bust Angel can create milk that is merely nourishing to a Pokègirl who drinks it, and has no other effect.
. . . They are easy to feed in the field, their dietary needs easy to fulfill by simply letting them graze on nearby grass and trees, and the milk their breasts produce provides a much needed health boost.
. . . Bust Angels match the protective instincts of Seraphs, willing to defend the innocent people from those whom they consider evil, especially Infernals. Bust Angels take these duties very seriously, seeing their sacred responsibility to defend people from evil forces as paramount. They prefer to deal with preternatural evils over mundane ones, ignoring robberies and thefts in favor of hauntings, evil cults and especially, Infernal Pokègirls. They are disciplined enough to bide their time against Infernals, and will strike at the most devastating time in the most devastating method. They live by the dictum: Be as gentle as lambs, but as wise as serpents. Bust Angels mesh well with other celestial Pokègirls. Seraphs are their wise older sisters and a moral compass, while Angels and Blessed Pokègirls are treated as younger sisters. Megamis and such regard Bust Angels with worry that they prefer cunning, are too willing to 'see the forest, not the trees', and ignore the 'lesser' evils of the world. Bust Angels worry about the Megamis' tendency to smother and coddle their charges.
. . . They have good capacity for higher intelligence and tactics, and do well in a Harems, although they rarely make good Alphas, the majority preferring subservient roles in the Harem. They see themselves as guides, mentors and champions of the causes of good, convincing her Tamer and Harem-sisters to fight the same supernatural evils that she herself does. Bust Angels will tolerate a well-behaved Infernal in the Harem with her, but will always watch and be wary of her.
. . . In a fight, a Bust Angel's first concern is to get any innocent and noncombatant people out of harm's way. To this end, they will unhesitatingly place themselves in front of someone to protect them, trusting their defensive moves, such as Resist and Reflect, to help them withstand the assault, along with their Toughness enhancement. Injured innocents will be immediately Healed. Once noncombatants are off the field, woe betide the wicked. The Bust Angel will not carefully ramp up her attacks, especially if she's has had to bide her time with an enemy. She will attack to bring the fight to a successful conclusion, as swiftly as possible, especially if other innocents would be endangered by prolonging the fight. If it means wading into battle, using her various Punch and Kick attacks to pound her opponents into the ground, she will do that. If unable or unwilling to close the distance, she relies on Magic Fist, Magic Kick, and Mana Bolt to carry the day. She will often use Focus or Focus Energy to power up a move and then unleash it to devastating effect. Some will make their milk a powerful sedative or hypnotic, and will fire the milk from a short distance. Note, the milk must be taken internally to affect targets, so it must be swallowed or get into an open wound to be effective. They enjoy practicing their sniping with their Tamer, and occasionally their Harem-sisters.
. . . Completely unlike the Seraph, the Bust Angel is thoroughly at ease with Taming, although she fervently views it as something special to be shared with her Tamer, and her Tamer alone. If her Tamer wants a gang-bang, she will concentrate on him, and politely as possible, direct her Harem-sisters to see to him, or each other. Someone confusing a Bust Angel with a Seraph and using sex attacks, is likely to be pounded into a bloody pulp, if they don't cease and desist quickly enough. The only exception to this is being milked, which is an orgiastic experience for the Bust Angel when they are full or nearly full. They are more than happy to let any in the Harem, or any their Tamer asks for, to partake. Having their Master take them from full to empty is as effective and enjoyable as Taming. Part of this is the physical pleasure, part is that they will be able to return to full combat effectiveness. Despite their great strength, they never need to be restrained, even when Feral, they will never lose control so much their Tamer is injured.
. . . Feral Bust Angels are quite docile, but are both extremely curious and extremely skittish. Their need for milking may cause them to observe a Tamer or Harem for a time, and if they like what they see, they may simply walk up to them. If attacked, they will defend themselves. Even then, they tend to just use Punch and Kick, then Heal when the fight is over. Capturing a Feral Bust Angel may be as simple as thoroughly milking her, then using a Pokèball. They need no restraints when Feral, they are able to restrain themselves. Although when Feral they cannot speak, even their Breed name. There has never been a known case of a Threshold girl becoming a Bust Angel.
