Author's note and disclaimer: Soup guys. I came up with this little gem of a piece from a thread on the Yahoo Group. Anyone who pays attention to all the threads on there should remember exactly what this is in reference to. I realize no one reads me all that much anymore, mostly because I don't really participate with meaningful dialogue, but you know how things go. I just do this for personal enjoyment and ego-trips. As always, I don't claim ownership to most things in here. Metro, the Yahoo Group, and all the other people that came up with these fine concepts are to blame, not me. Don't sue me, even if it's for your retinal damage from reading. I take no part in this. Your bleeding eyes are of your own fault. Who reads this disclaimer stuff anyway? Anyway, have yourself a wonderful day.
The Day in the Life of Richard Hung
The Sax
Richard Hung woke up feeling great. His amber eyes snapped open widely at the first slip of light that shone into his bedroom on his fathers' ranch. He lifted his covers off his smooth naked chest and sat up in bed to check the clock on his wall. 6:00 AM, for a boy on the ranch, this might have been sleeping in, but Richard really wanted to get a good night's sleep that night. He raised his arms up, opened his mouth and let out a yawn. He stretched his back out, his lithe but strong arms shot up into the air, reaching high. His long and immaculate fingers tangled between each other and pushed outwards. He slid out of his bed to wash up for breakfast.
Richard didn't wear anything when he slept. He found clothing bothersome, especially on him. He wasn't too keen on wearing clothes that were too constricting, so he usually only wore a long tunic that was more a dress than anything. When he was young, the kids at school didn't think much of it and the girls at the ranch thought it was cute, but by the time he was 13, a lot of people laughed. His long fire red hair that flowed from his shoulders probably didn't really help him look any bit more manly at all.
“Look at that boy, dressed up like a pre~tty li~ttle gir~ly.”
They danced around him, as any good group of masculine school children would around some effeminate girly boy. They pulled and tugged at the hem of his shirt, teasing him to show them if he wore panties or not.
Richard didn't wear panties though; he didn't wear any underwear, he just couldn't. Under the thick material of his tunic, Richard's dick hung low, almost half way to his knee. The other children were taken aback when they first saw it, and their ridicule of him being girly quickly stopped. They instead started calling him a new name: Big Rich.
The girls on the ranch, of course, didn't mind. As soon as they got a peek under his tunic, they vied for his attention. When he hit puberty, the girls especially enjoyed coaxing him to get hard. His shirt would quickly tent, and have his dick spill out from its quickly far too uncomfortable confines. They oohed and ahhed, licking their chops, not able to wait for the exciting times they would be having with such a beautiful luscious member.
Richard came from a long line of Ponytaurs and Rapitaurs, his mother, a particularly majestic one his father had taken as a wife from the ranch. All the horse genes in his lineage gave Richard a blood gift that was surprisingly never present in any of his ancestors; he was horse hung.
His member pulsated erect, and defied sensible physiology. His dick hung limp as thick as a good sized hot dog and its tip rested on his lean thighs. Hard, it grew to an amazing size, 16 inches long and 5 inches around. The pink tip of his cock dribbles as much precum as a waterfall flows during the spring and its veiny length was a joy for the girls on the ranch. As many as four would take him with their mouths and hands, stroking it and lubing it up.
When he came, he came buckets. Almost as if his dick was enchanted by some magic type, his cum fired out like champaign from a well shaken bottle. The Rapitaurs especially enjoyed that when he mounted them in their centaur forms.
Richard stepped into the shower and turned on the hot water. He liked to wake up to a hot shower in the morning to get his blood pumping. He took his wash cloth and scrubbed away, across his body. He especially took care to wash his dick, which liked to be teased and stroked to sate his morning wood.
Like a ritual, Richard set his cloth aside once he was done washing and grasped his quickly hardening dick with both hands and began to stroke. He let out a small groan as he enjoyed the feeling of water hitting his head and cascading down his hair and back. He enjoyed the feeling of his grip as his member got harder and harder.
“Ohh, fuck yeah...” He closed his eyes and slowly stroked over and over.
As the meat between his fingers got thicker and harder, his groans grew louder. “Ohhhhh.” His voice rose above the sound of his steaming shower. Completely hard now, he continued working on himself with his hands. Sometimes he would use his mouth, but tonight he was content with the hot water running between his strong hands, running up and down his immense shaft.
He felt his tip grow extremely sensitive and twitch. His entire length jumped as pleasure rippled from the base to his tip. A rivulet of cum splattered on to the shower wall in front of him. He heaved a strained growl as his cock twitched again, unleashing another splurt.
