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- Written by: Grim
Alrighty, we have a cookie based site age check.
If you think it's too.. off. Let me know, we'll modify it. It'll re-ask the question when you delete the cookies, or once every 90 days.
We also have a commenting system set for blog posts only
If you have had any issues with posting your article - the formatting is off, etc - let me know. There's an alternative editor that fixes the problem for many. I may just enable it for everyone without warning.. so weigh in.
Notation: All authors are welcome to post to the blog.
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- Written by: Xi McKantis
Hey, it works! It's amazing what you can find when you open your eyes and pay attention.
I would first like to thank our hosts for the excellent work they have done with this new site, and am excited to see what they come up with in the future.
Now then, while skimming through a chapter to double check my formatting (an issue I will hopefully get figured out soon, though I'm pretty sure this is going to be a painful thing to watch), I noticed the misuse of "Than" and "Then" several times in only a few paragraphs.
What this means is I will be posting File Name: Havok one chapter at a time as I find time to edit them and get rid of all those nasty little errors that my High School English teacher would probably slap me for. This also means that as soon as I get Chapter 11 posted, I will buckle down and finish up Chapter 12. I complain about it a lot, but Writer's Block should be a classified as a legitimate disease, because I have a terminal case.
Now to find the edit button for the pages I've already posted...
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- Written by: Socom.Seal
At the moment, I am having trouble creating books, so hopefully Chapters 1 and 2 of Gunbunnies and Rosebreasts will be up soon.
Also, can anyone recommend a good psychiatrist? I need to find a way to stop doing stupid things that mess up new systems I don't fully understand...
To all other authors: DO NOT create a book unpublished until I can figure out what the heck I did. It has apparently screwed me over to the point that I can not make any new ones. Still trying to figure out why that happened.
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- Written by: Grim
We use a module called AuthorList here - makes a page for each author and collates some work etc.
Currently, it only sorts by anything but Alphabetical order. I've brought the bug up in supportforums for the software and it will likely be attended to soon.
I'm working on adding a legal disclaimer popup. Was anyone interested in a shoutbox or similar?