CLASSIFIED INFORMATION, REDACT FROM STANDARD POKÉDEX: This Pokègirl was one of Hild's experiments. Why the Legendary created a Celestial is unknown, unless she needed some aspect only present in the Seraph breed. Or she wanted a powerful Celestial breed who would owe her one, since all Bust Angels can also perform a ritual that allows a pair of them to contact Hild. With only a few minor problems noted above, it seems evidence that Hild's Superior Evolution spell is improving. Ironic that in a Celestial, Hild would gain success.
G-SPLICED, the Mad Scientist's Experiment: the Heavenly Frisky Defender Pokègirl (SERAPH/WILDCAT) HEAVENKAT
Type: Near Human
Element: Flying/Magic/Fighting (Celestial)
Frequency: Extremely Rare (individuals of this breed are all unique)
Diet: omnivore, preference for fish, eggs, milk, raw vegetables and similar products
Role: results of (usually illegal) experiments: Taming other Pokègirls in a Harem, defender of love and justice
Libido: Very High
Strong Vs: Bug, Dark, Ghost, Ground, Normal, Plant, Steel, infernal Pokègirls
Weak Vs: Electric, Flying, Psychic, domination attacks
Attacks: Bear Hug, Butt Wiggle, Caress, Ear Blow, Earlobe Nibble, Evade, Focus, Focus Energy, Fury Swipes, Go Down, Heal, Kick, Magic Kick, Magic Fist, Mana Bolt, Nipple Cripple, Punch, Purr Vibrations, Rapid Stroke, Reflect, Resist, Sex Attack 1, 2, 3, Sexy Hug, Slash, Spank, Tackle, Tongue-In-Ear
Enhancements: Enhanced Hearing (x3), Enhanced Strength (x20), Enhanced Speed (x5), Enhanced Reflexes (x8), Enhanced Sight (x3), Toughness, Endurance (x2), Night Vision
Evolves: Unknown (if at all possible)
Evolves From: Unknown (if at all possible)
. . . A G-Spliced is usually the result of some researcher's mad experiment. As being such, all their important stat tend to be quite varied and such. Also this type of gene-splicing tends to have chaotic factors, so the outcome may very well be unexpected. Even to the creator.
. . . Hybrids: Are when two species of Pokègirls are combined. The result being something that's base is not exactly natural. Such as Griffins, in the early days before they developed into a viable species when their numbers climbed. As being there was no natural cat/bird creature before Sukebe. These are one of the more common categories of G-Spliced.
. . . Like the Wildcat, HeavenKats have tan, soft, tawny coats, with a white stripe from collarbone, to chest, to belly, around and to just under her tail. Her eyes can be any color, but always have the distinctive slit pupil. All HeavenKats are quite busty, C- to D-cups. She also has long, flowing hair on her head, of any color, and the large, feathery white wings of a Seraph. Her wings are not her arms, so she can fly and attack simultaneously, although not without difficulty. Her downy fur hides her toned musculature.
. . . Because HeavenKats believe their fur is sufficient for modesty and decency, they never wear clothing, unless it's an extremely sexy get-up, or unless they have lost much of their fur. In the latter case, they will insist on clothing, until their fur grows back. While physically demonstrative, they cannot speak beyond making growling or purring noises. They cannot even say their breed name. While they can communicate, making patterns of noises for common words or ideas, it will take some work to develop this pattern. A Tamer willing to go to this trouble, rather than simply using a Telepath or sign language, will gain the girl's unmatched love and trust.
. . . HeavenKats match the protective instincts of Seraphs, willing to defend the innocent people from those whom they consider evil, especially Infernals. While they see themselves as having a sacred responsibility to defend people from evil forces, they are also much more sexually playful with their Tamer and Harem-sisters. A HeavenKat will often accidently rub against her Master or Harem-sisters, hug them and just purr, or if no one outside the Harem is watching, let her tail or wing just happen to brush against certain areas. If caught or accused, she will often grin and act apologetic, until the next time.