“Hnggh! hah, hah.” His dick coated the wall with his thick creamy cum before settling down into his hands, warm and content.
He took the shower head and washed his thick semen off, his cheeks blushing at just how much he came. It wasn't so much shame as his lingering afterglow of horniness that made him feel naughty for being such a dirty little boy in the shower.
Once he was done, he opened the shower door and grabbed himself a towel, only to find none on the towel rack. “Odd, I thought I left one there from last night,” he thought to himself. He drew the door open and looked around his bathroom.
“Hi Rich.” A tall young girl with creamy white skin stood at the door of his bathroom. She held Richard's towel, which she held teasingly in front of her body. She wore a green sundress with her mischievous little smile and her blonde hair was teased at the ends. She locked her eyes to his from across the room before taking a quick glance to the towel in her hand. “Looking for this?”
Richard gave smirk. “Oh you.” He drew the beveled glass door of the shower open completely to step out, still dripping. “Actually Tara, I am.”
Tara looked back to him, and let her gaze wander down towards his meaty member between his legs. “You played without me, I wanted some too you know.”She sauntered over to him to hand over the towel.
As Richard took the towel from her fingers, Tara reached down and held his limp cock, caressing it gently. They both giggled as Tara gently stroked it between her capable hands. Tara drew her hands away as she felt Richard's dick start to tense up and harden.
“Well, I just wanted to tell you, your mom and dad are waiting for you downstairs.” She winked at him and drew out of the bathroom.
Richard wiped himself down with the towel and dried out his dripping hair. He couldn't keep his parents waiting, so he pulled on a blue tunic from his closet and headed to the kitchen where his parents were waiting. Richard's dad, William, was head of Will Hung's Equestrian Ranch, a pokegirl ranch specializing in Ponytaurs. His mom was Rachel the Rapitaur that Richard's father had taken as an alpha so many years ago.
“Son,” William started everything he said to Richard with that. “I think it's time you take your next step in life. It's time you got yourself an alpha and take on the work for the family ranch.”
Richard looked up at him. “What do you mean dad?”
His father cleared his throat, “That is, Son, you have a gift. You can keep the girls on this ranch in line. So I want you to do that.” He quickly added after a pause, “Today!”
“Dad, this is so sudden. I mean, I still have school... I can't work full time!” Richard had a point, his grades pointed to a career with a salary as large as his dick if he played it right.
“Son, I am disappoint-” William looked over to Tara who was standing by the door. “Tara is disappointed in you.”
“I am?” Tara looked over at the two.
“She is?” Richard looked right back at her.
Tara's eyes betrayed a confused look as lost as Richard's.
“Yes, she is.” Richard's father looked over to her. “Son, she was hoping that you would make her your alpha.”
“Really...?” Richard recognized a ruse when he saw one.
William sat in his seat, nodding. His eyes pled to Richard, the virility of the ranch depended on him. He NEEDED him to stay home to take care of the ranch.
Richard looked over to Tara, who was looking out the window, to her sisters that were outside, frolicking. She wished she could join them about then. Tara didn't know how to break the tension. William's head was still nodding, like a bobble head on the dashboard of a crashing airship.
Richard stood up from the table and started out the door, past Tara. He has chores to do, regardless of whether he was the heir of this ranch, but he wasn't going to take over for his lazy father until he felt he was ready. His father tried to stop him, but he was gone by the time he could blurt out a stilted “Son.”
As Richard walked down to the field to start his chores, the girls he passed turned their heads. Most of them were ponytaurs and rapitaurs in their centaur form. They grinned and smiled as he passed by, some of them waved. “Hey Big Rich!” They would giggle to themselves like bashful, love-struck school children as they went up to him.
“Want us to help you with a load Master Richard?” Two new ponytaurs approached him as he shoveled some hay into a pile.
Richard looked over to them. He felt sorry for them, the older girls didn't warn these girls what he did to girls that tried to put the moves on him. “Sure girls. Take this pitchfork, and shovel up the hay into a pile here, there, and there.” Before the girls could get a word in edgewise, he strode off. “Thanks!” He waved his hand back at them.
He took a walk out into the thicket close by. Richard liked to go into the thicket alone, where he could take a nap or do some thinking. He settled down under a cedar tree and looked up at the morning sun that flittered through the branches above. He let his mind wander there, his concerns and fears, as well as his dreams and hopes came alive in his mind.
