Category: PokeDex
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(Insert name here) MILF, the Motherly (insert title here) Pokégirl
Type: As Base Type
Element: As Base Type
Frequency: Rare
Diet: As Base Type
Role: Homemakers, Childcare, Babysitters, Cooks
Libido: Average
Strong Vs: As Base Type
Weak Vs: As Base Type
Attacks: Sing, Cheer, Yell, Recover, Love N Affection, Anti-Cheer, Sexy Hug, Go Down, Puff Puff, Soothing Voice, Eternal Softness, As Base Type
Enhancements: Enhanced calm and patience, Minor psychic abilities (precog/truth sight), Aura of Calm, Aura of Command (Pre-pubescents only), Innate Childcare knowledge, Enhanced Appearance, As Base Type
Evolves: None
Evolves From: Any (Must be pokewoman, gaining permanent custody of children/pokekits in some way and accepting responsibility for them)

All MILFs are pokewomen, but not all pokewomen are MILFs. Also known as Matrons, a pokewoman gains this template not through battle or sex, but from taking on the responsibility of raising children or pokekits. Seen as a more desirable template for any breed to obtain, MILF pokewomen are viewed favorably in most leagues due to their dedication to rearing children and their overall calm demeanor. Even Gynadose who become MILFs are known to be much more calm and controlled than their pokegirl counterparts. Research has shown that the template is available to all pokewomen, but only to pokewomen, as it seems to be the effect of second puberty -Researchers lean towards a hormonal activity- that opens up this template's availability.

The MILF template is a subtle one, enhancing the pokegirl's looks into a more attractive version of their breed for their age. Their breasts increase slightly, and hips widen somewhat, but other than that the physical changes are almost non existent. While they retain their physical beauty and sexual skills, they gain skills and instincts in domestic situations that are invaluable, particularly when it comes to dealing with children. MILF pokewomen have a strong nesting instinct, as once they take responsibility of a child they want to settle down and take care of their child. They have a light precognitive ability that allows them to see when damage is coming to the home and how, which in turn spurs them into preventing it. This can be anything from a child about to do something stupid which will result in them getting hurt, or a tornado heading for their house. MILFs cannot be surprised by anything negative, and are always prepared. They NEVER get rattled, no matter what the situation, and thanks to their Aura of Calm, these pokewomen can keep others from panicking as well. In addition to their calm demeanor, they also have a greater sense of patience. Very little can cause them to loose their cool, and this is speculated to be due to their naturally calm demeanor.

Frequently seen in orphanages, daycares, and other childcare facilities, MILF pokewomen are found to be good at keeping children and pokekits in line, thanks mainly to their Aura of Command ability. This aura allows the pokewoman to discipline pre-pubescent with just a few words, though most children follow what a MILF pokegirl has to say to avoid a dreaded lecture. Mousewives, Denmothers, and Neko Cennecos are frequently paired with them in day care centers, as they can be trusted to not only take care of the children, but keep them in line as well, though the template's Aura of Command only affects those who haven't gone through puberty. It's speculated that the MILF pokewoman uses her patience and calm to keep everything in running order.

In addition to this, they cannot be lied to by anyone. They can always tell when someone is lying, even dark types. Researchers are currently baffled at this ability, as it is listed under a mild psychic ability, but it isn't obvious if this is merely an enhanced form of a mother’s natural instinct or a true psychic ability, or even a magical one, that is exclusive to MILF pokewomen.

The feral state of a MILF pokewoman is much like that of her previous form, though feral MILF pokegirls are notably less violent than their pokegirl counterparts. They do tend to take up abandoned pokekits, usually those left behind by tamers catching the mother pokegirl or pokewoman without knowledge of the hiding pokekit. These templated ferals wind up having large and varied broods, only allowing her charges to leave her care once they go through puberty and become pokegirls. One thing that both ferals and tamed MILF pokegirls have in common however, is that if any children in their charge is threatened, they will fight fiercely to protect them. It is believed that the phrase 'Never underestimate a Johto League Mousewife' came from a Mousewife MILF as told in the urban legend where the pokewoman in question fought off a group of feral Wildcats and actually ran the feline pokegirls off from threatening her two children and pokekit.