. . . A HeavenKat is a powerful fighter with her great strength and resistance to fatigue, her Toughness and Endurance enhancements, her defensive moves, and her ability to Heal herself. To some Tamers' chagrin, she adamantly divides combat into two classes: serious, against preternatural evils, those who've hurt her Harem-sisters or Tamer, and Infernal Pokègirls; and fun, against girls to be captured/befriended or in gym matches. In a serious battle, she will try to clear the field of noncombatants, then quickly wade into battle starting at range with Magic Fist, Magic Kick, and Mana Bolt until she can close the range to use her various Punches and Kicks. She will often use Focus or Focus Energy to power up a move and then unleash it to devastating effect. In a fun battle, she eschews combat, and focuses almost exclusively on sex attacks, and fights to bring her opponent to orgasm, even if they are pummeling her. She will use Resist and Reflect, but instead of hurting back, she will to do almost anything to bring her opponent off. With her wide range of sex attacks use of Focus Energy and enhanced Endurance, that's a virtual certainty. Like the Wildcat, her favorite finishing move to use is Purr Vibrations. After using her Go Down attack to begin licking and sucking her opponent, she will purr, letting it vibrate her rough tongue as she licks their crotch. Most opponents have little hope of fighting off orgasm from this technique.
. . . Unlike a Seraph, a HeavenKat lives for Taming, and presses for it every chance she gets. She understand that there are times and places that Taming is inappropriate, and will not ask where decorum should reign. But with a little discretion, these times and places are very few and far between (especially since she can easily carry two or three other people while flying), and her attitude is 'my Master wouldn't ask if it wasn't appropriate'. She is constantly looking to try new ways of Taming, with only the most outrageous of ideas being beyond what she's willing to do, although she'll prefer doing it in private, and avoids actually hurting her partners, unless that what they are really in to. Little excites her more than the thought of getting `caught` by her Tamer or Harem-sisters having sex, or having her Harem-sisters watch, and the naughtier the act, the better. Despite her Celestial nature, she loves getting attention, and is willing to work to get it. A HeavenKat makes a great choice to keep a Tamer's randiest Pokègirls sexually satisfied when he needs someone to fill in for him.
. . . NOTE, a Tamer should never have a HeavenKat and a Succubus in the same Harem. While they may seem to be taunting and one-upping one another as long as they are with others, if they are left alone for any length of time, they will initiate a no-holds-barred sex battle. If left alone long enough, fucking someone to death stops being a euphemism. The HeavenKat will continue sexing up a Succubus until one or both of them dies. No surrender will be accepted, and only a direct order from her Master will get the HeavenKat to quit, and only until the opportunity presents itself again. The most brutal and humiliating methods will be brought to bear to win, or kill. Only in this type of battle will a HeavenKat intentionally and deliberately hurt an opponent to bring them to orgasm. To the Succubus' dismay, a HeavenKat's Resist technique will make her immune to the Succubus's Energy Drain for the duration of the battle.
. . . While they get along well with other Celestial Pokègirls. HeavenKats worry most Celestials. They match a Seraph's zeal to fight evil, but the promises of 'fun' afterward makes Seraphs blush and lose their composure. For Angels, the Avengers and Elysians both seem embarrassed and confused by HeavenKats, and HeavenKats think both Orders 'don't quite get it', but A HeavenKat won't set out to antagonize members of either Order. Megamis and such regard HeavenKats with a sort of bemused confusion, HeavenKats think Megami need to loosen up with their loved ones and do more than look pretty and scheme.
. . . Despite being an attention-seeker, a HeavenKat is not at all interested in being Alpha. Preferring to playing guide and mentor, as well as having fun with her Tamer and Harem-sisters. Like the Seraph, she will persuade her Harem-sisters and Master to champion the causes of good and fight supernatural evils. She will tolerate an Infernal in the Harem with her, but will always watch her and be wary of her.
. . . Feral HeavenKats tend to avoid civilization, seeking out enemies to fight in the countryside. If attacked, they will fight back. Unless confronting an Infernal, they will see it as a fun battle. So a Tamer will often find himself Taming her out of being Feral. There has never been a known case of a Threshold girl becoming a HeavenKat.