His father was controlling, it was always “Son, this” and “Son, that.” He wanted to break free. He wanted to get off, of this ranch, of this life. It was all because of his AWESOME member, which, to him, just got in the way. Sure, he could fuck a Ponytaur like a real horse, but Richard thought he was more than that. He wanted to care about who he was fucking, and why he was fucking. There was no fucking way that his fucking father, would fucking understand his fucking; he wouldn't give a flying fuck about that.
Tara poked her head out of the bushes. She looked around to make sure the coast was clear and lied down next to Rich. He broke his train of thought and looked over to Tara as she joined him. Tara smiled and gave a simple “Hi.”
Richard sighed, “It's not like I don't want to be with you or anything.”
Tara shushed him before he could go on. “I know Rich, I've known and understand since I first came here. You just don't want to be here.” She heaved a sigh too. “I mean, your father commands me around just as much as he does to you.”
The two lay in silence, Tara drew her hand over to Richard's hand. They held hands.
“If I could, I would run away,” Richard said. He drew his hand up with Tara's. “With you, of course.”
Tara cooed in mock embarrassment. “Daww, that would be a nice gesture.” She grinned, “But that wouldn't be quite equine to all the other girls here, now would it?”
Richard snorted a laugh, “I guess not.”
They lay there holding their hand up, their gazes fixed on their intertwined fingers.
“So what about what we're doing right now?” Tara asked. “Is this equine?”
“No,” Richard grunted, “I don't think this is quite equine.”
“So what would be?”
Richard thought a moment. “If I mounted everyone like a stallion...”
They both giggled.
“Mount everyone? Including me?” Tara smirked as she tightened the grip of her hand.
Richard gave her a nod. “Yeah.”
“Well, how would you mount me?” She drew her body closer, her eyes focused on his like a curious child's inquisitive stare.
“Well,I would come up behind you, while you're in your centaur form, and plug my fat cock into you.” Richard felt he was getting excited. “Then I would plunge in and out of you, my hips bucking wildly until I make your delicious cunt seep with my cum.”
Tara pressed up against him, she felt Richard's hardening member from under his tunic. She made a little cooing noise when she felt it through the fabric of his shirt. Rich pressed up against her and felt her body on his member. They indulged the moment of intimacy, their breaths getting shallow as they both felt his dick getting bigger and harder.
“Hold on,” Tara said. She slid off of him and stood up. She slid her arms into her sundress and drew the garment over her head and off of her milky-white body. She threw her dress off to the side and stood in front of Rich.
Richard watched on, his eyes fixed on her form. She started to glow as her body changed shape, she taller, and her waist changed shape; it grew longer, her legs becoming quadruped and hoofed. Soon, Tara had finished transforming into her centaur form. She knelt down so that she could draw Richard up to her face too kiss.
“So how were you going to take me?” She whispered into his ear before moving around to draw him into a kiss.
Richard wrapped his tongue around hers and let himself be taken away by lust. They had to break the kiss, only for the split moment that his tunic split the two mouths apart as Tara drew it up and over him. His now hard cock met Tara's warm golden hide at the base of her abdomen and up her smooth stomach.
Tara drew her head away, her breath short in excitement. “Ohh Richard, I can tell you're excited.” She giggled as she traced her lithe fingers around his shaft.
They separated from each other and Tara nimbly spun around her horse's end toward's Richard. Her tail flickered at him, motioning him to come over to her. She twisted her waist around and drew her hand up telling him to come closer. Richard was more than happy to oblige.
He drew up to her, his cock seemingly defying gravity as he slid it between her legs. He felt her soft belly as he rubbed the side of his cock against it. She groaned bending her legs down trying to rub up closer to him. He groaned, “ohhhh yeah.” The feeling of flesh on flesh intoxicated him.
He leaned over onto her, his hands caressing Tara's soft and warm rump. He nuzzled her with his cheek and buried his nose in her hide. “You smell so nice.”
“Stop that, I'm dripping for you Rich,” she moaned.
“That's what I smell.” Richard grinned as he lifted his head up to peer up at her.
Tara's human half was arching up over her animal half. She strained to keep her legs up, her upper body losing strength as she felt Richard's loving touch below her.
“Hurry up.” Tara groaned as her entire body shook. “Pump me with you AWESOME horse cock.”
Richard's resolve to keep teasing her was melting like chocolate in a fondue pot. He felt his member quiver, telling him to stick it in before he lost his load without even going in. He grabbed his length and positioned it at the opening of her sweet, hot, pot. He stuck his skewer into her, dipping into the creamy insides. He wanted to coat his tip with a healthy portion of her delicious sauce.
