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(insert name here) SYMBIOTE, the Parasyte-Bonded (insert title here) Pokégirl

Type: as per base type
Element: Dark/base type
Frequency: Very Rare
Diet: Parasyte feeds on emotions and pheremones, rest of diet varies depending on host. Host gains a great love of chocolate.
Role: as per base type, if applicable, Heavy combat
Libido: Increased from base type
Strong Vs: Psychic, plus base type “Strong Vs”
Weak Vs: Fire, sonic attacks, plus base type “Weak Vs”
Attacks: Bite, Crunch, Acid Tongue, Beast Rush, Invis, Fury Swipes, + base type’s techniques
Enhancements: Host Enhancement (+5 to Strength, Durability, Endurance, and Agility), Metamorph (limited), Natural Weapons (Claws, tentacles, fanged maw), Poison Glands (Acid, salivary), + base types enhancements
Evolves: Whatever the base type evolves into
Evolves From: Parasyte bonding to a host

Symbiote is the hesitant classification for a Pokégirl or human bonded to the amorphous Pokégirl known as a Parasyte, since essentially they become a single entity with two minds. A Pokégirl can only become a Symbiote if they accept the Parasyte completely, allowing it to bond with them on a molecular level. Generally it’s only Pokégirls that Parasytes bond with, although humans of both genders can bond with a Parasyte as well. However, humans that bond with Parasytes sometimes become high-libidoed Pokégirls, although this occurs primarily in females, with males being very rare cases. Only recently were Symbiotes added to the official Pokédex, as Parasytes and their hosts are normally secretive.

Symbiote only became the accepted template name for this type of Pokégirl, as studies have shown mutual benefit for both host and Parasyte. One advantage is that the current strength, durability, endurance, and agility ratings of the host are increased by 5, with corresponding increases in muscle size. The host, thanks to the Parasyte’s morphic abilities, can change their Parasyte’s form into regular clothing of any kind or style they wish. Symbiotes also have the ability to turn invisible for brief periods of time, by covering themselves completely with their Parasyte and using its camouflage abilities to blend in completely with their surroundings. Hosts can withdraw their Parasyte completely into their bodies, allowing for removing clothes for Taming to become much easier. Hosts can also morph their hands into long, thick, razor-sharp claws and morph their jaws into massive, fang-filled maws which contain a long, slightly extendable tongue capable of secreting acid. The tongue’s extension range is very short, nothing like that of a LickingTongue. This is usually done while the host completely covered by their Parasyte, although some meaner Symbiotes have been known to do this while their Parasyte isn’t covering them. Symbiotes also can manifest long, thick tentacles, allowing for longer range attacks and for tentacle bondage attacks as well.

Symbiotes are strange Pokégirls, psychologically speaking. Hosts can occasionally be viewed having seemingly one-sided conversations with themselves, when in actually they are speaking with their Parasyte, which is a sentient organism in and of itself. Symbiotes tend to refer to themselves as ‘we,’ referring to their host/Parasyte bond. Higher level Symbiotes studied by Psychic Pokégirls have an almost total mental unity between host and Parasyte. All Psychic-types studying the high-level Symbiotes reported that they had trouble telling the difference between the thoughts of the host and the thoughts of the Parasyte.

Parasytes subsist primarily on strong emotions and pheromones, although they supplement their diets with whatever their host eats. Due to this need for the Parasyte to satisfy her dietary needs, Symbiotes tend to become more outgoing, extroverted, daring, and in some cases, downright rash. Symbiotes LOVE sex, as they are experiencing the sensations of two Pokégirls at once, both the host and the Parasyte. Any Pokégirl host bonded to a Parasyte gains a dramatic increase in their libido. Also, strangely enough, Symbiotes simply adore chocolate of any kind. An offer of chocolate can get a Symbiote to do whatever the person wants, no matter how humiliating it would be normally. Being covered in chocolate and having their partner lick it off of them, or conversely, a partner covered in chocolate and being allowed to lick him or her clean, is a tremendous turn-on for a Symbiote.

Symbiotes, all benefits aside, gain two major weaknesses. They gain a weakness to Fire no matter what their type is normally. This is not to say that Parasytes cannot bond with fire-types, even with Fire-types that have open flames on their bodies (such as CharAmandas), they just have to be very cautious about it. A CharAmanda Symbiote studied show that whenever she used a flame attack, the Parasyte retracted from wherever it was covering that the flame attack came out of. Also, the Parasyte did not take complete shape around the tail of the CharAmanda. They cannot bond with Magmammaries due to their intense body heat. As a side note, thankfully, it’s been discovered that Parasytes cannot bond with Widows due to their extreme body toxicity. This, however, does not mean that Parasytes cannot bond easily with Poison-types.

Another weakness Symbiotes have is sonic attacks. Something about sonics disrupt the molecular bonding a Parasyte has with their host, causing great pain to both. A steady sonic attack can knock out a Symbiote in a few minutes.

Guyver-bonded Pokégirls cannot become Symbiotes, nor can Guyvers bond with Symbiotes. Their very genetic structures are incompatible, making a combination of a Guyver-bond and Parasyte-bonding impossible. Although if both a Guyver-bonded or Parasyte-bonded Pokégirl end up in a harem together, they can get along well enough.