CLASSIFIED INFORMATION, REDACT FROM STANDARD POKÉDEX: This Pokègirl was one of Hild's experiments. Why she created a Celestial is unknown, unless she needed some aspect only present in the Seraph breed. Or she wanted a powerful Celestial breed who would owe her one, since all HeavenKats can also perform a ritual that allows a pair of them (or one Bust Angel and one HeavenKat) to contact Hild. The irony of this breed is Hild may have approached her goal of no longer requiring Taming. While the HeavenKat urgently wants, will aggressively seek, and is desperately uncomfortable without twice-weekly Taming, she actually needs Taming a only few times in one month, every five years. Of course, if forced to hold back for all that time . . . she won't exhaust to death the first Tamer she couples with, but the issue will be in doubt until the HeavenKat is done.
Tamers G-Splice Inspiration: http://danbooru.donmai.us/data/afee1e28ceca32951b95205ed3f67202.jpg
EIDOLON, the Hild's Tattle-Tale Pokègirl
Type: Very Near Human or Animorph
Element: Magic/Dark (Infernal)
Frequency: Extremely Rare
Diet: Energy
Role: infiltration, spying, observing the world for Hild
Libido: Varies (None/High)
Strong Vs: Magic, Psychic, Normal, Dark, Ghost
Weak Vs: Fighting, Bug
Attacks: Glare, Leer, Nightshade, Greater Energy Drain, Smile, Reflect, Absorb, Imitate, Burst, Energy Blade, Force Bolt, (Cheer, Aura of Cute, Somebody Else's Problem).
Enhancements: Enhanced Speed (x5), Enhanced Reflexes (x6), Enhanced Durability (x2), Enhanced Intelligence (x4), Enhanced Endurance (x5), Enhanced Speed (x2), Magical Affinity, Total Recall, Longevity, Transmorph, (Pristine Innocence), Forced (De-)Evolution.
Evolves: None
Evolves From: Masui (Arcana Magica)
. . . They are transmorphs, having two forms: the young-appearing waif or cute, furry animorph; and the adult, Very Near Human tattletale form. Typically, they only change forms when the tattletale desires it, and the waif/animorph is completely unaware of her other form, but the waif can initiate the change if she becomes aware of the tattletale.
. . . Their waif-form is a doe-eyed, innocent Pokèkit, often appearing slightly undernourished, but healthy. She appears as one of the Very Near Human breeds with a mild Feral state (Bimbo, Ingenue, Megami, etc.), although a Pokèdex will only return an error message if she is scanned. If an animorph, she appears as an animalistic breed (Puppy, Kitten, Pia, etc.) just barely below Tameable age, although she tends to be more cute than beautiful, acting innocent and naive, and younger than her apparent age. Usually she is completely ignorant of the tattletale form and will attach herself to the target, serving loyally and cheerfully, except for a deep longing to 'grow up and be a `proper` Pokègirl for Master'. If forced to say her breed name, she will say the breed she is disguised as, not 'Eidolon'.
. . . Only the cute form possesses the Pristine Innocence Enhancement, and can use the Cheer, Aura of Cute, Somebody Else's Problem powers, and the last only if they have not attacked with their full power. They suffer from this tremendous cuteness, because until they display their full power, they will probably not be taken seriously. As one target who survived called the Ingenue-kit who single-handedly trashed a Mantis, 'DeathStar in a mini-skirt.'
. . . The true/tattletale form appears as a more adult/more human version of the Kit, lithe and voluptuous, they wear costumes to reveal as much of their bodies as they can get away with, while avoiding being naked. The tattletale's hair and skin can be any color, except the dual-toned skin of their mother. Their attitude is condescending towards those they've 'fooled' and they have nothing but contempt for the Kit form and her cheerful, happy, chirpy attitudes. If forced to say her breed name, in this form she will say 'Eidolon'.
. . . Once attached to her target, the kit's Feral state is so mild it's effectively nil. The 'tattletale' form's feral state is much more severe, Ferality causes serious physical discomfort, although not to the level of pain, add to that it psychologically causes a phobic reaction, described as 'being drowned in your uncertainties'. Generally, this ruins their effectiveness in any action other than defending themselves from direct attack. If forced to remain in tattletale form for more than a day, she goes Feral very quickly, a few days between Tamings are all that's required for the onset, and a week for full-blown Ferality. If the target is unaware of the tattletale form's existence, the tattletale will use magic to put the Harem and Tamer to sleep or in a Hypnotic state, then get thoroughly Tamed, which eliminates the Feral state in her and the kit. However, if the kit is somehow Tamed (Taming Cycle, magic, etc.) the tattletale form immediately enters the first stages of Ferality. Hild has not yet managed to correct this deficiency. And it has fueled speculation about Hild's Feral state and attitude toward Ferality.