“Oh god yes!” Tara felt her insides getting filled up. Richards AWESOME cock pushed in, spreading her wide, like no human could ever do. She sank into him, his firm length snugly sliding in with her juices.
She started slow,with her hips,moving ever so slightly, savoring the feeling of slick flesh on slick flesh. She kept going until it became torture for the both of them. “I want to savor this like how we are going now till forever.”
But Richard couldn't hold it anymore. He needed to thrust himself in deep and hard. His AWESOME cock twitched in excitement, and he drew himself out and back before plunging into her hard. She made a lewd wet sound of his well lubed pole drove into her. His second thrust came, and his third, then a fourth, fifth, sixth.
As he picked up speed, Tara had to do everything she could to keep herself from losing control and bucking her lower body. Her horse pussy quivered as his AWESOME cock plowed her AWESOMEly. “OH YES, THIS IS SO AWESOME!” She cried out from the AWESOME pleasure his AWESOME cock gave him. This was the most AWESOME fuck she had ever had.
“Oh yes!”Richard drove in his AWESOME dick, he felt his AWESOME orgasm coming in fast like a pair of AWESOME jet fighters making a pass at an enemy ammo dump in an AWESOME display of firepower.
His pulsating length drove in locked in on delivering his torrential passions. He let out a groan and a gasp, as Tara felt herself cumming a tenth or so time – she wasn't sure, she lost count.
“THIS IS AWESOME!!” Richard screamed as he came.
Tara whinnied in a passionate orgasm. “AAAAAWWWWESSSSOOOOOOME~!”
Their fit of passion lasted as they thrashed in the small clearing in the thicket until they crashed down onto the soft dirt below. Richard's dick slid out of with a wet schlick. Their moans of pleasure were replaced with their pants of exhaustion.
Richard lay on top of her warm side, enjoying the afterglow of smelly, hot, AWESOME horse sex. As they caught their breaths,they felt the cool summer spring breeze pass through the trees. They lay there silent relishing the sudden sense of peace that overcame their spent bodies.
They had fallen fast asleep.
As the sun began sinking, Richard drew up from Tara. They felt the chill of the evening cool coming in.
“Hey wake up.” Richard roused her up.
“Hmm?” Tara was still a little groggy as she woke up.
They put back on their clothes, teasing each other as they did. Richard drew on his tunic as Tara transformed back into human form. They made their way through the thicket and walked back out into open ground.
They saw smoke. A group of men in black suits were milling around the fields, herded girls and captured them in pokeballs. Intermittent attacks sprung up, but the ranch was on fire and chaos seemed to reign. Tara and Richard looked to each other. Team Trauma.
The two charged down the hill towards the ranch house. Tara transformed into her centaur form. Tara charged ahead galloping through the offending vandals as Richard ran up behind. They fought their way up to the ranch, which was ablaze.
The Team Trauma crew was just about done packing as they got there, the sound of grav-cycles thundered as they made their hasty escape with a sizable collection of Will Hung girls. Richard made it as far as the door to the wooden ranch house. His father was inside, trapped under a mess of burning beams.
“Dad!” Richard tried to run in but the blaze kept him away.
“Son, it is too late for me.” He shouted.
“No, I'm going to get you out of there!”
“Son, it is too late. Your mother is already under here. I fear the building will collapse any second.” He groaned like the wooden structure of the building. “Son, I want you to get out of here, and track down who did this. Kill them!”
Richard tried to go in, but to no avail; the blaze licked at his flesh, warning him to stay away. The building creaked and moaned one final time before collapsing.
Richard screamed. Tara had to hold him back from joining his father's demise.
The fire didn't die down for a while, it continued to burn through the night and it's embers glowed with the light of dawn. Some of the girls that had escaped the attack made their way back to the remains of the ranch to find Richard on his knees in front of the smoldering rubble. He was furious with Team Trauma, with himself.
Tara stood over him, cradling him in her arms. The comfort she could give him, though, was nowhere near enough.
“I'll make them pay.”
Richard stood up suddenly. His form rigid with anger.
“Richard?” Tara drew her hands up, grasping his hand, holding it tightly.
“Don't call me that. Richard is dead. He died in the fire with rest of the Hung family.”
“What?” Tara drew on his arm, she was suddenly afraid.
“My name is Dick Long, and I'm here to cock slap those Team Trauma sons of bitches with justice!”