. . . Like the Succubus, their condescension extends to the Taming, and they will attempt to dominate any encounter. However, with their odd Feral state, it is easy to use this against them, and while they will carry on piteously, a Tamer who can dominate them will gain their loyalty (although their loyalty to/fear of Hild remains unshakable). They have no specific sexual preference, although they are always eager to explore new techniques. As for the more painful sex techniques, they are vastly more eager to test these on others, rather than being on the receiving end.
. . . Their magical powers in either form are immense, leading a waif-form to be confused with members of the Card Captor line, however their magical styles are often very different from the Card-wielders. Although in truth, they can wield any magical device (including the cards) with great expertise. Both forms have access to a limited version of the Forced (De-)Evolution spell. If the effect is to be temporary, is may be cast without ceremony or evolution stones, and it will wear off in minutes to hours, depending on the stringency of the requirements of the evolution. If the evolution is to be permanent, the spell must be cast ceremonially, requiring hours of casting, any evolution stones normally required, and at least a pantomime of any action required (sex, battle, etc.) for the evolution. The stones are not consumed by the evolution, although all participants are exhausted by the event. Note, the spell can only move a Pokègirl up or down one rung of their normal evolutionary ladder, and Templates cannot be applied in any case (except the Chibi to an unborn child).
. . . That Hild's Tattle-Tale's true origin is known to League Officials must remain secret. Hild needed to see what was going on in the world from a 'ground-level' perspective. She developed the Eidolon by means of the Superior (de-) Evolution spell. While an outstanding success, it does have a few glaring weaknesses (although Hild views them as levels of control). That Hild created this breed using her Superior (de-) Evolution spell, indicates she is either closing in on a perfected version, or that she's been lucky or profligate with her experiments.
. . . The League officials have been eager to test the ceremonial version of the Forced DeEvolution spell on a Widow, but have been unable to assemble all the necessary elements. Although there have been reports that criminal groups have made attempts to use the Forced Evolution spell to catalyze the Arachnae's transformation, unsuccessfully, except one instance when the spider girl's Tamer was killed. This, rather than the spell is believed to have caused the Evolution, attempts to immediately reverse the Evolution, even temporarily were reportedly as ineffective as League-sponsored trials under more controlled conditions.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: I was intrigued by the suggestion that the main authors going to the PG world for real would be wonderful. My personal feeling is that this would definitely not be the case. There is such a thing as being a fish out of water. There's also the question of how we got there.
In this case the Sanctuary Goths decided that if they brought the authors over individually, brainwashed them and only then brought them together, they would have a godlike force to do their bidding. First would be to deal with Menace-type Legendaries (Typhonna, Hild, Jenova) and work down the list as their control solidified (Sexmet, MacCavity, MoanTwo, etc.). To say that Sanctuary's security wasn't all they hoped, and that the Legendaries were less than pleased by their intended fate is to put it mildly.
My initial assumption is that each of the Legendaries interfered with the transfer and subtly assists her champion, but also keeps a close eye on him/her, because there's always a chance that the S-Goths could be right, that bringing all of them together would give them the ability to alter the world. The only real powers of the Authors would be:
* Knowing what we know (as opposed to what's in the public sources, and where our characters/situations are and will be, etc.)
* Having a sense of when you're 'on-screen' and how the story is going to go (so if Typhonna shows up, and you know it's going to be a comedy, you might survive.)
* Your assumptions about how the PG world works are correct, around you. (I.e., you can't change the rules, but your interpretations of how they apply hold.)
* In the League you created, you're invisible to psychics and mystics who can't see you with the Mark 1 eyeball. (I.e., if they can't look at you, they can't find you by magic or psi-power.)
* Attempts to read an author's mind overwhelms the mind-reader, too much information, too many revelations about the nature of the universe. They go catatonic, insane, or die.
If I had infinite time to manage it, I'd put together a calendar and volunteer to manage the stories of the writer so if they met or hear rumors of others' activities, it would be appropriate. However, with my current schedule, I'd be the first to fall behind in writing my stories.